The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 422: The beauty sent by Song Zhao is here

   Chapter 422 The beauty sent by Song Zhao is here

  The prince's eyelids were dark red.

   As the Crown Prince, it is undoubtedly a great humiliation to be despised by a former prince.

   But Siyu holds the real power of both parties. It is not because he, a prince with an unstable foundation, can move. No matter how angry he is, he can only swallow this breath.

   "Other girls can't control it, but Song Zhao is the future prince concubine that she likes, and I hope the Grand Governor keeps a distance from Song Zhao."

  Prince rubbed the jade ring between his fingers, his expression was extremely cold and arrogant.

   This is the advantage of being a prince. As long as he chooses the prince, all the men have to rank behind him and pick what he has left.

   And now that the crown prince has specified Song Zhao as his concubine, Si Yu is not just standing aside.

  Siyu's eyes were gloomy, like a dormant poisonous snake spitting out poisonous thoughts.

  Song Zhao turned to the prince and spoke first, "His Royal Highness wants to choose a concubine, shouldn't he first ask the sage for instructions? You arrange it directly, I'm afraid it's inappropriate, right?"

  The prince paused and heard the subtext.

   Based on the current situation of the Song family, Emperor Yuan Chun would never agree to their marriage.

   "Song Zhao, didn't you mean to negotiate with your mother before that you wanted to be a crown princess?

   Gu let you do it, and when you look back, Gu will explain to the father and emperor that your Song family voluntarily surrenders military power. "

   In this regard, the prince also arranged it clearly.

   He had no intention of marrying Song Zhao, and he couldn't marry him. He just wanted to make cakes for Song Zhao. After using the Song family and obtaining the Song family's military power, he would kick him out.

   But after such a long period of observation, he found that Song Zhao was indeed very capable. Apart from the Song family's military power, she still had the resources of the Baili family behind her, and it was more than enough to be his concubine.

  After discussing with Empress Gu, the prince found that even if he married Song Zhao, he would not get the Song family military power, but as long as the Song family handed over the military power, it would naturally not be the help of any prince, and it would be of great benefit to him.

  Song Zhao's lip line was straightened, resisting the urge to spit it out.

   This dog prince is so ordinary, yet so confident!

   The man she likes is better than him even if he farts, why did she choose him, the husband who climbed out of the garbage?

   She said coolly, "For this kind of honor, I forgive my servants and daughters for no blessing."

   "Song Zhao, stop pretending." The prince did not believe that Song Zhao was not tempted by the crown prince's quota, and the corners of his lips twitched.

   "This is the last chance Gu will give you, Gu knows that you are ambitious, otherwise you will not be able to win over the Baili family.

   With Gu, you are the future queen who is justifiable, and the Song family will live a stable life, otherwise you really want to follow the Dadu to rebel? "

   "From the time you attacked the third brother of the minister's daughter, the minister's daughter knew."

  Song Zhao smiled softly.

   The laughter was soft, but it was strange.

  Prince's jaw slightly closed.

   He heard Song Zhao's word and sentence, as if taking an oath, "My Royal Highness and I will never die."

  The apex of the prince's heart shrank suddenly.

   This sentence is like a switch, which suddenly moved a certain place in my heart, filled with a cold and silent emptiness.

   He felt a chill on his back inexplicably, and vaguely felt that this sentence was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

   It's just that the tone of that person's speech was far from that of Song Zhao's calm, but hysterical, screaming in despair, as if rushing out from Huangquan Road.

   But apart from Song Zhao, a daring woman, who else would have said such a thing to him?

  The prince was absent-minded for a moment, then he quickly calmed down, took out a purse made of Shu brocade from his wide sleeve, and sneered before Song Zhao, "If you don't have any idea about Lone, why do you want to give Lone a pouch?"

   I've been too busy these past two days, I started to make up for 8 shifts today~

   Thank you all for accommodating me wow, I love you all.

   As for the update notification, it is still waiting, it is estimated that it will come out soon.



   (end of this chapter)

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