Chapter 69 Parents and Reconciliation 6

   Two hours later, it happened to be the time for the banquet to start.

   During this period, guests came to pass here one after another, and when she knelt here, it would become a major landscape in the back garden.

   Duan Yingying covered her face and cried.

   She felt ashamed and stood up straight.

   "Could it be that Miss Duan wants to kneel in another place." Song Zhao frowned, "If you follow the regulations of the Great Sheng Dynasty, Miss Duan should go to the punishment department to be dealt with."

"I have limited patience."

   Duan Yingying cried out, and knelt down aggrievedly.

   Although she is willful, she doesn't dare to take the Duan family to take risks. The family has already suffered heavy losses, and she can't bear the trouble any more.

   Upon seeing this, the surrounding guests exchanged glances with solemn expressions.

   It seems that they will have to discipline themselves in the future, and can't easily provoke Siyu.


  Song Zhao took Si Yu to the eaves, looked at him with round eyes, and said surprisingly, "Are you here to help me today?"

   In the bright light of the morning, the girl's eyebrows and eyes are exquisite and picturesque, which surpasses the beauty of the world.

  Siyu is accustomed to seeing his beauty in prosperous times, and has long been immune to all good-looking things.

   But every time I look at Song Zhao, I feel that she is like the little fairy written in the book.

   He raised his eyebrows, "You saved my life last time, and I should repay it."

   Song Zhao was flattered.

   is incredible!

   The powerful minister who will overturn the dynasty in the future will actually repay his gratitude!

   When he was young, he really was a very innocent little man!

   "But aren't you afraid of being targeted?" Song Zhao stepped on the steps and looked at him from above.

   The young man is slender and beautiful, and the raw skin is really amazing.

   She tilted her head and said, "You are alone now. If you offend people, they won't dare to touch you on the surface, and it's impossible to wear small shoes for you secretly."

   The pampered little girl can think so far.

  Siyu felt amused, and pinched the little girl's bulging face.

   The skin is as delicate as ever, like tofu made of water.

   He couldn't help thinking about whether he should let the little girl know about his strength...

   "I know you will protect me." His eyes were so bright that it was impossible to look directly at him.

  Song Zhao didn't expect Si Yu to trust her so much, but she just helped him twice by accident. In fact, she did it all to assassinate him.

  Speaking of which, he could be considered the person who harmed him.

   Inexplicably felt a bit of guilt in my heart.

   She said sincerely, "Thank you, Mr. Si Xiaolang, you are really a good person who stands above the ground. In the future, you will be able to soar to the sky and dominate the world."

   The little girl's mouth is sweeter than honey, and Si Yu's words are very useful.

   She really likes him.

  Siyu slowly and methodically stretched out a hand to pick up a strand of her hair, gently wrapping it between his fingers, entangled in an ambiguous way.

  Song Zhao didn't dare to move, "...what are you doing?"

  The little pervert seems to like to touch her.

  Siyu also realized that this action was inappropriate, and let go of his hand calmly, "Smell the taste of cabbage."


  Song Zhaomo.

   Is this stalk too hard to pass?

   And why does he want to hear? It made it seem like he was a pig and was about to slap her little cabbage!

   "Have you not eaten yet?" Song Zhao suddenly showed a sympathetic expression, "Could it be that your life is so poor that you can't even afford cabbage?"

   The more Song Zhao thought about it, the more she felt that she guessed right.

  Otherwise, how could Lord Quanchen take her as a cabbage and smell her in a daze?

  Siyu, "..."

   What gave the little girl the illusion that he couldn't afford to eat every time.

   Just at this moment, a maid passed by with a plate of pears, and Song Zhao intercepted it directly.

   "This is the fragrant pear attacked by the border shepherd. It tastes better than the ordinary pears on the market. I invite you to eat it."

  Song Zhao held up a plate of fragrant pears, a pair of cat eyes sparkling.

  Siyu stared at her.

  Song Zhao picked up a fragrant pear and ate it, his cheeks bulging, very cute.

  Siyu immediately thought of a small hamster he had raised as a child.

   His eyes fell on the jagged pears she ate.

   suddenly poked his head, biting on the spot where she had eaten with a blank face.

   And more~



   (end of this chapter)

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