Chapter 24 Big Brother Heart Knot 3

  Xia Qingyao didn't deliberately disguise, Song Lao Taijun cut off her and Xia's mother's food and clothing expenses, and she and her mother had a rough meal every day, can you not be haggard?

   Seeing that Song Jingxian noticed, Xia Qingyao's face changed in surprise, he hesitated to speak, and raised his hand to pour him tea, "Brother Shizi, let's drink tea first."

  Song Jingxian looked at the teacup handed over to her. It was made of the worst quality tea leaves, the kind that the servants in his yard wouldn't drink.

   He raised his eyes suspiciously, "The servants in your courtyard despise you so much that they usually give you this kind of tea?"

  Xia Qingyao's cheeks were flushed, and she looked embarrassed, and said timidly, "Everyone in my courtyard has been sent away. This is the most precious tea I can find."

   "When did it happen?" Song Jingxian frowned, how could he do without a servant.

  Xia Qingyao grabbed the handkerchief and said, "Don't ask, brother Shizi, I can cook, do laundry and take care of my mother by myself. It doesn't matter if I have servants or not."

   These words are wonderful, they seem to be understanding, but in fact they completely analyze her tragic situation.

  Song Jingxian had a gloomy face, "If you don't tell me, I'll go check it out."

Xia Qingyao's eyes immediately turned red, and she had no choice but to tell the truth, "On the second day after I fell into the water, I don't know why the servants in my yard disappeared, and the kitchen was ordered not to bring meals to me and my mother. It's been a long time since I had a full meal."

   "Song Zhao is at work again." Song Jingxian's expression was not overbearing, and his benefactor was very embarrassed because he was suffering, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

   "Brother Shizi, it doesn't matter who you are. Don't ask Sister Zhaozhao for me. I don't want Sister Zhaozhao to misunderstand me all the time. As long as she is happy, I can do anything."

  Xia Qingyao kept saying that she didn't care, and actually fanned Song Jingxian's fire.


  Song Jingxian came to Zhaoyang Courtyard and saw at a glance that Song Zhao was weeding with Song Jinfu in the field.

   He was in a trance for a second, feeling that the picture was inexplicably dazzling.

   "Big Brother." Song Jinfu saw Song Jingxian first, and immediately got up and walked over to greet him.

  Song Jingxian didn't return the salute, he strode to Song Zhao and looked down at her, "Song Zhao, can't you stop for a while?"

  Xingshi's tone of guilt.

  Song Zhao did not get up immediately, but after a long while, she stood up unresponsively.

  The girl's white skirt was stained with mud, and it smelled a bit of fireworks.

   Her black and white cat eyes stared straight at Song Jingxian's gloomy eyes, and asked casually, "What do you mean by that?"

Song Jingxian looked at Song Zhao who could be said to be well-behaved and sensible in front of him, and his heart was a little stunned, "I heard someone say that you have been very quiet these days, but it has only been a few days, and it has started again, right? "

  Song Zhao looked at him strangely, "What did I do?"

Seeing Song Zhao's innocent expression, Song Jingxian took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "You think I don't know that you sent the servants in Yaoyao's courtyard, and it was you who ordered the kitchen not to give them to them. Food, are you planning to starve their mother and daughter to death?"

"Big brother, you are not allowed to kill the little sister." Song Jinfu stood in front of Song Zhao, disregarding the rules to fight for Song Zhao, "I know the character of the little sister, she won't do these things behind her back, she really wants to deal with Xia Qingyao , will do it directly."

   Song Jingxian looked at the scene of Song Jinfu and Song Zhao sharing the same hatred, as if something had blocked his heart.

   His lips tightened and his voice lowered, "Song Jinfu, I'm talking to Song Zhao, it's not your turn to interrupt."

   (*︶*). .:*Thank you guys for your votes.

   Yesterday, it was almost a ticket to add the conditions, so today it will be 4000 to add.



   (end of this chapter)

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