Chapter 56 Successful divorce 6

   Mrs. Duan's face was ugly. She obviously did not expect Song Yi to refuse, so she was not afraid that Song Yao would not be able to marry?

She gritted her teeth and said, "General Song, think about it, if you don't agree to my conditions, I'll open the door now, and let everyone see how ignorant your daughter is, then you'll be begging my son to marry him. Song Yao is impossible."

   She thought about it, and she must use this handle to take the Song family's military power into their hands step by step.

  Song Bin snorted coldly, "You said that it was General Ben's daughter, and General Ben believed it?"

   "Okay, it seems that General Song will not die until the Yellow River. I'll tell you to see clearly."

   Mrs. Duan stepped forward and told Chang Sui who was standing at the door, obviously frightened, to open the door.

  Chang burst into cold sweat and hinted frantically, "No, Mrs. Duan, you can't drive!"

   Mrs. Duan scolded impatiently, "Open!"

  Zhang Sui knew that he couldn't escape, so he had no choice but to open the door resignedly, then turned around and ran away.

  Life is important!

   Duan Ziqi was still whipping the disobedient girl in the room, when he suddenly saw his parents come in, driven by the medicinal properties, his nerves like a madman sobered up for a moment, "Father, mother, you are here so soon?"

   The robes on his body were loose, and he hurriedly carried off his trousers as he spoke.

   Madam Duan was in the excitement of taking over the Song family. She didn't notice the state of her eldest son, and couldn't wait to say, "I'll bring General Song to see Miss Song."

   Duan Ziqi discovered that there were a group of people outside the door, and was immediately terrified and completely sobered up.

   With cold sweat on his face, he opened his arms and said, "No, I can't show them."

   Mrs. Duan looked at her eldest son in astonishment. Before she could ask any questions, Duan Taishi directly reached out and mentioned Duan Ziqi aside.

   After seeing the scene in the house, the sound of gasping breaths came from all around.

  I saw a ten-year-old immature girl locked in a big bed.

   She had whiplashes all over her body, curled up tremblingly, and cried out, "No, don't touch me, don't touch me."

  Song Zhao suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, it came in time, and I didn’t call Duan Ziqi a success.

   The shock of this scene was so great that everyone was dumbfounded.

   For such a small girl, Duan Ziqi also made a move?

   Mrs. Duan and Duan Taishi's eyes widened in disbelief. The couple asked in unison, "How could it be her? Where did Song Yao go?"

   Duan Ziqi closed his eyes in despair.

   It's over, the secret hobby he tried so hard to hide has been exposed to the public.

   "What is Madam Duan looking for from me?"

   A gentle voice sounded.

  Qi Jun escorted Song Yao to appear in everyone's sight.

   The girl smiled peacefully, with a graceful manner, and no one could say the words "I'm not careful".

  Song Qi asked nervously, "Yaoyao, where have you been?"

  Song Jin said softly, "Go back to father, my daughter felt unwell after drinking fruit wine, so she rested in the room for a while, but she didn't know that such a disturbance was caused."

   Her light eyes raised, meeting Madam Duan's pale face, with deep ridicule in her eyes.

   Mrs. Duan and the others were fighting. The reversal caught them off guard, and they broke out in cold sweat.

  While heaving a sigh of relief, Song Bin was furious and blamed the Duan family, "You guys are so daring, you insult my daughter's reputation, and you even madly insult the young girl. This general will definitely report to the Dali Temple to cure your sins."

   "Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding, General Song calm down, why make the scene so embarrassing." Duan Taishi changed his face faster than turning over a book and accompanied his smiley face, and he couldn't be arrogant anymore.

   He no longer wants to threaten the Song family, he must keep the secret that the eldest son likes the younger daughter.

  Otherwise, becoming a laughing stock is second. Once it is spread, the future of the eldest son will be over, and their family cannot afford such consequences.

   Mrs. Duan regretted madly. She knew that she would not have impulsive plotting against the Song family. Now she shot herself in the foot.

She took a deep breath and tried her best to squeeze out a smile, "It's all because I didn't figure it out, and it almost tarnished Miss Song's reputation. It's also because my son is too romantic to bring the Tongfang over to make a fool of himself. It's really outrageous. "

  Song Zhao sneered.

   Up to now, the Duan family still wants to continue to cover up Duan Ziqi, what are they doing in the sky and daydreaming?

   I can’t stop howling today, so let’s hold your thighs and ask for votes.



   (end of this chapter)

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