Chapter 468 I kissed my face this time! ! !

  Song Zhao spread his hands, "I'm sorry, I'm just telling the truth. If there is any offense to the King of Nanyue, please bear with the envoy. After all, it's about the marriage of the county lord, so the county lord can naturally treat each other sincerely."

Tantai Mo was incomprehensible, and felt that Song Zhao's words subverted his three views, "Isn't it a joy for all women to be seen by the emperor? Besides, as a woman, marriage should not be decided by you, Zhaoyang County. The Lord's self-subjectivity is too strong and violates the law."

  Tantaimo is a native of South Vietnam, although he is not as good as others because of his belief that men are superior to women, which leads to contempt for women.

   But as an emperor, he was used to what he liked and what belonged to him.

   Besides, based on his conditions, many women flocked to him.

  Tantaimo never thought that there would be a woman who would use marriage as an evaluation to determine his worth.

   "Do you think that a woman who makes a woman happy can really marry an emperor?" Song Zhao raised his chin and said with reason, "You men like a woman because you are satisfied with all aspects of that woman.

  Yes, the county master has a good family background, looks good, is smart and smart, and will bring glory to the family. What man would not want to marry me like this? "

  Tantai Mo, "..."

   is a fact though.

   There is no need to boast so much.

   "You want to marry this county master because you see the value this county master can bring to you." Song Zhao asked back, "Then what can you Nanyue bring to this county master?"

  Tantaimo was a little depressed when asked. Song Zhao's words were too deviant. She completely compared marriage to a negotiated price.

   He was always the only one who picked people, how could anyone pick her?

   "The power of the King of Nanyue and the honor of his concubine are not enough to satisfy Zhaoyang County Master?" Tantai Mo's voice was a little cold, he felt that Song Zhao's image subverted his illusions about her.

"So this county master can only marry a noble concubine." Song Zhao curled his lower lip and said indifferently, "I understand the reason, each country only recognizes its own bloodline, that is to say, if this county master marries Nanyue Wang, even if you have children, you cannot inherit the line, you can only be a loose king without power, and you have to send your children to the mistress's knees for upbringing."

   After Song Zhao finished speaking, he sneered, "What do you guys think?

   This county master is married to a husband hastily, and he can also be the master of the family. He doesn't have to look at people's faces. Isn't it good to be a mistress? Do you have to rush to become a concubine? "

   Whether ancient or modern.

   There is always a self-righteous man who thinks women should follow him.

  How Tantaimo insulted Song Zhao, Song Zhao was going to fight back, so that he would dare to be so confident in the future.

  Tantaimo's eyes cracked quietly.

  Song Zhao's words were like a stick, shattering his pride.

   In fact, he doesn't understand these truths... It's just in his opinion... He who is not tainted by women's **** can grant a woman's favor, which is Song Zhao's blessing.

   But the blessings he thinks are not rare at all.

   Tantai Mo's Adam's apple rolled, completely unable to utter a word.

  On the basis of no emotion, there is no considerable interest, and there is no qualification to negotiate.

  Tantaimo suddenly understood why Song Zhao was so angry when he tore up the contract.

   The feeling of being evaluated as a cargo was so unpleasant.

  Song Zhao let out his anger in his heart, thinking that Tantai Mo should understand, so he stopped talking nonsense, walked past him and left.

   The moment of passing by.

   Tantai's cold and white arm was held on Song Zhao's arm.

   Everything came so fast.

  Song Zhao only felt that his chin was lifted by his grasp, Tantaimo leaned over and kissed her cheek with her thin and cool lips.

   "So, do you want to be the Queen of Nanyue?"




   (end of this chapter)

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