Chapter 328 Song Zhaosi seizes power 5

Before    was reborn, the Song family went through fire and water for the imperial power to protect themselves, but was stabbed by the imperial power.

After   's rebirth, the Song family Mingzhe protected himself and did not participate in the clan wars.

   But the struggle for imperial power is endlessly pulling the Song family into the abyss, trying to **** the blood of the Song family.

  Since that's the case, why didn't she firmly control the imperial power in her own hands?

  Standing on the top of the ten thousand people, in charge of the fate of all people in the world, and invincible.

   Fu Nanqian's brows twitched, and his heart lifted slightly.

  I can't believe that Song Zhao can say such words that are no different from treason.

  Don't say it, just this, it's a perfect match with Si Yu.

  Siyu didn't have much reaction, his eyes doted on "If you want, then take it,"

  's tone was flat, as if Song Zhao just wanted to eat a lollipop.

  Song Zhao pursed his lips and asked casually, "What do you think of the Department of Punishment?"

Si Yu didn't say a word, but Fu Nanqian couldn't wait to say it first, "Of course it's good, the Ministry of Punishment is the fattest post in the Sixth Division, how many people are jealous of this real power, thinking how much effort His Royal Highness the Prince had, he almost lost his life. , I deducted this piece of fat from the saint."

  Song Zhao rubbed the corners of his brows, and said calmly, "Since it's so good, let's grab it."

  Fu Nanqian was startled, almost thinking that he had a hearing error, his mouth opened slightly, "No, what did you say about robbing? Is it the robbing I thought?"

  The Ministry of Punishment is now held by the prince, and he has worked for the prince to help the family join forces and seek countless benefits. This is the lifeblood of the prince.

   Even Si Yu was very jealous of the Punishment Department, but he couldn't fight over it for a while.

  Song Zhao said that he would grab it, did she think it was Chinese cabbage?

  Song Zhao raised his eyebrows and chuckled, his eyebrows sullen, "Fat, who doesn't want to take a bite."

  Speaking of which, the second uncle was harmed by the Ministry of Punishment in his previous life.

   Such a restless factor, it is better to swallow it in your own mouth as soon as possible to feel at ease.

  The Prince is the Crown Prince, and the Punishment Department is in his hands, and he can exert great power.

   Relying on those powers, he has been operating in secret for many years, attracting aristocratic families and connections.

   It is not easy to remove the prince immediately.

   Song Zhao originally wanted to get the dog prince step by step. Since the other party couldn't wait to find something, then don't blame her for being rude.

   To take away the Department of Punishment is to slaughter half of the prince's wings, making him completely unable to fly.

  Fu Nanqian was apprehensive, "but you haven't solved your trouble yet, so you just want to bite the fat? Do you think the prince will let you bite down?"

   "It depends on my ability. Whether he will let me bite or not will not change the final result."

   The girl spoke very slowly, word for word, arrogant to the extreme.

   "Little sister..." Song Jinfu's weak voice suddenly rang out.

  Song Zhao got up and went to him, lowered his head and called softly, "Third brother."

  Song Jinfu's eyes were bright, he tried his best to open his mouth, and tried his best to say something to Song Zhao.

  Siyu is a martial arts practitioner, and when he heard it, his eyes changed slightly.

   After Song Jinfu finished speaking, he fell into a drowsiness.

Song Zhao tucked the quilt for him, and walked out of the room with Si Yu, his brows and eyes looked a little slack, and turned to Fu Nanqian, "Fu Langjun, help me do something, I have some secrets. Wei, they have something in their hands, go and get it for me, I will wait for you at the Prince's Mansion later."

After hearing Song Zhao's request, Fu Nanqian was a little confused, "Song Jiazhaozhao, what time is it now, what else do you want me to get? And you have to go to the Prince's Mansion, are you going to fight him? That's the emperor's. Dear son, have you ever touched it?"

  Siyu kicked his **** and said lightly, "Go get it."

  Fu Nanqian clutched his buttocks and groaned.

   Can you forgive me for this 300-per-hour scumbag?

   What is missing today, I will make up for it, trust me.

   You will definitely believe it, I know you are the best, and I love you.



   (end of this chapter)

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