The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 567: Song Zhao is about to give up on him 4

   Chapter 567 Song Zhao is about to give up on him 4

  Song Zhao's scalding heat was covered with a cold ointment, which relieved the burning sensation.

   The anxiety in my heart became more and more obvious.

   She looked in a trance, and asked him softly, dazed and ignorant, "Then what do you want from me?"

  What has been done has been done, and there is no time machine to travel back and change history.

   She also did her best to make up for it, she didn't know what to do so that he would not have any barriers in his heart.

   Could it be that in the end, like with the eldest brother, we can never go back to the past?

  My grandmother asked her to coax Lord Quanchen, but she has no experience in coaxing people.

"If you're really upset, kill me three times." Song Zhao racked his brains and could only come up with such a way to coax people, "I'm here, you can kill me any way you want— "

   Before he could finish his words, Si Yu used his wrists and dragged Song Zhao's ankles to hold the person into his arms.

  Song Zhao's back was pressed by the man's arm, his cheeks touched his undulating chest,

   Then Siyu lowered her neck, tilted her head, and bit her on the back of her neck.

   He tried so hard, he bit hard, and the blood came from the bite.

  Song Zhao hissed, the person shuddered, and the aching toes curled up in his palm.

  Blood spreaded between his lips and teeth, and Siyu pressed his teeth against the wound and licked, "How to calculate the account is up to me to decide."

   The hoarse voice of the man rang in her ear, and his breath was filled with scalding heat.

  Song Zhao shrank in his arms and was forced to raise his head and stretch out his long swan neck.

  For a moment, she felt that Siyu was very likely trying to tear her apart.

   The girl gasped for breath, her thin eyelids trembled slightly, her clear eyes were pure black, and her eyes outlined Siyu's eyebrows and traces every inch.

   "If I had known that I would like you so much, from the first time I saw you, I would have treated you very well and won't make you suffer a little."

  I really like him.

   likes him to protect her.

   liked that he smiled at her.

   likes to hear his voice calling her Ah Zhao.

   I like his eyebrows, his emotions, and the way he kisses her.

  I don't know what started, he has been deeply stationed in her heart.

  Song Zhao couldn't imagine what she would be like if another woman appeared beside Si Yu one day.

   I want him to belong only to her, and I want no one else in his eyes.

   That's why he gave up his dignity and humbly ran after him and asked him.

   I hope he doesn't leave, I hope he can choose her, I hope he can give her a chance.

   His eyes dimmed every inch.

   took a moment to breathe, and then took two heavy breaths.

  Siyu felt like his heart was split in two at this moment.

   Half of them fell into the endless whirlpool uncontrollably following Song Zhao's sweet words, while the other half froze and didn't dare to move. They were still holding on to the only defense they had, restraining him to keep him awake and calm.

"elder brother."

   Song Zhao shouted softly.

  Siyu's eyes sank.

   The girl's lustrous red lips exhaled a fragrant fragrance, and her exquisite body seemed to be close to him, and her color was haunting.

"Believe me."

   Song Zhao said.

   raised his arms, hugged his neck actively, put his little head up, and gently kissed his bulging Adam's apple.

  Siyu froze, his Adam's apple sliding up and down.

   He swallowed and said in a hoarse voice, "Get off of Ben Hou."

  Song Zhao seemed to have never heard of it.

   She has no experience of coaxing people, thinking that Ruo Siyu still likes her, she must be happy that she treats him like that.

   She leaned against his broad chest, grabbed his shoulders and neck and tilted his small head up, imitating the way he bit her before, hugging the bulge of his neck and biting lightly for a while.

   As soon as she bit, the protruding Adam's apple rolled faster and faster, getting closer, and she heard the man's saliva in her ear.

   After hesitating for a while, the girl's soft pink tongue carefully stretched out and touched it tentatively,

   "Brother, let's get married."

   The crematorium is in the back~

   Ask for a ticket~



   (end of this chapter)

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