Chapter 72 Parents and Reconciliation 9

  Siyu was familiar with such eyes.

   He lost his parents since he was a child and grew up in hell. Just to survive, he had to do his best.

   has also cultivated an invincible xinxing.

   But Song Zhao is just a darling girl who can stab her to death with a soft finger.

   How much damage and suffering she has endured will make her heart stagnant for the eldest brother she once cared about and admired.

   At this moment, Si Yu was very curious about Song Zhao's experience.

   "Song Shizi's words are wrong, the second girl of Song is a direct daughter, even if an orphan girl enters the door, she can be regarded as a prostitute.

  Since ancient times, there have been differences between concubines and concubines, such as the distinction between clouds and mud. "

  Siyu stood in front of Song Zhao, and the eyebrows of Jade Phase Jin Zun were soaked with coldness.

   Since he is the one who wants to bully himself, he can't let others bully him, even if it is the elder brother of the little girl,

  Song Jingxian has a big mind and will not look down on Siyu like others.

  Because of Siyu's royal blood, he even said politely, "What you said is right, it's just that my sister is ignorant, and it's not something my daughter-in-law can explain."

   He was angry that his sister did not respect his benefactor.

   "Not sensible?" Si Yu smiled, his eyes dyed with wanton tick, showing a careless ruffian, "I think Song Shizi's sister is very well behaved."

   He lowered his eyes slightly, his dark pupils looking directly at the little girl.

  Song Zhao blinked, a little embarrassed.

   She acted recklessly in her previous life, and everyone thought she was a bad girl.

  Besides her grandmother, Si Yu was the first person to say she was good.

  Song Jingxian choked, looking at Si Yu in front of him, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

  Xia Qingyao said coquettishly, "Brother Shizi, I'm all right now. Presumably Miss Song Er didn't mean to get along with me, so don't reprimand her."

   She just wanted Song Zhao to be scolded a few times, to achieve her goal and come out happily to be a good person.

  Mother Xia came with Chen Xiaoniang, who was holding her baby clothes, and said in an elder state, "Yaoyao has always been sensible. Since she is an older sister, she naturally has to give in to her younger sister. I hope Second Miss Song can learn more from your older sister."

  Mother Xia wears gold and silver, so she is so complacent.

   After today, she will become the mistress of this house.

   What kind of girl is Song Er, who is trampled by her daughter sooner or later.

   Song Jingxian looked at Xia Qingyao, who was swollen but endured grievance, and Song Zhao, who was unrepentant, with deep eyes.

   For not supporting Xia Qingyao, he is ashamed of his benefactor.

   could punish Song Zhao, but he couldn't be ruthless.

   He turned to the maid and said, "It's noon, go and invite father and grandmother over."

   Perhaps only by giving Xia Qingyao an official position in the Song family can he make up for his guilt.

   After a while, Song Bin and Song Laotaijun came together.

  The Song Laotaijun held the Song family tree in his hand, and Xia Qingyao's eyes lit up.

   Soon, she will become the girl of the Song family.

  Song Bin looked sullen and asked Song Jingxian to write the genealogy for him.

   "Wait." Song Zhao walked over and took the genealogy in his hand.

   "What's the matter, little girl?" The old lady Song looked at her little granddaughter with some guilt.

   If it wasn't for Song Jingxian's promise to protect Song Zhaoyi's life without worry, she would not agree to adopt Xia Qingyao.

  Song Zhao stared at Chen Xiaoniang's mother and son with a cold face, "Just a wild species who doesn't know the origin, who has been eating and drinking in our house for so long, and still wants to be on the Song family tree?"

   The whole audience was shocked.

   Listening to this means, there is a shocking inside story!

   "Song Zhao, what nonsense are you talking about? Return the genealogy!" Song Jingxian was very angry only when Song Zhao played a petty way to stop Xia Qingyao from taking over.

  Xia Qingyao looked at Song Zhao nervously, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

   "Father, grandmother, you have all been deceived. Chen Xiaoniang's child is not daddy's, it's daddy who was tricked."

   The male protagonist is so powerful now that he will overturn the car in the back, hahaha.



   (end of this chapter)

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