Chapter 497 Untitled Chapter

   "I'm sorry, please go to the Governor." Fu Nanqian sighed and said, he didn't expect that the Governor's kidneys would be weak at such a young age, and his body with wide shoulders and long legs was blinded in vain.

   There is a woman who will serve you all the way, and it would be good to practice driving skills with him more.

   Save the future with Song Jiazhaozhao, and can't even guarantee the basic happiness of others.

   He would just reluctantly regard this woman as a tool person.


The    team went south quietly for about ten days, and only needed to go through one more post station to the destination Nanxun.

   In order to avoid accidents during transportation, these days, everyone sleeps on the floor, and bathing and toileting are also solved at the homes of people passing by on the road.

   After a long journey, my mental state is getting more and more tired day by day.

   So Si Yu decided that if he came across an inn that could accommodate them, he would let everyone stay there for one night and have a good rest.

Yunxiu is responsible for preparing food for everyone. Everyone eats very simple coarse grains, even Si Yu, but Si Yu is eating and drinking in the outer room beside him. She is very uncomfortable. .

   These days the woman has been sitting in the carriage. The carriage is padded with thick goose feather blankets, which is spacious and comfortable. Every time she brings food in, she sees the woman lying there, using Siyu's thigh as a pillow.

   is really a princess treatment.

   I don't know if she is here to serve the master or if the master is serving her!

   "Aru, do you think that the master's outer room is the master of Zhaoyang County?" After delivering the meal again, Yunxiu approached Di Ruo and asked casually.

   The woman appeared strangely, and she had some doubts in her heart that the identity of the woman might be Song Zhao's.

   But seeing Fu Nanqian's disgust at the woman's attitude, it didn't seem like a fake, so he didn't dare to jump to conclusions.

   After all, Song Zhao was quite different from that enchanting outer chamber.

  Di Ruo heard the words and shook his head in a muffled voice, "I don't know Zhaoyang County Master, so I can't tell."

  Although he disliked Song Zhao very much, he also knew that his master planned to hide Song Zhao's identity, so naturally he would not betray his master easily.

   Yunxiu didn't get the answer he wanted, and lowered his eyes in doubt.

  The woman had better not be Song Zhao... If it was Song Zhao, she would have to come along with her to hide her identity... Obviously she noticed something.

   After another two hours, the team came to a large inn.

   The owner of the inn learned that the Governor was coming, and immediately gave them all the space.

   Everyone was finally able to take a rest, and all cheered and poured into the inn.

  Di Zhi specially waited until everyone went back to the room to rest before coming to the upper room where Si Yu and Song Zhao lived and knocked on the door.

   The door of the room opened, and Di She saw that it was the noble master who came to open the door for him, while Song Zhao was lying on the soft collapse and eating melons and fruits leisurely.

   suddenly became angry, "You are here to serve the master, how can you let the master come to open the door for your subordinates?"

  Song Zhao sat up straight with a carp, leaned delicately into Si Yu's arms, and said, "Little Langjun, why is this person so fierce?"

  Although he knew Song Zhao was pretending, Siyu still hugged her tightly.

have to say.

   His girl's body is really soft.

   is great for fiddling with on the bed.

   "Di Ru." Si Yu quickly restrained his undeserved beauty, his eyelashes were slightly covered, and he was indifferent, "Don't be presumptuous!"

Di Shi pursed his lips and said with a gloomy expression, "Master, forgive your subordinates for taking the liberty, this time to negotiate in Nanxun, it is dangerous and ups and downs, you really should not agree to ask Zhaoyang County Master to go with you, your subordinates think that you should be there Send Zhaoyang County Master back to the capital before entering the inn."

   Di Ruo's words were full of disgust for Song Zhao.

  Song Zhao raised his eyes quite a bit, and looked at Di Ruo with watery eyes, "Di Anwei seems to care about me, and he recognized me all of a sudden?"

   Di qi knot.

  Who cares about her?

   If he wasn't afraid of her being a demon, would he keep staring at her?

   There were tens of thousands of people in the whole team, and he stared at her all day long.

  Siyu said indifferently, "Di She, you still can't control the head of the Governor."

   Di Ruo lowered his eyes, "This subordinate is also for the sake of the overall situation. The Zhaoyang County Master and the Master have no relationship and no reason, and it is really not suitable for you to travel with you. If they are discovered, they may cause bad rumors and damage the master and son."

  Song Zhao clasped his hands and squinted at Di He, "As long as you keep your mouth shut and don't tell your sister Yunxiu, everything will be fine with me and your master."

  Di Ruo resisted his anger and said, "What do you mean? Sister Yunxiu is one of our members. Even if I say it, it is common sense!"

  Siyu raised his eyes, "If you talk too much, don't follow the Governor in the future."


  Di He's complexion changed, and it was difficult to understand why the master paid so much attention to Song Zhao's identity.

  This woman shamelessly dressed up as an outer room, just for fun, what difference did he make or not.

   Besides, she was Sister Yunxiu, the bodyguard of their team, the daughter of Siyu's mother's nanny, a person who was absolutely trustworthy and more sincere to her master than Song Zhao.

   Master really shouldn't hide it because Song Zhao even concealed it from Sister Yunxiu.

  Di She would not complain about his master, so he poured all his grievances on Song Zhao.

   It must be that this woman wanted to pretend to be her identity and intended to do something bad to her master, but he couldn't find any evidence to kill her.

   He couldn't help but glared at Song Zhao fiercely.

   "Xiao Langjun, he stares at me~" Song Zhao took advantage of the situation to hide behind Siyu.

  Siyu immediately glared back coldly, "Don't want your eyeballs anymore?"

   "Subordinates dare not."

   Di Ru lowered his head in embarrassment, wishing he could kill Song Zhao, a provocateur.

   Seeing that Di Ru was deflated, Song Zhao was overjoyed.

   This Di Zhu was inexplicably targeting her everywhere, and she had long disliked him.

   If it wasn't for the fact that Di Ru was a close confidant of a powerful minister, how could she bear it.

   This person can't move, but it's still okay to be angry.

  Song Zhaosheng was afraid that it was not enough to irritate Di He, and said softly, "Little Langjun, you are so kind, if he stares at me again, you can help me beat him, okay?"

   Pampered and proud.

   Di Ru sneered.

   His master is so principled and someone who has clear rewards and punishments, how could he punish him for her jokes?

   The next second, Si Yu, "Okay!"

  Di Ruo, "..."

   So, love will disappear! !

Seeing Di Ruo's irritated look dumbfounded, Song Zhao couldn't help but want to laugh, she drank a sip of herbal tea to suppress her smile, and said coldly, "Di Anwei, for the sake of your sincere consideration for the Governor, I Well, I sincerely advise you, be careful in your actions these days, and remember not to be reckless, or something big will happen."

  Song Zhao followed Fang Yuan to learn fortune telling. At present, he has been able to calculate a person's fortune in the next few days through the eight characters of a person's birthday.

   In the past ten days, she has specially asked Siyu for the birth date of Fu Nanqian and the main guard. Except for Yunxiu's birth date, which is not detailed enough, everything else is considered thoroughly.

   (end of this chapter)

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