Chapter 59 Shivering with anger

   One sentence pinched Duan Taishi's lifeline.

   Duan Taishi was trembling with anger, but he was unable to change.

   Not to mention the eldest son's sin of imprisoning the girl, just because the eldest son dared to mess with the Egret Mountain Villa built by the saint, the eldest son is doomed to be unable to escape.

   The eldest son is a waste, but he still has to take care of the overall situation and support the Duan family.

   It's a shame that he finally cultivated his eldest son to become a jinshi, waiting for his eldest son to make achievements and honor his ancestors, but he was destroyed in the hands of the Song family!

   Duan Taishi's heart was bleeding.

   Duan Ziqi was eventually taken away.

   Before leaving, he scowled at Song Zhao fiercely.

   Mingming's plan was so perfect, and it was the Song family who should suffer. How could he be defeated?

   The sudden arrival of the girl's parents was obviously well-prepared, and he didn't know when he had leaked.

   But he can be sure that it's all Song Zhao's ghost!


  The matter has come to this point, the people who have finished watching the play have dispersed, and the topics for the next year have all been discussed.

  Song Yao looked pale, his stomach was churning, and he was faintly nauseous.

   She thought that Duan Ziqi was just a character problem, but she did not expect that he would imprison the girl and was violent and cruel.

   And she almost married such a disgusting person?

   Thinking about Song Yao, he was in a cold sweat and was terrified.

   If it wasn't for the younger sister's vigilance and exposing Duan Ziqi's face, she stopped her from entering the tiger's mouth.

  Song Jin's eyes suddenly became hot, and he raised his eyes to look at his sister.

  Song Zhao seemed to feel something, turned around and looked at his sister, a sweet smile bloomed on the tender and cute little face,

  Thank you for this rebirth, which gave her the opportunity to protect her family.


  Song Bin hurried back to the mansion overnight.

  Song Zhao found the girl's parents privately and gave them one hundred taels of silver notes, "After the matter is settled, you should leave the capital with your daughter, stay away from the gossip and start over."

   "Thank you, Second Lady Song."

   The couple knelt on the ground, thanking them with great gratitude.

   On the other side, Song Jin put on his skirt and got on the carriage to wait for his sister.

   Maybe because she was frightened, she walked in a trance. When she got on the carriage, she stepped on the air and was about to fall.

  The second she exclaimed, the warm and powerful arm of the man firmly supported her arm.

   "Be careful."

   low voice, with a bit of cautious apprehension.

  Song Jin's heart skipped a beat, and he looked back to meet Qi Jun's shining eyes.

   Under the night, the man's long and narrow eyes seemed to have Zhan Zhan Xinghe.

   He just stared at her as if looking at the most precious treasure.

  Song Yan's face became hot, he didn't even say thank you, and quickly got into the carriage.

  Qi Jun lowered his head and rubbed his slightly rough hands on his robe as a souvenir.

  The skin of a girl is so soft...


  The story of Duan Ziqi imprisoning the girl and taking him to Egret Villa to hang out soon became known to everyone.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was furious when he found out, and he personally issued an edict, first of all to make Duan Ziqi crippled, and then to abolish Duan Ziqi's title of Jinshi, and he would never be allowed to enter the court as an official.

   After this incident, the Duan family suffered heavy losses, and they didn't run away for thousands of years.

   Of course, this is something else.


   Right now, Song Bin has just returned to the house with his daughters.

   Hearing the wind, Song Laotaijun and his family were in a hurry, looking forward to their return.

When she saw her sons and granddaughters, Song Laotaijun hugged a granddaughter and said angrily, "Going to get married, it will turn out like this, old lady, I'm really blind to see that beast in the Duanzi period, almost It hurt us all."

   I have a humble dream, I hope that tomorrow the ranking can be changed from 36 to 35.

   It's just one, I think you can save me with a little effort. (^3^)



   (end of this chapter)

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