Chapter 551 Tears after a hundred years,

   Siyutong's eyes were surging.

   At this moment, the body seemed to have a huge opening,

  Some kind of hot emotion poured into that opening, following his veins and veins, spreading all the way to his limbs and bones.

   His whole body was on fire when he was hot, and his eyes were numb when he was hot.

   He waited for Song Zhao to like this sentence for many years.

   He once imagined various scenarios where Song Zhao said this to him.

   The only thing I didn't think was that I heard it in this situation.

  The scene that I once dreamed of has become a poison that I drink into the liver and intestines.

   "Song Zhao, there's really no need for this." He gritted his teeth and said with red eyes, "No one in this world likes Si Yu, but Si Yu doesn't need Song Zhao to grieve himself to like him."

   Even if he knew the truth, he was so angry that he wanted to destroy the world on the spot.

   But he still won't do anything to Song Zhao, let alone hurt Song Zhao's family.

   So Song Zhao doesn't need to say such nice words to coax him.

   The girl he likes, he wants her to be happy, free, fearless, always proud, and always happy with herself.

   Even if she did, she didn't even look at him.

  Song Zhao bit his lip, as if in a hurry, "I didn't wrong myself, what I said was the truth."

Si Yu pressed his lips, his hand holding her chin did not loosen, looking at her indifferent eyes made one's heart shrink, "If I tell you, I have never changed my viciousness, I am a ruthless villain in my heart. , I'm afraid you won't say such a thing."

   He is really extreme.

   It was like he was about to slam into the south wall.

   No matter what other people say or do, they can't turn him back.

  Song Zhao was extremely powerless at the moment, and he hadn't uttered the words in his throat.

   I just felt that the fingers holding her chin increased the strength, and the strength gradually became heavier and heavier, until it seemed like she was going to crush her chin, and she couldn't say a word at all.

   she heard him ask.

   "If you didn't have the dream of your past life, would you still be one step closer to me?"

  Song Zhao's shoulders trembled slightly, his pinched chin struggled slightly, his eyes turned red unconsciously, "It hurts..."

  Such aggrieved tone made Si Yu feel heartbroken.

   Like an electric shock, Si Yu let go of his hand.

   A bright red fingerprint was pinched out of the pink-white chin of the girl, which was shocking.

  Siyu straightened his lips, just glanced at it, and suddenly turned to leave.

   seems to be afraid that Song Zhao will give an answer that he can't bear.

   He walked very fast, and his back looked like he was almost running away.

  Because he knew very well that if he took one step slowly, he would disarm and surrender.

   He didn't want to cry in front of her in embarrassment after knowing these cruel truths.

  There is nothing he can do about her. He has nothing to do with her.


  Siyu didn't come back all night after he left.

   Knowing that the truth came out, he might not forgive him and didn't want to see her.

   But Song Zhao was still a sculpture, standing there and waiting all night.

   This night, Song Zhao was in a daze, his mind was blank, and he completely recovered. It was already dawn.

   When the servants in the mansion got up early to go to work, they were startled when they saw Song Zhaodai standing in the well courtyard, and hurriedly invited Biqing.

"County Master, why don't you go back to your room to rest?" Bi Qing went to help Song Zhao, and when he saw Song Zhao's eyes full of red blood, the red fingerprints on his chin were bruised overnight, as if he had been beaten, and he was immediately frightened. Jumping, "Is this what Hou Ye fought?"

   (end of this chapter)

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