chapter 265

  Song Zhao raised her eyelashes, her round eyes seemed to be holding a clear spring

   "Are you a pervert?"

  Siyu frowned fiercely, "?"

  Song Zhao took a deep look at him, and said without emotion, "I'm still a little girl who has not yet reached my age. My brother is looking for me to talk about love, do you think it's appropriate?"

  Siyu chuckled.

   He walked up to her with long legs.

   His shoulders were lowered, his pitch-dark eyes were level with Song Zhao.

   The four eyes are facing each other, and each other can see each other's clear eyelashes.

   She heard his voice say reverently and earnestly, "Then brother, when you grow up, can you get the right of priority for Ah Zhao to choose a mate?"

   The little girl was clutching the hollowed-out golden bell on her skirt, and the knuckles of her fingers were a little white.


   did not wait for a response for a long time.

  Siyu stood up straight.

   The dark bottom of the man's eyes seemed to be separated by a layer of smog, revealing his imperceptible tension and expectation at this time,


  Song Zhao's throat tightened and he said decisively, "No."

"why not?"

  Song Zhao didn't want to say it.

  Stew paused.

  He lowered his head slowly, touching his forehead and Song Zhao's forehead, the light blue blood vessels in his neck undulating slightly with his breathing.

   He spoke very slowly,

   "What are your criteria for choosing a mate, tell me everything, and my brother will implement it for you."

  Song Zhao was in a bitter mood.

   She wants to tell Siyu that the girl you like has tried to assassinate you many times.

  Although she was self-defeating every time, her intention to kill him was real.

   She told him as calmly and calmly as possible, "We are not suitable."

   Lord Quanchen only thought that she had sacrificed her life three times to save him.

   If one day she knew that she was not saving him, but killing him.

   Lord Quanchen will definitely not like her.

   Song Zhao knew very well that Lord Quanchen was actually a perfect mate.

   Marrying him means that you have absolute security, and you no longer have to be afraid.

   But she couldn't convince herself to accept Si Yu's wishes.

  Especially, when Siyu didn't know the truth.

  Siyu's eyes were dark.

   He felt that Song Zhao was hiding something from him, but she obviously didn't want to tell him now.

  Since she didn't say it, he wouldn't ask.

  Simply, she still has two years to get married.

   The little girl hasn't started falling in love yet. I don't know what amazing man she missed.

   But that’s okay.

   He will make her feel that she is his after all.

  Song Zhao was quite afraid that Lord Quanchen would lose his temper.

   He didn't get angry at all, just patted her on the head and said softly, "Go home."

  Song Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was slightly disappointed.

   The third prince's drink dissipated most of the time, rubbed his eyes and sat up, "Hey, benefactor? Did you come here specifically to find this prince?"

  Siyu half-smiled, "Is the wine good?"

   "Alright, alright." The third prince chuckled and burped.

  Siyu's face was expressionless.

   raised his hand to untie a jar of wine, scooped up the third prince, and poured it into his mouth.

  Song Zhao was nervous, "Four... Lord Si Xiaolang, the third prince can't drink so much."

  Siyu was gentle, "Since he likes to drink, he should drink more. This is good for him."

  The Third Prince, "..." So, will love disappear?

   He just drank half the jar and passed out.

  Siyu ignored him and walked out with Song Zhao.


   On the way back to the mansion, Si Yu and Song Zhao rode a horse together.

   Because Song Zhao was a man, it didn't attract anyone's attention.

  Song Zhao was extremely uncomfortable, "Jun Si Xiaolang, let me go down by myself."

   She had just rejected Si Yu, how could she get along with him naturally.

  Siyu's chest vibrated slightly, and his voice was low and magnetic, "You didn't say that I am a potential stock, but you want to give me some sweetness, let me remember your goodness, and become an ally with you."

  Song Zhao, "..."

   Well done.

  What are you doing with the embarrassing drunkenness that night.

   I'm sorry.

  Siyu was serious, "It's useless to plan ahead, you have to persevere to the end, you can't give up halfway, you know?"

  Song Zhao paused.

   He pinched her ears and smiled lowly, "If you want my brother to be your ally, please continue to approach me, be nice to me, give my brother more sweets, my brother is happy, you can do whatever you want?"

  Song Zhao was shocked.

   So, Lord Quanchen did not despise her real power, but wanted her to continue to be the same as before?

   The haze in her heart instantly dissipated more than half.

   Probably feeling emboldened, she grabbed his cuff and asked curiously,

   "Didn't you carve my little statue, I want to see it."

  Siyu rode his horse forward and said lightly, "It was broken."

  Song Zhao frowned, feeling extremely distressed.

  Siyu told her the cause and effect.

   As soon as he returned to the mansion, Song Zhao ran to Siyu's bedroom and saw the broken statue that was pieced together on the low table.

   Such an expensive imperial green is just broken!

  Song Zhao is so angry!

   She puffed out her cheeks, her eyes burning with flames.

   "Fourth brother, you accompany me in a play."


   The next day.

  Wang Meiren and Bai Meiren went to greet Song Zhao as usual.

   But he saw that Song Zhao and Si Yu were quarreling with each other.

  Siyu blamed Song Zhao for destroying his imperial green, and Song Zhao retorted with an aggrieved face.

  The two quarreled for a long time and broke up.

   Wang Meiren was very proud when she saw this scene.

   It seemed that it was not far from Song Zhao and Si Yu's one-shot and two-part separation.

   She could take the opportunity to enter immediately and ask Siyu and her Hongluan to be turned over.

  White Beauty was also a little excited.

   She didn't do anything, just took advantage of Wang Meiren, and she could take advantage of the fisherman.

   "Miss Song calm down. The Governor General is impatient, and her words will inevitably sound a little unpleasant. You should be more concerned." Wang Meiren comforted her falsely.

  Song Zhao snorted coldly, "He's going too far, I can't stay in this Governor's Mansion!"

   Wang Meiren's eyes lit up.

   quickly put on a worried expression, "That's not good, Miss Song is deeply trusted by the Grand Governor and is in charge of the inner house for him. You are the mainstay of the servants. If you leave, what will happen to the inner house?"

  Song Zhao said angrily, "It's okay to change someone else, I won't serve you anyway."

   After finishing speaking, his eyes swept across the face of the white beauty Wang Meiren.

  Wang Meiren suppressed her hilarity and hinted frantically, "It's better to be a slave—"

   "Bai Meiren, come to the dormitory with me, I have something to explain to you."

   Song Zhao dropped this sentence.

   Bai Meiren was stunned for a moment, then followed Song Zhao calmly.

   Wang Meiren froze in disbelief.


   "Miss Song, do you have anything to explain to the servant girl?"

   The white beauty lowered her head.

   She knew that Song Zhao was not easy to deal with, so she was always vigilant.

  Song Zhao took out a ledger and put it in Bai Meiren's hand, and followed suit, "Bai Meiren, I am very optimistic about you. From today, you will be in charge of this inner house."

  Beauty Bai was startled, joy flashed through her eyes, and she humbly refused, "Ah, the slave girl can't do it, Miss Song has raised the slave girl."

  Song Zhao waved his hand, "No, you can do it, I will teach you how to manage it, and when you learn it, I will make you your concubine and make you the head mistress of this mansion."

   (end of this chapter)

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