The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 338: The third brother is the direct descendant

   Chapter 338

   Emperor Yuan Chun's face immediately sank.

   For a time, the whole atmosphere fell into a strange silence.

   Queen Gu glanced at Song Zhao with contempt, the dead girl was really holding chicken feathers as an arrow, and even dared to wipe the face of the saint.

  The prince clenched his fists, raised his red eyelids, narrowed his eyes sharply, and said coldly, "So you don't intend to be private and want to be public?"

  Song Zhao smiled slightly, "Is it public?"

The prince grasped the father's psychology, and said in a tone that maintained the dignity of the royal family, "Your three brothers have killed so many girls, which has already aroused public resentment. If you want to be public, it will be on the bright side. Your three brothers are born together, and the death penalty is inevitable, are you sure?"

  Empress Gu and Emperor Yuan Chun breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Fortunately, they had a handle in their hands, so that the scene would not be too ugly.

   Song Zhao put his hands behind his back, his eyebrows and eyes were delicate and beautiful, and he said playfully, "If one is not exciting, can you do both?"

  Emperor Yuan Chun was not very happy, and laughed meaningfully, "You can really do it."

   "The Governor is here."

   At this moment, there was a call from outside the hall.

   The next second, Si Yu's tall and slender figure appeared at the door.

  The man wore a crescent-white uniform with his hands behind his back, as always, his aura was strong.

   The white attire did not soften his natural indifference, but made him look even more indifferent.

   He saluted in a sloppy manner, his eyes swept across the faces of Yuan Chundi and the others.

   raised his foot and walked to Song Zhao.

   Handsome men and beauties, one cold and one charming, all wear white, as if a match made in heaven.

   Emperor Yuan Chun looked in his eyes, and the forehead suddenly twitched forcefully.

   He was not worried, "Why did the Great Governor suddenly come to the Prince's Mansion?"

   This kind of royal scandal, one less person knows about it.

  Song Zhao was the daughter of his courtier, so it was enough to suppress her.

   Let Si Yu's sensitive identity know, Emperor Yuan Chun is not easy to suppress.

  Siyu's lips curled up, and he said casually, "Master Hui, this minister is here for the case of the girl's disappearance."

The prince narrowed his eyes and looked at Si Yu vigilantly, "The case of the girl's disappearance is a case that the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple took over together. The real perpetrator is Song Jinfu, what does it have to do with your governor, your hand is too long. "


Si Yu lowered his eyes, chuckled softly, took out the sealed document from his wide sleeve, raised it and shook it, "His Royal Highness has repeatedly identified Song Jinfu as the perpetrator, but the clues on the case handling materials are all pointed to. What about the punishment department of His Royal Highness?"

   Prince's complexion changed slightly.


   is a sealed letter again, why is it a sealed letter again?

The corners of Song Zhao's lips curled up, and he said slowly, "The chief interrogator of the Ministry of Punishment thought that he used torture to force out the real information found by the third brother, but he did not know that it was just a blank prepared by the third brother in advance, the real one has long been It was handed over to the Grand Governor by the three brothers."

  Prince only panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down. Song Jinfu already had the real information in his hands, and the one in Si Yu's hand must have come to blow him up.

  The prince's face was cold and hard, and he stood up from the ground, "You guys are just holding a fake document in disguise, and you want to frame the crime on the orphan's criminal department. Do you think that with your information, you can revise the case for Song Jinfu?"

   "...So this is not the case, I have already sent someone to find the missing girl according to the clues shown in the documents?" Si Yu had a cynical smile on his face, and he looked very ostentatious.

  The next moment——

   It's Monday again, baby please ask for a ticket~



   (end of this chapter)

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