Chapter 341 Song Zhao likes Siyu

   Emperor Yuan Chun froze as soon as he took two steps.

   He turned his face mechanically, a little unable to control his expression, "Different?"

  The Crown Prince and Empress Gu were both shocked, and the two looked at Song Zhao with ashen faces.

   Queen Gu took a deep breath and said lightly, "The presiding judge is using a sentence on Song Jin Fu, not Song Chen Ai. Song Jin Fu is known to everyone, how can you be so nonsense, this is deceiving the king!"

Song Zhao raised his eyebrows and smiled calmly, "Unfortunately, just two days ago, the second aunt made a mistake and was divorced, and the third brother's aunt helped the third brother from the side room to the main room. know."

   Emperor Yuan Chun looked embarrassed and glared angrily at the prince.

   The difference between the first and second generation is very big.

  Special Song family is also a noble family.

   To put it bluntly, the current state of affairs is stable, and half of the credit goes to the Song family.

   The young master from the Song family was treated with respect and treatment comparable to that of the descendants of the princely family.

   Not to mention the Song family, but for any noble family of the first grade, if they want to convict their descendants, they have to go through a series of rigorous examinations to confirm that they are correct, and to be signed and sealed by Emperor Yuan Chun before it can take effect.

   What's more, Song Jinfu was not guilty, but he was insulted by this, and the Song family could completely impeach His Highness the Prince.

  The crown prince was also stunned, why did this Song Jinfu suddenly become a direct descendant?

  If he knew of this change, he would never kidnap Song Jinfu with justice!

  Why is he so unlucky? !

   If the elders of the court in the middle of the dynasty come to discuss, wouldn't he be scolded in public, and what kind of prestige will there be in the future?

   "Gu doesn't know about this, it's Gu's negligence. How do you want Gu to make up for it? Gu agrees."

  The prince squeezed out a sentence between his teeth, and asking him to bow his head to admit his mistake in front of a woman in Song Zhao was no different from capital punishment.

   But it's better than being laughed at in the courtroom.

Emperor Yuanchun cleared his throat and said reluctantly, "Your third brother is very talented, why don't I promote him to the Dali Temple Chancellor, and when Song Confucian, the Dali Temple Shaoqing, abdicates, he will be the Dali Temple Shaoqing. "

  The position of Shaoqing in Dali Temple, Emperor Yuan Chun originally wanted to wait for Song Confucianism to abdicate and let others do it.

   This can be considered to weaken the power of the Song family.

   But whoever made the prince cheat, if he didn't compensate the Song family and let the group of patriarchs know about it, he would definitely force him to stop.

  It's alright now, before his death, he couldn't touch the fat of Dali Temple.

  This Song family thing is really not easy to pull out.

   "The saint is wise, and the ministers and daughters are grateful for the three brothers."

  Song Zhao smiled and inadvertently opened his mouth again,

   "It's just that the governor is busy with the investigation. If it wasn't for the governor's ingenuity, he would not be able to find those missing girls. The minister thought that the errand of the Ministry of Punishment should be handed over to the governor."

  Prince squinted his eyes and said in a sharp tone, "Are you threatening Gu and the royal father?"

  Song Zhao was crazy, he even dared to rob his punishment department.

   That is half of his country!

  Song Zhao, "The ministers and daughters don't dare. It's just that the ministers and daughters think, the things that His Highness the Crown Prince has done with the Ministry of Punishment, one after another, do you think the people will not protest?"

  The prince's face was cold and stiff, and there was a sense of panic that he couldn't hold his power.

  Emperor Yuan Chun looked gloomy, no one knew what he was thinking.

   After a while, he said in a deep voice, "The Ministry of Punishment can let Si Yu be responsible, but you have to guarantee that those secrets will never be passed on."

  As early as Song Zhao took out those secrets, Emperor Yuan Chun knew that the Ministry of Punishment could no longer keep them.

   If you don’t want to give it, you have to give it.

   At least it can keep the royal dignity.

  The prince shook his body.

   He thought that this time he could take advantage of the situation to wipe out the Song family, but he did not expect to lose his entire punishment department.

   Bamboo baskets are empty, but that's all.

   (end of this chapter)

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