Chapter 501.

   "Master, we are so safe in the inn, how could something happen? This is obviously unfounded worry—"

   Halfway through his words, Si Yu pressed his eyes full of warning.

   Di Ruo was dumbfounded in an instant.

   The other sergeants were also silent.

  Siyu wiped his mouth, and seeing that Song Zhao had finished eating, he took Song Zhao and left.

Yunxiu's eyes flickered, she patted Di She's shoulder, and softly caressed, "Since the master said so, you guys should listen to what you have to say, if you don't do anything else, just treat it as the outsider who coaxed the master. The room is happy."

   "We're here to do something big, how can we bother about a woman of unknown origin." Di Ru scratched her hair, getting more and more irritable.

   He would rather not see that it was Song Zhao, at least he could willingly obey his master's orders, he was a woman who was willing to serve his master.

   The other guards and the Black Shield Army were also a little unhappy when they couldn't drink good wine. In addition, they didn't know it was Song Zhao, so they didn't speak mercilessly.

   "How can this beauty speak like Zhaoyang County Lord... Zhaoyang County Lord just said that, how dare she talk nonsense in an outer room!"

   "You said that something would happen tonight, and Di Anwei would be in danger... I laughed so hard!"

   "That beauty is really confused. She's afraid she doesn't know that even if we are all in danger, it's impossible to have an accident with Di Anwei's ability."

   "It's strange to say that the girls that the master likes are all chattering like the master of Zhaoyang County!"

   Yunxiu smiled and said to them, "Alright, alright, although the master told you not to drink alcohol, it should be fine for you to drink a little. Anyway, we are all at the station, what could happen?"


  The night slowly fell.

  The dark clouds in the sky covered the crescent moon, and the whole earth was groggy.

   Song Zhao finished bathing, gave up the clean room to Si Yu, and strolled to the warehouse where the private salt was stored.

   At this time, all 500 Black Shield soldiers fell on the ground and snored because they drank too much. Some of them couldn't squeeze in and went to the courtyard to sleep on the floor.

   There were only two or three Black Shields who were in charge of the night vigil. They sat barely sober on the steps, but the smell of alcohol could not be ignored.

  Song Zhao passed through them, his delicate brows furrowed slightly, "Didn't you say you can't drink?"

   Several Black Shields leaned lazily against the pillar, and burped when they heard the words, "Sister Yunxiu cared for us and gave us the wine, it's delicious..."

   is the cloud sleeve again.

  Song Zhao narrowed his eyes, "Go and make some hangover tea to feed them."

   It will be dawn in a few hours, and the Black Shield Army really thinks it is unnecessary, "You don't need to worry too much, girl, they will be fine after a sleep."

  Song Zhao was helpless.

   From the lord of the beautiful county to the humble outer chamber, even people can't move.

   "Little goblin, what are you doing running out so late?" Fu Nanqian asked while shaking his fan.

   He drank a large bowl of sheep whip soup, and the whole person was very hot, and his mouth was dry.

   "Fu... Young Master, can you go get some sober tea to feed them... Although it won't help much."

  Song Zhao sighed and looked at him very sincerely, "Maybe you don't believe it, but I watch the sky at night, and there will be danger."

  Although she and Si Yu had made all the preparations, Song Zhao didn't know what method those people in the previous life used to steal the smuggled salt.

   This life has advanced so much, maybe the opponent has changed a more extreme strategy, she can naturally reduce the danger if she can reduce it.

  Fu Nanqian's hot brain was buzzing, and he pulled his neckline, "My reflex arc is a bit long now, you will come when I go to Yehu Bubbles outside..."

  She, "..." is also satisfied.

  Fu Nanqian ran out impatiently.

  Song Zhao had no choice but to go to the backyard where the private salt was kept to observe the situation.

   At this time, the backyard was empty, and only Di She was guarding the door of the warehouse.

   Seeing Song Zhao appear, his eyes narrowed, full of precaution.

   He was afraid that Song Zhao would attack the private salt, so he didn't dare to be careless. Even the wine that Yunxiu brought, he and his guards only drank half of it.

  Song Zhao asked coldly, "Where are the other guards? Don't they all drink?"

  Drinking alcohol will reduce the combat power by more than half.

   As soon as the opponent comes, the group is destroyed.

  Di Ru said indifferently, "Now that the master is not here, you don't need to show an attitude of caring about us. The master eats yours, but I don't!"

  Song Zhao sneered, "I said there would be an accident tonight, can't you just hold on for one night? Why was your life borrowed, and you are in a hurry to pay it back?"

Di Ruo laughed in anger, "Open your eyes to see clearly, this is a post station, what's the matter? Besides, we have been here for so many days without incident, which is enough to show that your so-called private salt was stolen out of nothing. Now you Are you still here to be alarmist, are you cursing us?"

  Eddie seems to be in danger.

   That's also because of Song Zhao!

Song Zhao pinched his brows, "It will be too late when the danger comes, just because we have been peaceful for the past few days, you should be more vigilant at critical moments, you go and call your personal guard, you must be stationed near the private salt tonight. ."

  The purpose of those people is to steal smuggled salt. As long as the guards keep guarding the smuggled salt, they may not be given a chance to attack.

  Di Ru sneered and lowered his voice, "Zhaoyang County Master, please stop in moderation. If it wasn't for the Master who liked you, do you think I would continue to endure you?"

  Song Zhao's eyes were gloomy.

   "The three times you assassinated your master before... Did you forget it so quickly?" Di Ru licked his lips and pressed his tongue heavily against his cheek.

  Song Zhao froze all over, and his clear eyes quickly cracked with broken emotions.

   It turns out that Di She has long known...she had assassinated Lord Quanchen.

  No wonder he hates her so much.

Di She saw Song Zhao's surprised reaction in his eyes, the corners of his lips twitched down, and he said intriguingly, "I'm very curious, why did you suddenly start thinking about your master? Is there no conspiracy?"

  Song Zhao pursed his lips, the light in his eyes dimmed, and said awkwardly, "I did something wrong before, but I've tried my best to make up for it—"

"If killing can also make up for it, there won't be so many death row prisoners in the world?" Di Ru sneered, with some kind of intense emotion surging in his eyes, and said almost sharply, "Do you think that you didn't kill the master, then Is it not guilty? Murder is the same as attempted murder!"

   Murder is the same as attempted murder!

  Song Zhao clenched his heart when he heard this.

   As if there was a big hand, it grabbed the apex of the heart mercilessly, and mercilessly lifted the fig leaf, leaving only the embarrassment of shame.

   (end of this chapter)

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