Chapter 29 Father Triumph 3

   On the day when General Song returned to the mansion, all the servants in the mansion greeted him with gongs and drums at the gate of the mansion.

  The old lady of Song was waiting in the main hall with her children.

  Xia Qingyao's late father was General Song's right-hand man. General Song loved Wu and Wu, and even took Xia Qingyao as half a daughter to take care of him.

  Therefore, when General Song returned to the mansion, although Xia Qingyao was not qualified to be seated with the host's family, he was able to observe the ceremony from the sidelines.

   In the plain dress she wore today, her face was haggard and a little pitiful.

   Just waiting for General Song to return to the mansion to ask for love.

   It's just that she didn't expect Song Zhao to come today.

  Xia Qingyao was a little uneasy, didn't she fall out with General Song because of that thing?

   She was suddenly upset, as if since the incident of falling into the water, Song Zhao, this scumbag, has become more and more incomprehensible to her and unable to control it.

   After a tea time, the sound of horse hooves came from outside the gate.

   Immediately, the sound of rapid and powerful footsteps came from outside the veranda. Before anyone arrived, a loud laughter entered everyone's ears first.

   "Mother, kids, I'm back!"

   The next second, the burly and sturdy Song Bin appeared in everyone's sight.

  The man is draped in armor, and the silver armor gleams in the sunlight, and the lining is majestic and majestic like a god.

  Song Jingxian and Song Jin immediately saluted and called Dad.

  The eldest son and the eldest daughter are too observant of the ceremony, which makes Song Bi's heart full of blood and kind father closed.

  He touched his nose angrily.

  Song Lao Taijun slapped his son on the shoulder and laughed and cursed, "Come back when you come back, why are you roaring so loudly, my mother's ears will make you deaf!"

  Xia Qingyao acted at the right moment, showing her daughter's coquettishness at the right time, and she stepped forward timidly, "Yaoyao greets Uncle Song, congratulations..."


   A soft and soft call sounded, interrupting Xia Qingyao's belly full of lovable lotus words.

  Song Binru was struck by lightning, he slowly turned his head and saw his little daughter walking towards him.

   At that moment, his dark, heavy eyes, swish--stunningly bright.

   "Zhao, Zhao Zhao'er, are you calling me?" Immediately, Song Bin said these words in a daze.

   With his tanned face on the battlefield, he looks like a fool.

  Old Lady Song rolled her eyes directly.

  This stupid son, what kind of silly words are you talking about.

   Don't even look at her, besides his father, who else is there for her little one.

  Song Zhao came to Song Bin and looked up at her tall and mighty father.

   At this moment, the scene of the Song family being beheaded by the whole family resurfaced.

  The Song family has been wearing hairpins for generations, and Song Bin is the king of war, enjoying the support of the people.

  Because of this, the Song family has become a thorn in the eyes of many officials, and they have privately impeached the master of the Song family.

  The Son of Heaven was terrified, and was always looking for opportunities to overthrow the Song family's power.

  Song Bin knew that being suspected by the Son of Heaven would mean that he was not far from death. He was walking on thin ice, for fear of making the slightest mistake.

   Later, in order to protect the Song family, he even expressed his sincerity that he was willing to be the help of the prince.

  The road to the royal succession is dangerous, and if you stand on the right side, you will have a bright future.

   If you stand in the wrong team, you will never be able to recover, and you will be killed.

  The Song family did their best to help the crown prince successfully ascend the throne.

   What you can finally get is the ruthlessness of the prince.

   After using the Song family, he still wanted to gain the power of the Song family, so he slandered the Song family for treason and killed the whole family of the Song family.

   At that time, not many of the Song family had died, and Song Qi begged the crown prince to let his only remaining daughter, Song Zhao, go.

  Prince, on the condition that Song Bin go to the northwest to fight alone, if he wins, he will spare his little daughter.

   It was a sure-to-lose battle, but Song Bin went without hesitation and died in the battle.

   "Father." Song Zhao couldn't bear to think any more, forcing his sour emotions.

   She stepped forward, buried her father's chest, her cheeks pressed against Song Qi's icy armor, and said tenderly, "My daughter really misses you."

  Song Zhao really regretted it.

   The child that her father hurts the most is her, and she has admired her battle king father the most since she was a child.

   If it wasn't could she blame her father and ignore him.

   The father and daughter had been separated for many years in the previous life, but Song Qi still loved her as before.

   So much so that she died of anger after learning that her father died in battle for her.

   When Song Bin heard his little daughter miss him, he was like a hungry wolf being hit by a pie in the sky.

   The dignified eight-foot man, the terrifying general of the King of War, jumped into the air and turned over a dozen somersaults on the spot.

  Song Zhao, "..."

  Everyone, "…"

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   (end of this chapter)

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