Chapter 588 Chasing Wife Crematorium 5

   The imperial decree has been issued.

  Siyu and Song Zhao's marriage is a certainty, and the final decision is made.

   Queen Gu and the Crown Prince and others were unwilling, they could only grit their teeth and swallow them in, force a smile and send blessings.

  Although it didn't stop them from getting married in the end, the advantage was still on the prince's side.

The combination of   Siyu and Song Zhao will become a target that everyone in the court is vigilant against, and there will be no henchmen on their side.

  Prince slowly looked back.

  Danfeng's eyes quenched a cold sneer, which came from the victor's contempt for the loser.

  Siyu thought he had chosen the Song family with the most military power, so he could compete with him, right?

   As everyone knows.

   He had already taken too many steps ahead of him, and in his hands, he had already received the support of an entire kingdom.

   The treacherous palace struggle has just begun.

   And he is destined to be the winner.

  Gu Xinlian fell to the ground.

   She watched Si Yu's series of sassy actions, and finally came to her senses at this moment, her face was hot and her whole body was shaking.

   She thought that Si Yu would marry her, so she allowed Queen Gu to create public opinion, so that everyone in the capital thought she would be the future Mrs.

   But the truth hit her hard in the face.

   Gu Xinlian's mind collapsed, she got up and pulled Empress Gu's sleeve, "Aunt, you promised to let Lord Hou marry me, why don't you marry me now?

   Hurry up and say something for me, even if you can't be a wife, you can be a side room! I want to marry Hou Ye! "

  Gu Xinlian is an old girl who has been ridiculed for several years.

   In her heart, she really wanted to get married, but she couldn't pick a good one.

   Now her reputation is gone, and no one will marry her again.

  Gu Xinlian almost collapsed, and the whole person was hysterical.

   Queen Gu couldn't hold her face.

  Gu Xinlian raised her up for her, and now she has become this crazy, which is also an insult to her.

  Under the eyes of the public, Queen Gu said angrily, "This girl has lost her mind."

   She gave Zhao Mama a wink, "Take her down and ask an imperial physician to heal her brain."

   Duan Yunsui gloomily followed Queen Gu and left.

   Before leaving, he gave Siyu a hateful look.

   Every time, when he was about to marry Song Zhao, this hateful Siyu would always shatter his sweet dreams.

   Duan Yunsui clenched his fists, the killing intent was clear.

   is still not strong enough.

   Until he is strong enough, he can really **** the beloved woman in his hand.

  The crowd dispersed.

   The county main house gradually quieted down.

  Song Zhao didn't even look at Si Yu, he pinched his eyebrows tiredly, "Grandmother, father and mother, I'm tired, I'll go back to the house to rest first."

  Siyu watched Song Zhao ignore him and leave, his forehead twitched hard.

   He stepped to chase after him, but was intercepted by Song Hengdao, and roared fiercely, "Stop for Laozi!"

  Siyu's coercive aura was in front of his future father-in-law, and he suppressed his arrogant ego. He said warmly, "Father-in-law calms down, my son-in-law just wants to have a conversation with Ah Zhao."

Song Yan's nostrils turned to the sky, and the yin and yang were strange, "There were no ghosts when I was supposed to propose marriage. I was ridiculed by the civil and military people of the court. What's the point of making amends now? Can't you get the toys you don't want?"

After    finished speaking, Song Bin clenched his fists and swung towards Si Yu viciously.

  Siyu took a solid fist and groaned, his neckline twisted, revealing a bruised collarbone.

  Song Bin stretched out his arm in the air, and clicked **** Si Yu, "I've been holding back for so many days, this breath is finally out."

   (end of this chapter)

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