Chapter 514 Untitled Chapter

The    army continued to circle a few alleys and walked for about half an hour before finally arriving in the Qianhu area under Song Zhao's jurisdiction.

   The situation here is not much better. There are still old, weak, sick and disabled everywhere. There is not a single young and strong man. The street vendors that can be seen on the street are mostly middle-aged and elderly women.

   Seeing the name of the Great Governor's team, all the people shivered and knelt on the ground.

  Fu Nanqian finally saw the signs and muttered, "Is Nanxun so poor? So poor, the county magistrate here is still shutting down the city, and I don't understand the reason for seclusion? Is there something wrong with your brain?"

  Song Zhao watched silently.

   If she hadn't come this time, she probably would never have known... On the fiefs under her jurisdiction, the people lived such a miserable life.

  Thinking of the tax bills handed in...the unknown amount of stolen money that was embezzled by the county magistrate, my heart was unprecedentedly heavy.

   It was past noon, and everyone was very hungry.

The    team first found an inn to settle down, and then went to nearby restaurants in batches.

  Fu Nanqian followed Song Zhaosiyu. He actively asked for directions, and soon the group came to a spacious and clean hotel.

   After they went in, they found that there were no customers in the restaurant, and the staff in the restaurant were all women or old people, with yellow faces and thin skin.

After    was seated, Fu Nanqian expressed his honeyed doubts, "Isn't that the decline of Nanxun culture? It's just a street stall. Why does a big hotel let women show their faces? This is much more tolerant of women than the capital!"

   Song Zhao looked at the tea cup in front of him. It looked like it had been pulled out of a garbage bag. It was also filled with boiled water, so no tea leaves could be seen.

"This restaurant is also Nanxun's signature restaurant, how can it be so shabby, looking at what kind of dishes... Pickled cabbage cakes, dried vegetable soup, corn on the cob... What is corn on the cob? Are these all things people eat? "

  Fu Nanqian pointed at the menu.

   Running all the way, I just want to eat something delicious.

  Looking at this's just no appetite.

The guy who came to deliver the food was a woman as thin as a straw. She put the pickled cabbage and corn on the cob tremblingly. Hearing the words, she knelt on the ground and said with a bitter face, "Governor, calm down... the women have already I have brought out the best food here to serve you, and there is nothing else in the Minwomen Restaurant."

  Fu Nanqian was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it? A restaurant as big as you only has these rough foods? What about this liar? Call your boss out!"

   Di Ruo and other guards said angrily, "Bold, the Governor is here, it's not like we don't give money... You act like this, it's just a crime!"

   The woman's face turned pale.

   immediately frantically kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Official lord spare your life... This shop belongs to the husband of a civilian... He was taken away by the county magistrate yesterday..."

   "All retreat." Si Yu said.

   Di Ruo and other personal guards immediately stepped aside.

   "Mother!" A childish voice came from a child, and the little boy in patched clothes ran over, hugged the woman tightly, and stared at him on guard, "Bad people, you are not allowed to take my mother!"

"Son, don't talk." The woman was horrified and hugged the little boy, tears falling directly, "I beg you all to be merciful... You have already taken away the men and the eldest son of the women, the younger son of the women is still young, He can't do without the women!"

   (end of this chapter)

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