Chapter 453 Beauty Hibiscus 8

The smell of    brought Yuan Chundi back to the most beautiful time he and Ronger had when he was blocked for more than 30 years.

  The plum forest twists and turns, and a tree of plum blossoms rises in flames, entrenched like fire in the night.

  The rich fragrance of plum blossoms could not cover up the landscape fragrance that made Emperor Yuan Chun feel passionate, and even more made Emperor Yuan Chun feel that it was a call from Rong Er.

   He followed the smell and hurriedly stepped down to the lake.

  The lake water is crystal clear, reflecting the bright moon in the sky. In the center of the lake water is a lotus carved in marble, which is immersed in the lake water layer by layer.

   "Rong'er, Rong'er!" Emperor Yuan Chun looked around blankly and anxiously.

  The surroundings are quiet and no one can only see the dreamlike picture of the lake rippling with the wind.

   At this moment, Emperor Yuan Chun suddenly heard a clear singing voice, which came from the other side of the bank, and was humming softly from the throat of a woman.

  In an instant, Emperor Yuan Chun's body stiffened, and his eyes were ecstatic.

   suddenly looked up.

   On the plum tree on the opposite bank, among the shadowy branches and leaves, the beauty in the plain green veil leaned there.

   The crisp singing voice overflowed from her throat, like the chirping of an oriole in the valley, which was melodious and intoxicating.

  The singing is sometimes moving, chanting softly like a gurgling water, with unique charm;

   Sometimes poignant and beautiful, like dew drops like bamboo leaves, it is intriguing.

  Sometimes it is tactfully like a line of tears when the soul is blended together, which is touching the heart

   This song—

   is an old song from Rong’er’s hometown in the past. He had heard Rong’er hum, but after Rong’er died, no one could hum it again.

  Emperor Yuan Chun ran to the other side, getting closer, and finally saw the face that had been carved into his bones.

   clustered black and long eyebrows, not like paintings, a pair of eyes that look forward to life, those seductive eyes, black and white, rippling with a mesmerizing pure and clear charm.


   Emperor Yuan Chun was overjoyed and rushed forward regardless of everything.

   However, the other person came under the tree, but the beauty on the tree suddenly disappeared.

   Emperor Yuan Chun rubbed his eyes and shouted around the tree, but he got no response.

   And the singing and taste also disappeared.

   "Rong, Rong'er!" Emperor Yuan Chun sat on the ground as if he had lost his strength, his chest was tight, and it was rare to feel like he was wandering, "Is that you, Rong'er, are you back?"

  A huge emptiness enveloped Emperor Yuan Chun, the remorse and suffocation in the dust-covered heart hit him, and his body was trembling slightly.

   He was very sure that Rong'er was back, but he didn't want to see him. Could it be because Rong'er was still blaming him?

   "Your Highness, are you all right?" Eunuch Chang brought someone over to look for Emperor Yuan Chun. Seeing Emperor Yuan Chun's spirit, he was so frightened that he hurriedly helped him up.

   "Go find it!" Yuan Chundi's eyes were red, he grabbed Eunuch Chang's sleeve, his voice was hoarse,

   "Even if you rummage through the entire palace, you must find my Rong'er!"


   Next day.

  In the evening, Song Zhao put on the royal uniform of the county lord and the hair crown, and went to the palace to attend the banquet with his family who were also in full costume.

  Siyu put on his court clothes, which were also black gold wide-sleeved robes. The color and embroidery were very close to Song Zhao's court clothes.

   When two people are in the same frame, it is a good match in capital and bold.

  Song Bin looked sour and looked at the red official uniforms that his military commanders were wearing, "Mother, I have to talk to the sage when I look back and ask him to make me a little padded jacket, so it looks like a family!"

   Song Laotaijun is the eldest princess, and the court dress is a very dignified and serious dark purple, which is completely different from Song Zhao.

   So at a glance, it gives the impression that Song Zhao and Si Yu are one family.

   (end of this chapter)

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