Chapter 246 Death of Mother Xia 7

  Song Zhao: ⊙⊙!


   She just wanted him to give him a hand, how come the skin-to-skin touch is through the clothes.

   If you don’t want to help, you don’t want to help. As for using such a low-minded excuse?

  Siyu didn't seem to feel the resentment of the little girl.

   ruthlessly turned around and left, like a big pig's hoof with no emotion.

   In the end, Bi Qing helped Song Zhao down.

   She was very angry, feeling like she was hit with a 10,000-point crit.

   This is the only minister?

   Si Xiaolangjun, what a minister did was too disrespectful.


  The auspicious time for the wedding banquet has not yet arrived, and the entire Yin Mansion is already crowded.

  Because it is the Prince Taifu Xuxian, he will not worship heaven and earth like the first marriage.

   Just at the auspicious time, a pair of newlyweds and everyone toast one by one.

  Because Mother Xia did not have a family, she canceled the project of picking up the bride, and directly arranged Mother Xia in the new house.

   There are quite a lot of powerful people attending the banquet, and the male and female relatives are in two different places.

  According to the rules, after the female family arrives, they will go to the new house to add makeup to the bride.

   On the female family's side, Xia Qingyao entertained and led the way.

   Today can be described as her highlight moment, dressed even more grandly than a bride.

   Yun temples and gold hairpins, jewels, full of smiles.

   There were voices of congratulations all around. Although many people were not ashamed of Xia Qingyao's identity, she would be the daughter of the prince's grandfather after today.

Seeing Song Zhao, she stroked her delicate and expensive shirt and skirt, and shook the fan, "Sister Song Zhao, it's been a long time, Yaoyao really misses you, today is my mother's happy day, what do you think? Say?"

   She said, and glanced at Song Zhao proudly.

   The bright and gorgeous jacket made of Shu brocade that Song Zhao is wearing today was once beyond her reach in her dreams.

  It will be different later, she can also wear silk and satin every day, full of pearl hairpins.

   She is the daughter of a righteous and powerful woman.

   No need to be jealous of anyone anymore.

   She thought Song Zhaoding would show an angry expression.

   However, the other party just looked at her very calmly, "Oh, congratulations."

   This made Xia Qingyao a little frustrated, and did not choose to lead Song Zhao, but squeezed the handkerchief and took Song Zhao to the new house.

  In the new house.

  Mother Xia was also dressed up, looking at the luxurious and expensive makeup gifts all over the place, smiling from ear to ear.

  The day is pitiful.

   Call her a humble widow, and she can also have this situation and become a noble lady.

After Xia Qingyao brought Song Zhao in, Mother Xia spoke like an elder, "It's Zhao girl, Yaoyao and you can be boudoir sisters again in the future, you are young, you have to respect Yaoyao, you know? Don't talk to you again. Yaoyao can't make it through."

   Song Zhao's indifferent face.

   Out of courtesy, she put the prepared makeup gift on the table.

  Mother Xia immediately took it apart and found that it was just an ordinary plain silver hairpin.

   immediately said critically, "Is the Song Mansion bankrupt? Asking you to send such a **** thing to prevaricate and fool me? You just don't take Mrs. Ben in the eye."

  Song Zhao said indifferently, "The so-called makeup is about affection, and the value depends on the relationship between you and me. How can Madam Xia become a lady by any means, and don't even know the basic rules?"

   Mother Xia froze.

  Song Zhao expressed the meaning that even if you become a lady, you can't learn the upbringing of a lady, which made her tremble all over.

  She has changed from a pheasant to a phoenix, and the most taboo thing is the contempt of outsiders, and the most unacceptable insinuation of her origin.

   There is also the sentence of becoming a lady by any means, as if to lift her fig leaf.

  The female relatives who came to add makeup all around, tacitly showed a mocking smile.

   Today is stuck, 10,000 words failed.

   10,000 words tomorrow!



   (end of this chapter)

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