Chapter 721 Slap in the face 2

  Song Zhao's expression gradually turned gloomy and cold.

   King of Nanyue.

   is the king of Nanyue again.

   He is an emperor, how can he have the time to take care of other people's boudoir affairs.

   If you think about it with your toes, you can also figure out the key.

   But it was because of the thought that Song Zhao felt reluctant.

  Yin Wanyang was stupid, chose a **** husband, and served concubines in the courtyard before he got married. It's disgusting to even want to assimilate her husband.

  Siyu took Song Zhao's hand from under the short case.

   "You should ask my wife about the backyard."

   The countess said sternly, "Learning the etiquette of Zhou Gong before marriage is a rule that all princes have to live by. If you want to come to Zhaoyang County, there is no reason to refuse, otherwise the reputation of this jealous woman spreads, it is not a good thing."

Song Zhao raised his eyelashes and smiled arbitrarily, "This county lord is magnanimous, so naturally he won't be a jealous wife. This county lord is the wife of the regent, and naturally the regent's wishes come first in everything. Isn't it just warming the bed? Of course you can. As long as If the regent dares, the county lord will break his leg."

   Hearing that they thought Song Zhao was interested in front of them, but at the end their smiles stopped abruptly, "..."

  Siyu folded his legs, suddenly paused, and sat down properly.

   He was still holding Song Zhao's hand and gently kneading her fingertips at this moment.

   Lazily dragging his tone, "How dare this king."

   The two Earl Gu, who were inexplicably loved by the show, were instantly as black as the bottom of a pot.

   "Prince Regent, you have more than 500,000 soldiers and horses under your command, and you can't get the dowry.

  We are your only relatives, as long as you are obedient, we are willing to give you a betrothal gift, otherwise you can't come up with a betrothal gift, how can you go to the Song House to be hired!

   At that time, the face of the Song family and your regent's palace, I was afraid that they would be trampled into the mud! "

   The servants who carried the mahogany box came over one after another, revealing the jewelry inside.

   are some ordinary silver ingots, adding up to only a few hundred taels.

   The countess was like a gift, "These money can solve the urgent needs of the regent, and it will not be ugly.

  If Zhaoyang County Master is sensible, he should persuade the Prince Regent to be obedient.

   Don't forget, the King of Nanyue arranged the frontier treasures for the Crown Princess as a dowry.

   The dowry is better than the dowry, and there is no bride price.

   At that time, everyone would know that the princess of Dasheng was as worthless as a weed in front of the emperor and concubine of the royal family. "

Song Zhao raised his eyes and made a meaningful bend, as if he was laughing, and then said coldly, "It's okay to be a grass, today you step on my head, tomorrow the county master will grow on your grave. superior."

   Count Gu, "..."

  Siyu, "..."

   couldn't help tilting his head and laughed softly.

   "Master Zhaoyang, you are so unruly!" The countess trembled angrily, "I am the grandmother of the regent, do you know how to respect the elderly and care for the young!

  You haven't been through the door now, I can't help you, but when you marry into the palace, I must set the rules for you! "

   Dasheng Dynasty put filial piety first.

   Even if the Regent doesn't recognize them.

  But they are the blood relatives and elders of the regent, and they cannot be ignored.

   filial piety indenter.

   Can't offend the Prince Regent, and can't clean up Song Zhao's grandson-in-law?

   "Make the rules, then stand up." Song Zhao shrugged his shoulders with a serious expression, "But you care about the family, you probably won't be able to wait for that day."

   Count Gu was furious, "Prince Regent, you just let Zhaoyang County Master curse us like this, right?"

   He didn't believe it. The regent really dared to offend the King of Nanyue completely for a woman.

   Just accepting two girls and doing superficial work, sleep or not is another matter, as long as others think he is asleep.

   But it turns out that Si Yu really dared.

   (end of this chapter)

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