Chapter 476 Song Zhao wants to marry him 3

  Song Zhao leaned back on the armchair and tapped the armrest with his slender fingers.

   Now the main fiefdom of the thousand households in Nanxun is under her name, and when the peasant uprising occurred in the previous life, it was mainly the plan initiated by the thousand households in this town she was in charge of.

   She calculated the time.

   There is still a year left before the uprising, and the plan for the peasant riot will be planned for at least half a year, so she must be strangled in the cradle of the crisis that will occur before the worst happens.

   Nanxun County magistrate made false accounts. He was most suspected of being a ghost. If he was directly tortured, he would definitely be shocked.

   She must go to Nanxun to find out the secrets.

  Otherwise, it will be a real uprising. She, the fiefdom of thousands of households, will take the blame for the mastermind behind the scenes, and the Song family will be attacked by the people.

   At that time, everything she planned and the Song family fought hard for will come to nothing.

   Moreover, Song Zhao also wanted to know what the sudden uprising of the peasants had to do with Lord Quanchen.

  Song Zhao remembered that during the uprising in his previous life, Si Yu was madly accumulating background information, and he could not be stupid enough to die.

   The peasant uprising did him no good.

   100%, it is also the dirty water that was poured.

   There is no wind and no waves. Since it can be splashed on him, it means that Siyu must have something to do with Nanxun.

  Song Zhao felt that she seemed to have forgotten some important information. She was probably upset and couldn't think of anything.

   So for convenience, she went directly to the Punishment Department to find Fu Nanqian, and asked him about Si Yu's recent actions.

   "Song Jiazhao Zhao..."

  Fu Nanqian wore an official uniform embroidered with peacocks and a black gauze hat. As the presiding interrogator, he restrained his usual contempt and became much more serious.

   Seeing Song Zhao's visit, he was busy serving tea and pouring water, "Look at my mouth, I forgot to greet Zhaoyang County Master."

   "Speak in private, Fu Langjun is not polite." Song Zhao pursed his lips and wanted to laugh, thinking that Fu Nanqian's serious appearance was funny.

Hearing this, Fu Nanqian breathed a sigh of relief, took off the black gauze hat, and said, "I'd better call you Song Jiazhaozhao to get used to it, I'm afraid that you will become a first-grade princess and care about the sense of ceremony, I'm afraid that you will think that I am unruly, but you will make me awkward. of."

  Song Zhao would not detour, and asked directly, "What is the governor doing recently?"

  Fu Nanqian took a sip of tea and frowned, "You're right, just in time to help me persuade the governor. Maybe he can only listen to what you say."

  Song Zhao blinked, "What happened?"

   "It's a military secret, but you're not an outsider, so I'll tell you directly." Fu Nanqian said, "You know that the Great Governor has his connections secretly, and in order not to be discovered, those people have been secretly raised in Nanxun.

   In order to support those private soldiers and buy various weapons to learn skills, most of the governors are doing business in private salt trading. "

  Why trade in illicit salt?

  In ancient times, salt, like iron, was sold exclusively by the state court, and others were not allowed to sell it!

  If you go to the beach to boil salt or get salt in the salt pan, these salts are called private salt

  In ancient times, due to geographical isolation and inconvenient transportation, the "salt shortage" was very easy to break out, thus becoming the "epicenter" of the turbulent society and threatening the imperial regime.

  From the very beginning of the dynasty, laws and business regulations were formulated to control salt and not sell it privately.

   It can be seen from this that private salt can make huge profits.

  Song Zhao instantly understood the doubts in his heart.

   She said that Mr. Quanchen was poor and miserable before, how did he support his forces, it turned out to be a huge profit from private salt.

   (end of this chapter)

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