Chapter 512 Demolition of Cloud Sleeves 7

  Since all the guards were injured, Si Yu decided to take a day off before setting off.

   After the guards regained their energy, the team regrouped and continued south.

  The station is very close to Nanxun, and you only need to cross the Yangtze River to get to the ferry.

  In the early morning, the team successfully boarded the merchant ship bound for Nanxun.

  The waterway went very fast, and before noon, we arrived at the ferry.

   The group disembarked and disembarked.

   Go out of the ferry and you have to take the official road to reach the city gate.

   Everyone can spot a problem, there are too few people here.

   Every local county has official roads, which are open to trade with each other.

   Even though Nanxun is remote, the production of rice and pasta here is a channel that many merchants want to develop.

   But on the spacious official road, apart from the long queue of Si Yu and Song Zhaoyi, the people who could be seen with the naked eye could be counted with ten fingers.

   The sergeants in the team didn't notice this.

  Only sitting on the carriage, Song Zhao, who saw this bizarre scene through the bead curtain, and Si Yu looked at each other calmly.

   Walking along the official road for more than half an hour, the city gate of Nanxun came into view.

I didn't expect that there were not many officials and Taoists, but there were a lot of merchants' carriages outside the city. Obviously, they all wanted to come to Nanxun to do business, but for some reason, they were blocked at the city gate, and no one came. Open the door.

  Siyu's team marched to the city gate.

   Those who saw this mighty team, each with a vigorous momentum, unconsciously made way for them.

   At the same time, the voice of the merchants also reached everyone's ears.

   "What's going on here in Nanxun... Why don't you let us in?"

   "It's the first time I've seen a city gate that I can't get in even with money!"

   "Is this the imperial court closing the city?"


  The city gate was unguarded, so Di She jumped out first and kicked the city gate heavily.

   Soon, a yamen stood up from the top of the city wall, and shouted furiously, "I've already said it a hundred times, outsiders are not allowed to enter the city, go to other places to do business, or I will hack you to death!"

   All the merchants were afraid to retreat when they heard the words.

   Yunxiu came out of the queue and showed the pass card, "Hello, we are from the capital. My master, the Governor, has an important discussion with the county magistrate."

   "Great Governor!"

   The yamen was startled.

   After a while, the closed city gate opened.

   A group of yamen officers rushed over with their weapons on their shoulders, looked at the access cards in Yunxiu's hand, and determined that the identity plate Di She took out was fine, and then greeted the team respectfully.

   When the other merchants saw this, they were stunned, and immediately fell to the ground, "Greetings to the Governor, please take us in with us."

   did not wait for Si Yu to make a move.

  The yamen immediately rushed up to punch and kick at the group of merchants. They were so bruised that they didn't dare to speak, so they stopped.

  Siyu lifted the bead curtain and watched this scene indifferently.

   Di Ruo angrily said, "It's presumptuous, even if the governor has not spoken, you yamen dare to do something?"

  The yamen licked his face and laughed, "This is what our county magistrate means. We are subordinates of the magistrate, not your subordinates."

   Listen to that tone.

   is not afraid of the power of the Grand Governor at all.

   That county magistrate obviously had great authority in the eyes of these yamen officers.

  Song Zhao sank his eyes, thoughtful.

  Di She and other sergeants quit. Their master is also something these lowly yamen can despise, and is about to teach them a lesson.

   "Let's go." Si Yu said, obviously he didn't take this little soldier in his eyes at all.

   Don't look at the small number of chapters, my word count is actually a lot.



   (end of this chapter)

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