Chapter 63 Take Care of Big Brother 3

  The dimly lit bedroom, with only one lamp lit, is quiet and depressing.

  Song Zhao wore a crescent-white snow gauze skirt. The temperature was low at night. When she went out, Bell draped her a brocade-trimmed cloak outside.

  There is a circle of fox fur embroidered on the neckline, and the fur is close to the little girl's fair face, making it even more tender and petite.

   She didn't seem to see Song Jingxian's full sense of rejection, and walked calmly to his side, reaching for the jug on the table.

   "What are you doing?" Song Jingxian held Song Zhao's hand, the others were facing the wind, and the cold wind was blowing in. A long hair of raven green was swaying with the wind, setting off a wanton and frantic arc, making the facial features three-dimensional and neat.

   Wearing a black wide-sleeved robe, the color is as dark as ink, which sets him off even more indifferently.

   Song Zhao's stature has not been raised, even if Song Jingxian is sitting, he is a head taller than her.

She was in front of him, a small mass, looking thin and slender, she raised her eyes slightly to look at him, her voice was soft, "The imperial physician has instructed you not to touch alcohol until you are healed, otherwise the attack will be more uncomfortable. "

  Song Jingxian lowered his eyes and stared at her. He had a pair of deep and deep socket eyes, and the upper eyelids were sunken downwards. When he didn't speak, he looked very dry.

   The next second, he took the jug from Song Zhao's hand and took a sip of wine indifferently, "Do you still remember what the imperial physician told me?"

  When he needed her care the most, she never stepped on his side.

   Now that the day lilies are cold, doesn't she think it's funny?

  Song Zhao was not discouraged, and said quietly, "Grandma said that a doctor will be found to cure you. Before that, you should take care of your health and not give up on yourself."

   She wants to cure him, if Song Jingxian is allowed to die like this.

   That's really not even Da Luo Shenxian can save it.

   The little girl's soft voice was the same as before.

  Song Jingxian's body of toxins poured out uncontrollably, paralyzing his body bit by bit.

   He needs to drink constantly to suppress the discomfort.

   "My business, I don't need you to take care of it." The man's eyebrows and eyes were cold, and his voice was as cold as snow, as if it came from a distant horizon, alienating and stinging.

   Seeing that he was going to continue drinking, Song Zhao suddenly raised his hand and lifted the table to the ground.

  The wine jug and the wine glass all fell to the ground.

  The atmosphere froze.

  Song Jingxian reacted quickly, the end of his eyes were scarlet, and he couldn't help but feel irritable, "Song Zhao, what are you trying to do?"

   "I said, you can't drink."

  Song Zhao was still as quiet as before, but when she said this, she brought a force that did not match her age.

  Song Jingxian glared at her through gritted teeth.

   She was so small, but she was not afraid of him at all, and looked at him generously.

  Song Jingxian used to like her sister's eyes the most. They were round and full of aura, like a lake that could see the bottom at a glance, clean and pure.

   It's a pity that he only now understands that her heart is so selfish and cold.

   It felt like something was blocking my heart.

  Song Jingxian really didn't understand, how could Song Zhao still manage to get along with him so confidently.

  Suddenly, a chimpanzee gushed out from his throat, and Song Jingxian couldn't help falling to the ground, coughing out a mouthful of black blood.

  Song Zhao knelt down in front of him, raised his hand to stroke his forehead, and said solemnly, "You have a fever."

"I've become like this, isn't it all your fault?" Song Jingxian couldn't help sneering. People are especially vulnerable when they are sick. After facing his sister's late concern, he suppressed the grievances and suffocation for three years. out.

   (end of this chapter)

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