The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 574: Si Yu kneels down to propose marriage

  Chapter 574 Si Yu Kneeled and Proposed Marriage

  Yin Wanyang then repeated what his father said to the prince.

   After listening to the prince, he was full of surprises. Looking at Yin Wanyang, his eyes became a little more solemn, and he asked in a low voice, "Is the Nanyue Emperor really your uncle?"

   Yin Wanyang nodded.

   Although there is no conclusive evidence to directly show her identity.

   But my father said that it was almost certain.

   It is impossible for her father to coax her about such a big event.

  Yin Wanyang almost knew that she was the niece of the emperor of Nanyue.

  The prince's eyes radiated a scorching light.

   That is the emperor of Nanyue.

   In charge of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and command the world.

  If he married Yin Wanyang as his concubine, he would become a family with the Nanyue emperor.

  Can the Emperor of Nanyue not face him and firmly support him as the Son of Heaven?

   With such awesome help.

  The throne of the emperor belongs to Qi Tan.

  The prince was in a turbulent mood, and he couldn't help holding Yin Wanyang's hand, showing a rare gentle expression, "If what you said is true, Gu will naturally choose you as Gu's wife and give you a lifetime of glory and glory."

Yin Wanyang has never been treated so tenderly and affectionately by the prince, her pretty face flushed instantly, her eyes lowered shyly, "The ministers and daughters dare not lie, my father is already trying to find a way to contact the emperor of Nanyue, and it may take some time to prove the identity of the ministers and daughters. Never disappoint His Royal Highness."

  The prince heard this and already believed that Yin Wanyang was the niece of the Nanyue emperor.

   After all, no one dares to joke about this kind of thing.

  The prince said almost impatiently, "Okay, this jade pendant is for Gu's safekeeping. You go back to Yin's house first, and wait for Gu to go to the father and emperor to ask for your marriage certificate."

   Yin Wanyang got the answer he wanted, handed the purse to the prince, and left shyly.

   When she stepped out of the palace gate, the news that the prince on the back foot chose Yin Wanyang as his concubine quickly spread inside and outside the palace.

   At that time.

  The prince came to Jiaofang Palace and told Empress Gu about Yin Wanyang and the Nanyue Emperor, and Empress Gu was also overjoyed.

   "It's really God who is helping us this time~" Queen Gu was extremely happy and proud, her golden hairpins trembling with laughter.

   It took a while to calm down, "With the Nanyue Emperor as a bargaining chip, why should we be afraid of the Song family?

   Even if there is one more Song family, it is not worthy of our attention! "

  The prince's eyes were full of laughter, and his voice was low, "Empress mother, how is Siyu's situation here? Will he agree to marry Xinlian cousin?"

   "His mother's relic is in the hands of Ben Gong, can he not give in?"

   Queen Gu snorted lightly, her delicate eyebrows showed a bit meanness, and said sullenly, "Do you know why the Sage asked Siyu to go to the imperial study for a night talk tonight?"

  Prince is puzzled.

   "A few days ago, Ben Gong inadvertently saw a drafted contract under the pillow of the saint."

   "What contract?"

   "The contract was written by the Holy Master himself. If Ruo Siyu chose Song Zhao as his wife, he would pay his subordinates more than 300,000 in military expenses and taxes, and Dasheng Dynasty would not bear a penny for him.

   And as long as the Holy One is in the day, he must restrain himself and not form a party for personal gain. No matter who sits in that position in the future, he cannot rebel and become the emperor. "

  This contract is too poisonous.

   blocked Si Yu's way forward.

   Whether he signs or does not sign means that he has the will to rebel, and his remarks in vain will be criticized.

  Everyone can see that Si Yu is an ambitious man, and the contract made by Emperor Yuan Chun is to curb Si Yu's ambition.

   What kind of man can accept such a suffocating clause?

  Who is willing to give up the whole country for one woman?

  The only way to solve the dilemma is for Siyu to marry another woman.

   (end of this chapter)

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