Chapter 5 Treasonous Officials 1

  Silk Chamber Pavilion.

  Xia Qingyao has recovered for the most part, but she still looks haggard.

  Mother Xia was deeply distressed, "You almost lost your life, but Song Zhao has nothing to do. It's really unfair for my daughter to be abused for nothing."

  Xia Qingyao's eyes darkened, "Who told me that I can't compare to her status..."

"What if her status is high? We are also the ones that General Song invited to take care of in the mansion, and we are not her servants." Xia's mother was upset, "Besides, Song Zhao was also reincarnated. Bad problem, who in the capital city doesn't know that she is a pampered straw bag, who can't do anything in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, how can my sister Yao be exquisite and exquisite, with your intelligence and appearance, you are better than the best among noble girls. However, if you can have a good backstage, you will be famous all over the world."

   These words reached Xia Qingyao's heart, the corners of her lips curved slightly, but she said, "Mother, don't say that, if the servants will hear you later, we can't afford it."

   "In the end, it's my mother's incompetence. I can't give you a good backstage support. If you are asked to rely on others, there is nowhere to complain if you are wronged."

   "Mother, you don't have to be sad, this is only temporary, my daughter will work hard to make you live a good life."

Although    did not succeed in ruining Song Zhao's reputation, Xia Qingyao was not without success.

   At least after this time, she can sit back and enjoy the status of Song Jingxian's benefactor.

   With the IQ of Song Zhao's scumbag, the loss is a foregone conclusion.

   A trace of disdain flashed in Xia Qingyao's eyes, and she coquettishly said to her mother, "Mother, I'm hungry, why hasn't anyone brought food yet?"

  Mother Xia also finds it strange. Usually at this time, the servants have already come in to serve, why is it so quiet?

   She was about to go out to ask, when Mammy walked in with a row of maids.

  The maids held plates in their hands, and placed precious and delicious bird's nests and various delicacies in turn, gorgeous silk satin, and golden pearl jewelry.

  The mother and daughter were stunned.

   Old Taijun Song's personal maid actually set foot here?

   And carrying so many good things that they would not dare to think about on weekdays?

   Did the old lady finally find out that her daughter is the most cherished?

  Mother Xia's face immediately bloomed with a smile, "I just said why no one brought food so late, it turned out to be all carefully prepared, it's really hard work."

   After saying that, he was going to get bird's nest for his daughter to eat.

  Xia Qingyao showed a sweet smile and then curtseyed.

"Take off your dirty hands." Mammy sternly patted off Mother Xia's hand and sneered coldly, "This is our two thousand gold brocade clothes and jade food, not for you two who are like dogs. The mother and daughter are defiled."

  Mother Xia looked embarrassed.

   Xia Qingyao froze in place before her legs were straightened.

  Mamma clapped her hands, and then a few maids came in. They held vegetable baskets in their hands, filled with rotten lettuce leaves, and placed them in the room at will.

  Mamma said, "This is what you will eat in the future."

  Xia Qingyao held a sullen breath in her heart, bit her lip and asked, "What do you mean?"

Mammy said coolly, "The eldest princess has explained that the expenses in the mansion are too large to support you two idlers. I have already dispatched the servants to serve you. In the future, you will need to do your own food and clothing expenses. "

  Xia Qingyao bit her lower lip.

   When she is stupid, isn't she?

  Although the official family is not as wealthy as the merchants, but with so many officials in the Song family, Yueyin can raise dozens more people without any problems.

   This is clearly the eldest princess who is humiliating their mother and daughter for Song Zhao.

   "But the kitchen sends so much food to the Er-Girls' Courtyard every day, and the Er-Girls can't finish it all by herself. Even a portion is enough for us." Mother Xia said naturally.

   They are not the masters of the house, and they are not qualified to enjoy high-class food. Usually, the cost of food and clothing is only a little better than that of the servants.

  When Xia Qingyao and Song Zhao made good friends, Song Zhao would always send over what she didn't want to eat.

   "Have you forgotten your identities?" Mammy curled her lips, "This is all the food of our two girls, even if you eat the rest, it will not be the two of you who are dependent on others."

   After he finished speaking, he snorted heavily, spit on the ground, and left with a big force.

  Xia Qingyao's blood was surging, and her face was white and blue.

   Looking at the rotten leaves of the lettuce, he could no longer maintain his calm, and rushed over to sweep them all to the ground.

  Mother Xia grabbed her daughter's hand, "Sister Yao, don't lose your respect."

  Xia Qingyao's eyes were red, "Mother, Song Zhao is too deceiving."

Mother Xia persuaded, "If you can't bear to be too small, you will make a big mess. Song Zhao is just showing his power now. As long as you please the prince, who would dare to touch you? Everyone in the world cares about children. Even if the eldest princess loves Song Zhao again, she is still To take care of the face of the eldest grandson, Song Zhao will marry as a wife no matter how favored he is. In the future, the son will inherit the general's mansion. Song Zhao can only rely on his parents' elder brother. At that time, you will become the treasure in the heart of the son, and he will not be able to take revenge. ?"

   The unwillingness in Xia Qingyao's eyes quickly disappeared.

   Mother is right, as long as you stick to Song Jingxian firmly, there is a chance to clean up Song Zhao.

   (end of this chapter)

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