Chapter 562 Tears after a hundred years

   only glanced at Sheng Minggui, and Song Zhao withdrew his gaze as if nothing had happened.

  Xiao Sijin frowned and said worriedly, "What happened to Minggui? Shall we go see her together?"

  Song Zhao said in a flat tone, "No need."

   Xiao Sijin was slightly startled, and looked at Yuan Jinxiu, who was also surprised.

   They thought that Song Zhao and Sheng Minggui had a good relationship, but now that something happened to Sheng Minggui, Song Zhao turned a blind eye.

   Sure enough, there is no pure friendship in the family.

  Wen Nuo carefully licked off the sweet cake residue on his fingers, and said crisply, "His Royal Highness is about to settle with Minggui, but Minggui has a rash, and it is likely to be discussed ominously.

  At this time, it's best to stay away from irrelevant people, and wait until things get bigger. Today, everyone who goes to see the fun will be regarded as a thorn in the side of the Sheng family. "

   Wen Nuo said casually, and immediately gave Xiao Sijin and Yuan Jinxiu a knowing blow.

   They all breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily they didn't follow on impulse.

   Otherwise, if you offend the Sheng family, you won't even think about getting a foothold in the court.

   At this moment, the second prince in a royal blue brocade suit came towards him.

  Song Zhao nodded, Xiao Sijin and Yuan Jinxiu Wen Nuo saluted and said hello.

  Xiao Sijin raised her foggy eyes slightly, and just happened to meet the gentle smiling eyes of the second prince, and her cheeks suddenly blushed.

   "Zhaoyang County Master, can I use this prince's fiancee, Miss Xiao, to have a conversation with this prince?" The second prince spoke to Song Zhao in a very gentlemanly voice, as if he cherished this fiancee very much.

  Xiao Sijin's heart was pounding like a deer.

   She has long noticed the talent and beauty of the second prince, and there are many noble women who have posted with the second prince. She did not expect that the second prince would choose her to post back and forth.

   Came here tonight, she was afraid it was a dream, so she came to make sure.

   Who knew that the second prince named her fiancee as soon as he opened his mouth.

  Song Zhao nodded, "Do it yourself."

   Her clear eyes stared at the backs of the second prince and Xiao Sijin, and the corners of her lips leaked out a sigh of relief... Another story of voluntarily jumping into the fire pit... a tragic ending.

  Song Zhao continued to go south.

  The pavilion of Prince Yiqin, Yuan Jinxiu and Wen Nuo were unable to reach the coffee table, so they had to die at home.

When    comes to the fork, the three of them can only go their own way.

  Without the presence of Song Zhao, Yuan Jinxiu looked a lot more relaxed when facing Wen Nuo, and asked curiously, "Wen Nuo, you came to the lantern festival today, are you also the man of the heart?"

  Wen Nuo said with a big heart, "I heard that there are many delicious and delicious food at the Lantern Festival. If you don't come, you won't come. Let's talk about marriage. I don't want to jump into the grave of marriage."

   Yuan Jinxiu's mouth twitched.

   is worthy of being a foodie who is well-known in Canglan College.


   She squeezed the purse in her hand and tried with a blushing face, "I heard that you have a good relationship with the third prince, and they often play together. Can you help me ask the third prince if he has chosen a maid of honor?"

   Wen Nuo blurted out, "It's not easy for you to ask this, I'll just take you to find him now."

  Yuan Jinxiu was stunned, and hesitantly said, "But the third prince should be at the Imperial Garden. We shouldn't see anyone right now."

Wen Nuo took out a green wrench and smiled smartly, "This is a token given to me by the third prince, let me take this and see him whenever I want, just as I'm bored right now, I'll take you to visit him for a party. Bar."

  Yuan Jinxiu looked at the green wrench in Wen Nuo's hand. This is the third prince's personal item... Did the third prince value Wen Nuo so much?


   Court luxury.

  The South Pavilion is located in the West Lake, more than ten times larger than the ordinary pavilion.

There are jade tables and chairs inside and outside the pavilion, extending a long and wide water corridor to the end of the lake.

   from a distance.

  In the pavilion, people come and go, the clothes are fragrant, the lanterns of various colors light up half the night, and there is a thrilling beauty.

Song Zhao was stopped by Duan Yunsui at the gate of the pavilion. He was wearing a black military uniform, and his body was much taller, approaching eight feet. The eyebrows that looked at Song Zhao were more profound and three-dimensional than before, and he was even more unpredictable. .

   "Blessed are the Lords of Zhaoyang County." Duan Yunsui folded his hands together and stared deeply at Song Zhao.

   "Big Sima." Song Zhao nodded slightly, estranged and indifferent.

   Duan Yunsui worked with the prince and tried his best, and unknowingly, he also had his own place in the court.

   Duan Yunsui could calmly face Song Zhao's indifferent eyes.

  I don't know what started, he and his sister Zhaoyang have gone farther and farther.

   "Tonight, Lord Hou will accept Miss Gu's purse. His desired wife is not you, so why should Zhaoyang County Master go in and seek humiliation?"

   "The Great Sima has overstepped."

  Song Zhao didn't even move his brows, he went straight around him and walked into the water corridor.

   "The Princess Zhaoyang should know about the amazing phoenix crown kept in the hands of the Empress, right?"

   Duan Yunsui asked abruptly.

  Song Zhao was startled.

   Jinghong and Phoenix Crown, she heard her grandmother say this.

   That is a set of phoenix crowns that are famous all over the world, made of thousands of pure gold.

  In the previous dynasty, a huge piece of ore with gold was dug up by other countries in the largest mine in the Dasheng dynasty.

   After several years of precipitation, a thousand pure gold that is unique in the world has been extracted.

   There is a lot of gold today, but most of them are chopped and not pure enough, so that piece of gold was brazenly occupied by the people of other countries.

   Dashengchao certainly couldn't watch the treasures of his own country being occupied by other countries, and he would start a war immediately.

   It was just that both sides considered that the war was too costly, and after discussion, it was finally decided that the queens of the two countries would compete, and whoever won would get a thousand gold.

  The former queen, who is also Si Yu's mother, naturally did not disappoint Da Shengchao, and tried her best to win the thousand gold.

  The former emperor was overjoyed, and immediately gave a thousand pure gold reward to the former queen, and ordered the top craftsmen to use the treasures of the treasury to process and make a set of fine and high-grade phoenix crowns from thousand pure gold.

  The former queen was very happy and named it Jinghongfengguan.

  Because the phoenix crown is too grand and high-end and not suitable for daily wear, she sealed it up and threatened to give it to her future daughter-in-law.

   It's just that before Si Yu grew up and the imperial court changed, the set of phoenix crowns fell into Queen Gu's hands logically.

  Because the former queen said she was going to give it to her future daughter-in-law, no matter how much Queen Gu likes this pair of stunning phoenix crowns, she can't wear it on her head, let alone pass it on to her future daughter-in-law.

   However, she and the former queen are sisters. Even if she can't wear it herself, she can't pass it on to others, but she can hold it in her hand and hold the treasury of a country. What an honor.

   "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince told me that Lord Hou wanted to take back the Jinghong Phoenix Crown from the Empress, and the Empress asked him to marry a girl from the Gu family."

   Duan Yunsui stared at Song Zhao's eyes.

   said positively, "Master Hou, I agree."

   Two in one.



   (end of this chapter)

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