Chapter 261 Siyu Confession 10

   It is not an easy task to carve Song Zhao's appearance with imperial green.

  Siyu used almost 80% of his internal strength, and it took an hour to complete.

   Fist-sized imperial green, carved into a miniature Song Zhao.

   Although it doesn't match his appearance, it is 80% similar.

  The naive little statue was quietly trapped in Si Yu's palm.

   Like... something in his hands.

  Siyu's pale face showed a smile.

The    fingertips gently rubbed the statue, the dark black pupils, with almost crazy affection.

   He leaned over, his lips rested on the statue, and he kissed lightly.

   half sound.

   The young man's throat rolled, and there was an untraceable sigh, a low voice that almost muttered to himself, "Little Ah Zhao, my brother likes you so much."

   Siru stepped out of the threshold.

   raised his hand and summoned Di Ruo, who was guarding outside the courtyard.

   "Send it to Ah Zhao."

  Siyu wrapped the statue in a handkerchief embroidered with orchids, and solemnly handed it over to the most trusted dark guard Di Ru.

   This handkerchief is also from Song Zhao.

   Siyu thought to himself.

   He carved the token representing the dowry to his wife in the image of Song Zhao, and wrapped it in Song Zhao's handkerchief.

   When Ah Zhao sees it, he will understand his intentions.

   When Di Ru took it over, his eyes changed slightly, "Master, your hand is injured."

  Siyu hid his **** palms, which were cut with a knife during the carving process, into his sleeves.

   The brow bone moved slightly, and he said indifferently, "No problem."

   He instructed again, "I must deliver it to Ah Zhao with my own hands, and then tell her that I will be waiting for her at the Chrysanthemum Pavilion."

   Di Ruo's eyes darkened, it should be.

   He turned and walked out.

   As I walked, I felt worthless for my master's deep feelings.

   He felt that Song Zhao was not worthy of his master's liking.

   He wanted to tell the master the truth many times, but the master couldn't see anyone saying that Song Zhao was wrong.

   In order to save his life so that he can stay by his master's side, he constantly monitors Song Zhao.

  Di Ro can only swallow this secret.

   Crossing the veranda, Wang Meiren chased up from behind.

   Wang Meiren smiled and said, "You are going to send it to Miss Song, right?

   I was just going to greet Miss Song, why don't I do it for you. "

When   Siyu handed the statue to Di She, Wang Meiren happened to see it outside the courtyard.

   Seeing Di Ru going in the direction of Song Zhao, he knew that this was given to Song Zhao by Si Yu.

   So curiously followed.

  Di Ruo hates dealing with the hypocritical Song Zhao.

   Now Wang Meiren will do it for him, he naturally agreed.

   handed it over to her, and told Wang Meiren what Si Yu handed over.

   Wang Meiren took the statue and walked all the way to the courtyard where Song Zhao lived.

   She couldn't help but opened the handkerchief out of curiosity and saw the statue of Song Zhao inside.

   Wang Beauty's eyes are shining with gold stars.

   This look was carved by Si Yu himself, and he also used such a precious imperial green.

   When a man gives a woman such a token, it is obviously an expression of liking.

   In addition, Si Yu said that he was waiting for Song Zhao at the Chrysanthemum Pavilion.

   These two people, I'm afraid they don't want to privately decide for life!

  Wang Meiren, but keep in mind the task of separating Si Yu and Song Zhao.

  If Si Yu and Song Zhao succeed, she will be the one who will die.

   So Wang Meiren smashed the statue to the ground without hesitation.

   and stomped on the handkerchief a few times.


  Siyu was still waiting at the Chrysanthemum Pavilion at this time.

  I waited from the sunset until it was pitch black, but I didn't wait for the person I wanted to see.

  Siyu's complexion gradually turned cold.

   Guessing the time, Song Zhao had already received his token.

   After seeing it at first, I didn't intend to accept his intentions, so I should come and respond to him.

   One thing to say, I took a fancy to your ticket.

   It will not be abused or abused.



   (end of this chapter)

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