Chapter 712.

   Father Sheng coughed and didn't know what to say, so he could only laugh and slap Tantaimo and the others in to welcome them.

  Tantaimo glanced at Song Zhao indifferently, not paying much attention to it.

   Mother Sheng stopped and waited for Father Sheng to lead people away. Viciously dragged Sheng Minggui aside.

   "What do you want to do, you dead girl? Today is the big day when the genius doctor Nishang treats your grandfather. You brought the Lord of Zhaoyang over here, and it's not good for you? Hurry up and drive her away, do you hear?"

   Sheng Minggui's biological mother died unexpectedly, and Sheng's mother was the successor who was ushered in by Sheng's father.

  Sheng Minggui respectfully calls her mother Sheng, but in fact the relationship between mother and daughter is very plastic.

  Sheng Minggui is the eldest daughter of the Sheng family and is highly valued by Sheng Shoufu.

  She's mother usually finds Sheng Minggui's unhappiness when she has nothing to do, and does not miss a chance to suppress Sheng Minggui.

   "If you have the ability, you can shout out, and if you don't have the ability, you will be a man with your tail between your legs."

   Sheng Minggui snorted coldly, and without giving Mother Sheng any face, dragged Song Zhao and left.

  The seven orifices, which are full of mother energy, give birth to smoke.


  The main hall was crowded with people.

  The envoy Li of the Imperial City Tai Hospital led the many imperial physicians under his command to stand in a row respectfully.

   Several master-level doctors called by the door of the magic doctor are also inside.

   They are all physicians responsible for the auxiliary treatment and conditioning of Sheng Shou.

   It can be said that it is a medical team where big bosses gather.

   Seeing Father Sheng leading people in, everyone looked over with bright eyes.

  Tantai Mo first found a place to sit down, turned his head to Nishang and said, "Quickly fight."

   Neon nods.

   A group of big-name doctors in the house have long heard the name of the genius doctor in Nishang. From the rumors, they learned that the genius doctor is very young and has not taken it seriously. When they met in person at this moment, they realized that he was really too young.

  The doctors couldn't hide the admiration in their eyes and greeted Nishang one after another.

  Although each of them is a famous doctor with great ability, but there are specialties in the profession, and so is medicine.

   In terms of intractable diseases, they have to call Nishang a senior.

  Nishang said to Father Sheng with an aloof look, "I don't want to waste time, give me a medicine kit."

   Before Father Sheng moved, the envoy Li Dianpidian brought his medicine box.

  Although Nishang did not take them seriously, the attitude was not respectful.

   But Nishang has talent, and he has achieved this achievement at such a young age. The big guys all have their own personality, which is understandable.

   Sheng Shoufu lay unconscious on the bunk bed in the center of the main hall.

  The aged old Shoufu looked pale, his lips were black, and he looked like he was about to die.

  The doctors stared at Nishang without blinking, wanting to know how divine this legendary doctor is.

At this moment.

   Sheng Minggui walked in with Song Zhao.

  Quiet hall.

  The sound of footsteps is particularly clear.

  Nishang turned her eyes away, the redness on her face was not fully digested, and the corners of her lips pursed fiercely, "When I am treating my illness, I don't want idle people waiting around..."

  Everyone also noticed Song Zhao.

   The discord between the Song family and the King of Nanyue is an open secret.

   Father Sheng's eyes twitched, his brows furrowed in dissatisfaction, Ming Gui has always been sensible, what's up today...

   His tone was quite gentle, "Ming Gui, the genius doctor in Nishang is treating your grandfather. You take Zhaoyang County Lord to play in another yard."

  Sheng Minggui asked An Zuo to greet him, "Father, Zhaoyang County Master also has medical skills, and my daughter specially invited her to ask her grandfather's pulse to prescribe medicine."

   The words fall.

   Needle drop can be heard in the hall.

   is probably too far-fetched... The King of Nanyue, who has always been indifferent to his anger and anger, raised his head in surprise.

   (end of this chapter)

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