Chapter 555 Tears after a hundred years. ,

  Especially when they learned of Si Yu's deeds in Nanxun who did not care for Song Zhao, the ladies could envy Song Zhao in their hearts.

   Not only is he good at everything, but he can also have a powerful husband who likes her so much.

   This is the pinnacle of life.

   Until Si Yu "hit" Song Zhao, took away Song Zhao's authority to manage the inner house, and has not gone to Song's house to post so far, it seems that he has abandoned her.

   In the eyes of everyone, no matter how good, beautiful, and capable a woman is, once she is abandoned by a man, it is a shame.

  Suddenly, the noble girl who was envious of Song Zhao felt her heart balanced.

   Sure enough, God is fair, and it is impossible for one person to occupy everything.

   In terms of marrying a man, Song Zhao could never look up.

Among the noble ladies, there were many who were secretly jealous of Song Zhao, and they had almost settled on their husbands. Among them, some were particularly well-married, and they immediately showed a strong sense of superiority.

  They bowed to Song Zhao and said with a smile, "Our sisters' homes have been in constant stream these days, and there are too many posts coming and going. If you want to come to Zhaoyang County, the talent is even more beautiful than us. The family must have stepped on the threshold."

Without waiting for Song Zhao to speak, the other ladies followed, "Zhaoyang County Master and Hou Ye are in love with each other, how could other men not understand the wink and post with Zhaoyang County Master? I want to come that Hou Ye has already made an agreement with Zhaoyang County Master Bar."

   These people, knowing that Si Yu did not post to Song Zhao, deliberately said these words, implying that Song Zhao was abandoned.

  Song Zhao seemed to have never heard of it, and he didn't even look at these people who fell into trouble.

  If she hadn't seen the modern world in Penglai Mountain.

   may also have secular thoughts like them.

   I feel that it is a shame for a woman to be given up by a man, and maybe she will not be able to bear the rumors and cry on the spot.

   Song Zhao thought.

  The love between men and women should be equal, whether it is successful or not is normal, and there is no need to doubt yourself.

Wen Nuo put on her hips and said, "What's so good about getting married, my mother said that after a woman gets married, she has to serve her in-laws, take care of her husband's family, and have children. It's just too hard, you get married to endure hardship Hey, why do you seem so proud?"

   everyone, "..."

  What a shocking statement.

   took a closer look, it turned out that Wen Nuo did not want to be aggressive, and he immediately despised it.

  No background like Wen Nuo, except that her mother is the master of Canglan College, she is nothing, how could there be children from aristocratic families who take a fancy to them, and naturally they can't understand the psychology of these future ladies.

  The marriage of a woman represents the beginning of a new life.

   No matter how good her family is, it has nothing to do with her personally.

   Only by marrying a good husband can you become a superior person.

   "Have you said enough?" Yin Wanyang, who was unusually silent, suddenly got angry and looked irritated, "One by one, they are so broken before they get married, do you have any sense of shame?"

   The lady who was scolded suddenly became unhappy, and came over unceremoniously, "What are you talking about? You yourself didn't wait for His Royal Highness to post a post, and you still can't stand us marrying a good husband.

   Even if your father is the prince's grandfather, the prince does not look down on you, but Sheng Minggui, what are you still doing here? "

  In the past, they didn't dare to offend Yin Wanyang because Yin Wanyang's father, Taifu, was favored, and they thought Yin Wanyang would be the future crown princess.

   But now Yin Wanyang has no chance, but they are married, so naturally they will not tolerate Yin Wanyang any longer.

   Sheng Minggui, who was worried and annoyed, "?"

  Yin Wanyang froze, looking at Sheng Minggui with excitement, "Prince actually sent you a post?! How can you get the prince's post?"

  Sheng Minggui was so annoying, Yin Wanyang had the attitude of asking the teacher to ask for guilt, but he didn't look good when he heard the words, "You go and ask His Royal Highness the Prince, what's the use of asking me?"

  There is a lady who doesn't like Yin Wanyang gloating, "What's so suspicious about this? It's not because Sheng Minggui has a good grandfather.

  If Zhaoyang County Master also likes His Royal Highness, it will be even less of your concern, Yin Wanyang. "

  Song Zhao, "..."

   There will be updates in a while, ask for a monthly pass~



   (end of this chapter)

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