Chapter 584 Chasing Wife Crematorium 1

  The wind blew up, stirring the branches on all sides.

  The autumn sun lightly fell on Siyu's face through the gaps between the branches, like illuminating a starry sky.

   He said, "Ben Hou's mother left a letter when she was dying, and gave the Jinghong Phoenix Crown to Ben Hou's future wife. This Hou remembered it in his heart, and especially took back his mother's relics from the Empress and gave them to the girl he loves."

   Following the words of Lord Quanchen, Song Zhao's indifferent eyes trembled lightly.

   She slowly looked back and looked at him.

  Siyu hadn't rested at all during this period of time, and those deep peach blossom eyes were dyed with a deep blood color, which was intoxicatingly hazy.

   "Song Jia Zhaozhao, my brother is here to marry you."

  Song Zhao was in a trance for a moment.

   The day when Nanxun was clearly engraved in his mind, Si Yu rode on his horse and said to her in high spirits, "Wait when I come back to marry you."

   Later he came back, but instead of marrying her as promised, he left her indifferent back.

   When she lowered her posture, gave up her dignity, and almost begged that they could get married, he pushed her away coldly.

  Song Zhao thought that this was the end of her relationship with Quanchen.

   At the moment when she tried her best to forget him and cut off with him.

   He appeared in front of her as if nothing had happened, and begged her to marry her affectionately.

   As if the previous contradiction, the previous controversy, did not happen at all.

   The imagined marriage proposal came as scheduled, but Song Zhao couldn't bring up the slightest sense of excitement.

  Siyu's words shocked the eighteen generations of ancestors in all directions.

   They heard right?

  Siyu is going to marry... the Princess of Zhaoyang?

   Empress Gu was the one who responded the most. Her face sank in an instant, and her solemn voice rose sharply, "Siyu, what do you mean?"

  Si stared at Song Zhao intently, and smiled lightly, "Of course it means asking for a wife."

   Queen Gu of course knew that he was begging for a wife, but the key was, "Open your eyes and see clearly, the person you want to marry is Xinlian, not the Princess Zhaoyang!

   The Jinghong phoenix crown has been given to you, are you going to go back on your word now? "

   "Break your word?"

  Siyu raised his eyebrows, "This should be what Ben Hou wanted to ask the Empress?

   The Jinghong phoenix crown is the relic of the marquis' mother, and is kept by the queen's concubine. Is it possible that the queen's concubine has kept it for a long time and regards the Jinghong phoenix crown as her own? "

   Queen Gu's face stiffened, "Bengong and your mother are sisters, even if they belong to Bengong, what's the problem?"

"What Ben Hou's mother said was that Ben Hou would ask for a wife in the future with a phoenix crown, and Ben Hou is now asking for a wife. Could it be that the empress would shamelessly occupy the surprise because of her status as the mother's own sister? Hongfengguan, called the mother of this marquis to be restless in the spring?"

   Siu is an understatement.

  The people around him understood the cause and effect.

   It turned out that Empress Gu used her relics to coerce the Marquis to marry Gu Xinlian.

   Queen Gu almost fainted out of anger, restrained her anger, and said solemnly, "But you have already promised to marry Lian Niang, how can you not talk about it? Fooling Ben Gong?!"

  Siyu was indifferent, "This marquis has never said that he wants to marry Miss Gu, and the empress must not wrong this marquis."

   Queen Gu thought about it for a while and found that Si Yu had never said anything about marrying Gu Xinlian.

   It was only because Queen Gu believed that Si Yu would not give up the relics of the former Queen, and that Si Yu had a conflict with Song Zhao some time ago, so she took it for granted that Si Yu agreed.

   Until this moment, Queen Gu finally remembered that she was tricked by Si Yu.

  From the beginning to the end, Si Yu just wanted to take the Jinghong Phoenix Crown from her and marry Song Zhao.

   Ask for a ticket~

   Let me tell you, there have been a lot of readers who praised the high and stepped down in the comment area recently. They felt that my writing was not good, garbage, poor writing, and uneducated.

   I accept all the bad reviews, but I also tried my best to write. I am at this level, and I am trying my best to write better.

   Not every author is born to be very powerful. Everyone wants to improve. While criticizing, don’t compare me with other authors, it’s not fair to me and other authors~



   (end of this chapter)

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