Chapter 728 Slap in the face 9

   is talking about neon clothes.

   She calculated what would happen today, and specially called Tantai Mo to come.

   "Doctor Nishang, help me quickly, what are these black bloods?" Father Sheng asked for help in a low voice, while Mother Sheng held Sheng Minggui.

  Nishang looked at the black blood carefully and said coldly, "There is a problem with the medicine, and the black blood vomited is the cause of the complete damage to the internal organs. Shengshou can't survive today, and even the Daluo Immortal can't save it."

   Father Sheng heard the words, his body swayed heavily, and he fell to the ground.

   He covered his face and whimpered uncomfortably, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault that I didn't stop my father... I hurt my father... I'm sorry for my father..."

   "Father, you are suffering." Sheng's mother also cried out.

   She turned around and slapped Sheng Minggui who was still in disbelief to find Song Zhao.

   "You are a jerk, if you hadn't persuaded your father to give your grandfather the medicine of the Zhaoyang County Master, your grandfather would not die, and you still have to go to the Zhaoyang County Master now?"

  She's mother beat Sheng Minggui for the first time.

   The breath in her heart was instantly cleared.

   She finally found the nobility of being a first-mother.

  Sheng Minggui has a grandfather's heart, looks in a trance, and doesn't care about it.

   "Grandfather can't be in trouble, Zhaoyang County Master must have a solution."


   Father Sheng said fiercely, "Don't go to Zhaoyang County Master, she killed your grandfather, my Sheng family will never let her go."

  Nishang said, "The master of Zhaoyang County will come in a while, just in time to detain the person first, let her confess her guilt in person, and then report it directly to the sage."

   Father Sheng nodded.

   After a while, the concierge came to report, and Song Zhao came over for a follow-up.

  Tantaimo raised his hand to signal, and the sergeants around him hid.

   Not for a while.

  Song Zhaoman walked in carelessly.

   She was dressed casually, with a medicine box hanging on her shoulders. The moment she came in, she smelled a **** smell.

   "Zhaozhao, grandfather vomited black blood." Sheng Minggui was pulled by Sheng's mother, and she shouted loudly to Song Zhao.

  Black blood?

"What's wrong?"

  Song Zhao put down the medicine box and frowned slightly.

  Father Sheng's face was extremely ugly, and his whole body was full of terrifying anger, "Zhaoyang County Master, you randomly prescribed medicine to kill my father, and you still have the face to ask what's wrong?"

  Song Zhao's expression did not change, he glanced at the direction of the bed, and walked over.

   "Why, you killed someone, want to check?" Nishang blocked Song Zhao's way.

She stared at Song Zhao coldly, sarcastically, "I reminded you long ago, don't work on porcelain without that diamond. The teacher of the saint was killed by you, and you have a few lives to lose. Our esteemed great Lord Sheng."

   The hostile momentum of Song Zhao in the room could not be suppressed.

  Tantaimo sat on one side, looking indifferently at the girl in the center of the whirlpool,

  Song Zhao's brows and eyes were bright and indifferent, and his eyes did not change from beginning to end.

   is very calm.

   As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice was wanton, "Is it dead or not, I only say what I say."

  The girl's voice is crisp and sweet, and she speaks under pressure, which is indescribably cold and clear.

  Nishang looked at Song Zhao's attitude that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and her eyes were suddenly fierce, "The emperor breaks the law and the common people are guilty. In medicine, you are only qualified to lick my shoes. I have enough rights to teach you a lesson."

   She said, raising her hand to give Song Zhao a slap.

  Song Zhao narrowed his eyes.

   She leaned slightly, and effortlessly blocked Nishang's hand.

   At the same time, Song Zhao's cold and beautiful hand turned around and grabbed Nishang's wrist.

   (end of this chapter)

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