Chapter 298 The Death of Zijie-

   A dart pierced the air and precisely slashed Lan Zijie's big mouth.

   He directly pulled a mouth up from the corner of his mouth, which instantly turned into a **** mouth.

  Lan Zijie subconsciously screamed and fell to the ground.

  The whole room was silent.

  Everyone was frightened by this scene, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

  Lan Zixin screamed, ran over to help Lan Zijie up, looked around and shouted, "Brother, brother, who hurt my brother, who is it!"

   The scholar who was caught by Lan Zijie a second ago just saw Si Yu's action clearly because of his perspective.

   Afraid of being misunderstood that the murderer was him, he raised his finger in the direction of the windowsill, and subconsciously blurted out, "It's him."

  Everyone looked at the windowsill in unison.

  Siyu leaned against the window and tapped the armrest with his fingertips, the sharpness in his eyes was heart-pounding.

   He swept down with cold eyes, as if he was overlooking the ants, so arrogant.

  Lan Zixin's angry eyes met Si Yu's face as handsome as a god, she was at a loss, bit her lip tightly, and her voice trembled softly, "Who is this son, why do you want to hurt my brother?"

  Lan Zijie pressed half of the corner of his mouth, glared at Si Yu with a face like golden paper, and was furious, "So you are the one who robbed this young master from the room, and now you are still doing something to this young master, don't roll down quickly and die!"

   The words fell.

Some of the dignitaries in the hall recognized that it was Si Yu, and invariably raised their robes and saluted.

   "Meet the Governor."

  Lan Zixin was startled.

   It turned out that this man with a unique appearance was the famous Governor.

Lan Zijie was not afraid, and ran upstairs despite the pain, pushed open the door directly, and said harshly, "What about the Governor? Do you have the real power of the Song family? Pacers, what are you a long-dead prince from the previous dynasty?"

  Siyu tilted his head to look at him, his indifferent eyes were terrifying, and he asked inexplicably, "Song Zhao's future husband?"

Lan Zijie thought that he was intimidating him, and came to Si Yu with one hand on his hips, pointed at his nose and arrogantly, "Yes, I am Song Zhao's future husband, Song Zhaoke likes this young master, but in the future he will want to Song Zhao's future husband. The family is handed over to this young master-"

  Siyu raised his hand and folded Lan Zijie's hand out.

The sound of   bone cracking sounded, and Lan Zijie lost his voice in pain.

   The pride in his eyes turned into fear and pain.

   "Who likes you, tell the Governor again?"

  Siyu asked casually.

   The voice was low, with an extremely heavy pressure.

  Lan Zijie opened his mouth to say something.

  Siyu got up, lifted his leg and started kicking him.

   One foot after another, without any convergence.

   is like kicking a dead person.

  Lan Zijie rolled all over the floor in pain. He wanted to scream, but because the corner of his mouth was hurt, he couldn't scream at all, so he could only groan in despair.

  Lan Zixin rushed in to see this scene, with a snow-white face, standing at the door and begging bitterly, "Don't beat the Governor, my brother is about to die."

  Siyu didn't give her a look, but looked sideways at Song Zhao, who couldn't see his face clearly in the hood, and asked, "Has this thing ever bullied you?"

  Song Zhao admired Lan Zijie's miserable appearance, and hoped that he could be worse.

   So he secretly attached to Siyu's ear, and told Lord Quanchen very honestly, "He came to my yard in the middle of the night and wanted to do something wrong."


  Siyu answered lightly.


   A sharp blade with a barb fell out of the wide sleeve, unequivocally piercing Lan Zijie's waist and abdomen.

  The barb is attached to the flesh and blood, and is sent inch by inch.


  Lan Zijie's face was bloodless, and he screamed with a **** mouth. The whole restaurant was trembling in shock.

  The viscous blood tickled to the ground.

  The smell of blood diffused from the windowsill and spread to the whole restaurant.

  Lan Zixin almost fainted from fright, shrank into a ball, and shouted hoarsely, "You, you deceive people too much, in public, how can you kill my brother?"

   (end of this chapter)

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