Chapter 446 Beauty Hibiscus 2

"The old lady has given birth to a pig's brain." The old lady Song was not angry, and stabbed Song Bin's head hard, "You're a hundred years of thinking that men are superior to women in Nanyue. It's a joke, It's just what people said about the scene, do you really think that is convinced? I'm afraid it's true that you don't miss Zhao Zhao."

   "They are a group of envoys with chicken feathers as arrows, and they are also worthy of remembering the daughter of my general Zhenguo, the master of Dasheng Yipin County?" Song Bin said disapprovingly.

  Song Lao Taijun's expression was slightly solemn, "They are not worthy, naturally they are worthy, otherwise where would they have the confidence to arrange a banquet?"

   Yunshi frowned, "Mother, do you know something inside?"

   "You don't know, that His Majesty Nanyue has not established an empress and concubine so far. The harem has been empty for many years, and the emperor's heir is in short supply." Song Lao Taijun sighed.


   No matter how slow he was, he could understand it, and Song Wei directly frowned, "Could it be that the group of envoys still want me to marry Zhaozhao and Nanyue? Then His Majesty Nanyue is about my age, so he is worthy?!"

   "I'm just guessing, I hope it's not the case." The old lady Song frowned, sat down slowly against her little granddaughter, and pondered, "But if this is the case, our whole family will usher in a catastrophe."

  Song Bin retorted, "Zhaozhao is the county lord of Zhengyipin, not the kinship lord. Her horse and horse are freely chosen by her. Does the sage dare to let me Zhaozhao go to marry her?"

   "Rules are dead, people are alive." Song Lao Taijun said, "Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, the sage is only for profit, and we have to plan for the worst.

   If the other party had this idea, they would definitely try to seduce the saint, who could stop him then? "

  Song Bin heard this and knew the seriousness of the matter. He pursed his lips, "I don't care so much, anyway, the Holy Master really dares to do this kind of thing. This general is going to rebel, and I have to resist him to the end."

  The old lady of Song said strangely, "Speaking silly again, you only have half of the military power in your hand, and the remaining half is scattered among the hands of each clan.

   If there is a fight, South Vietnam will definitely go to the Holy One, and our whole family will have to go to the mass grave. "

  Song Qi scratched his ears and cheeks, "Then, I will block you in front of you, and you should run away."

   Song Lao Taijun pondered, "If I think of a way, it may not be a desperate situation.

   It really doesn't work, hurry up and go out to find a relationship in these two days to buy more sergeants, and try to win the chance of rebellion. "

  Song Ru, Song Jinfu and Song Shenmai also joined in to discuss where to buy it.

  Song Zhao, "…"

   Seeing how Haoran's upright family members are seriously discussing rebellion in order to protect him, his heart is very warm.

   Although what she wants to do is no different from rebellion.

   But it doesn't have to be through war, which is a set of sets that hurt one thousand and eight hundred.

  With her there, and the power minister, their Song family will never come to a dead end.

   "Don't worry, grandmother, I already have a way to deal with it. Just put your heart in your stomach and get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, just go to the banquet, eat, drink, and watch the play.

  Song Zhao said to them firmly.

  The Song family looked at Song Zhao's confident appearance, and were very curious about what top royal secrets she was holding in her hands, so that Emperor Yuanchun dared not agree?

   But Song Zhao only smiled mysteriously, which made them nervous and eager to go to the banquet right away.

   (end of this chapter)

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