Chapter 61 Take Care of Big Brother 1

   Song Bin, who touched a soft nail, was not angry.

  Xia Qingyao interjected at the right time, "Uncle Song, don't be angry, the elder brother of the prince is about to have a cold attack, he is unwell, and he is not worried."

  Song Jingxian's eyes were as cold as ice, soft and very moving.

   Still only the benefactor understands him best.

  Song Bin suddenly remembered the pain that the eldest son suffered once a month, and then looked at the handsome face of the eldest son full of world-weary aura, and couldn't stop scolding.

   In the end, he was dragged down by the cold poison at the age when he should have established his career. He could only stay at home and cultivate himself. For the proud and ambitious eldest son, this is a kind of torture, who can bear to say what he is?

  The old lady Song waved to Song Jingxian.

  Song Jingxian obediently stepped forward and did not look at Song Zhao next to his grandmother.

The old lady Song patted her grandson on the shoulder, "I have been visiting Yushi Lin's house for the past two days, only to find out that Yushi Lin's first-in-class son was poisoned by the poison last month, and he almost went to the west, but he was killed by a young girl at the doctor's door. The genius doctor has been rescued, grandma thought, the genius doctor who can even cure the poison, maybe there is a way to cure your cold poison."

  Song Jingxian's dark eyes stagnated slightly, "Girl's genius doctor?"

  Song Qi and the others pricked up their ears curiously, but they didn't notice that the quiet Song Zhao touched his nose with a guilty conscience.

The old lady Song said, "I've asked clearly, it's a very young girl who has been known as a genius doctor, but because she wears a hat, no one can see her face clearly, so no one has been able to find her yet. "

  Song Jingxian lowered his eyes in frustration.

  Song Wei said, "At least I knew that it came from the door of a genius doctor. I immediately sent people from the intelligence team to help search. Even if I dig three feet in the ground, I will find people."

  The old lady Song comforted Song Jingxian and said, "Brother Xian, don't worry, it is better to have a channel than no channel. As long as you take a good rest, there will be a turning point."

   "Grandmother said, grandson take it to heart."

   Song Jingxian said this, but in fact he didn't have any hope in his heart.

   Not to mention that he didn't think a young girl could cure him.

   Even if it can be cured, how can such a capable doctor be so easy to find.

   In the past three years, the family has tried many ways to treat him, but they are all disappointed.

  Song Jingxian's heart was numb to the point of no feeling after repeated disappointments.


   Yunshi became worried after learning about the big incident that happened to her daughters at Bailu Mountain Villa.

   She sent the maid next to her to invite Song Jin and Song Zhao to speak her own words in the room.

   "The journey is too long, there may be danger, **** you for the father."

  Song Bin said with a high-sounding voice, and the cheeky followed.

  Song Yao and Song Zhao, "..."

  What danger can there be in your own yard?

  The two sisters tacitly understood that they did not expose their father's intention to take the opportunity to meet their mother, and let their father follow.

   Who would have thought that Yun Shi had already guessed her husband's urine sex, so she stood at the door of the room with a big broom, and greeted Song Bin when she saw it.

  Song Bin was driven by the broom and ran across the courtyard, smiling humbly, "Mother Yun, don't be so fierce, my husband also wants to talk to you and your daughters."

   Yunshi sneered, "No need, in a few days it will be your youngest son's 100-day banquet. You should go with your Chen Xiaoniang to handle the affairs of the banquet. I won't come forward to handle it."

   said, dragged his two daughters into the house, and slammed the door shut.

  Baba stood in the same place with his grievances, his big head drooping down.

   The north wind blows.

   (end of this chapter)

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