Chapter 557 Tears after a hundred years

   Sheng Minggui said angrily, "Yin Wanyang, you can stop as much as you can, don't make it easy for others if you can't get it yourself."

   Yin Wanyang's eyes were bright red, "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, just wait and see for tomorrow's lantern festival. The prince will definitely accept Gu Xinlian's purse."

  Song Zhao's cold brows and eyes drooped, and his whole body was very light.

  The atmosphere was filled with gunpowder smoke. Fortunately, the invigilator arrived in time, and everyone sat down in an instant.

  The girls are so unhappy before they get married, it can be imagined that in the future, they will each become a family, and they will enter a new stage of white-hot struggle for power and profit.

  Song Zhao took the exam as if nothing had happened, and didn't seem to take Yin Wanyang's words to heart at all.

   The exam takes a full day.

  Yin Wanyang was anxious, she hurriedly wrote the test paper and handed it in during the exam, and left first.

  After the exam, everyone left and went home impatiently, looking forward to tomorrow's lantern festival and a good son-in-law who could successfully marry.

  Sheng Minggui specially slowed down and walked with Song Zhao. No one was around. She reassured and said, "Zhaozhao, don't take Yin Wanyang's deliberate provocation to your heart."

  Song Zhao smiled lightly, skipped the conversation about himself, and asked softly, "Tomorrow is the lantern festival, what are you going to do, do you really want to marry the prince?"

Sheng Minggui smiled bitterly, "Of course I would not marry the prince, not to mention that I already have a sweetheart, with the current situation of the imperial court, I cannot marry into the heavenly family. Grandfather said it was impossible, so he could only offend His Royal Highness the prince. "

   Song Zhao knew.

   Sheng Shoufu is a smart man, no matter in his past or present life, he never chose to stand in line with the prince.

   It's just that in Song Zhao's impression, the ending of the Sheng family's past life didn't seem good, but she couldn't remember the specifics.

   She only knew that a powerful family like the Sheng family would be detrimental to the Song family once they stood in line with the prince.

   Moreover, Song Zhao and Sheng Minggui have similar temperaments, and she selfishly does not want Sheng Minggui to marry the prince and become the opposite of her.

   "Actually, I have a way to let you refuse without offending His Royal Highness."

"any solution?"

   "I have a medicine. After taking it and standing under the sun, a red rash will appear on the skin. As a result, the Holy Master will not approve your marriage with the prince."

   Tianjia has strict requirements for choosing a daughter-in-law.

   Not to mention choosing a concubine for the crown prince, that is the future queen on the bright side, and no strange illness is allowed.

   Sheng Minggui's eyes lit up, and he held Song Zhao's hand excitedly, "This method is really good, Zhaozhao, you are really my savior!"

  Song Zhao added, "But you have to consider the consequences of being rejected by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Maybe within two years, no one will propose to you, which will damage your reputation."

"That's not right!" Sheng Minggui couldn't wait, with a hint of shyness in his cold and glamorous eyebrows, "Anyway, I have a sweetheart to marry, and I am worried that there is not enough time. If I can get these two years, I will You can wait for my cousin to pass the exam and propose a marriage to me."

  Song Zhao looked at Sheng Minggui's happy face when he mentioned that his sweetheart would propose a kiss to her, and pursed his lips slightly.

  Originally, she was looking forward to this day.


  Yin Wanyang has already returned to the Yin Mansion one step ahead, and today happens to be the day when the Crown Prince Taifu returns to the Mansion.

   More than two months ago, the Crown Prince Taifu learned the identity of His Majesty Nanyue through the dragon-patterned jade pendant, and even followed them to Jiangnan with the carriage of the Nanyue embassy.

   As soon as she entered the door with her forefoot, the Crown Prince arrived in high spirits.

  Yin Wanyang cried when he saw his father, and said helplessly, "Father, His Royal Highness has chosen Sheng Minggui, and his daughter can't marry His Royal Highness, what should I do?"

   "Don't worry, I came back today for my father, just for this."

   (end of this chapter)

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