Chapter 733 Protecting the Calf 4

   For a while, the whole hall was dead silent.

   Zhaoyang County Master is a master-level doctor of the magic doctor? ! !

   This is undoubtedly a heavyweight gunpowder, and everyone who blew up was instantly shocked with sparks and lightning.

   Li Yuan's eyes were blank

   He stared at Song Zhao's half-smiley brows, remembering the look in Song Zhao's eyes that day.

   At that time, he felt that he had lost something... But then he didn't take Song Zhao seriously, and even mocked Song Zhao from the inside out.

   As a result, he is a master doctor, so what does he have the face to mock?

   Those words that he had said seemed to turn into an invisible slap at this moment, and slapped Li Yuanshi's face fiercely.

  Other physicians also felt a burning pain in their faces.

   They all want to travel back in time, they will never offend Song Zhao once.

  The real bigwigs are around, but they turn a blind eye?

  Song Zhao became a master-level doctor at such a young age... Compared with Nishang's talent, this is the real genius doctor, right?

   Tantai Mo's eyes were sullen, and a string in his mind suddenly tightened.

  No wonder, Song Zhao can freely enter and leave the door of the magician.

   He thought that Song Zhao was related to the external operator from the magic doctor gate.

   Never thought about it.

  Song Zhao is a doctor at the master level of the genius doctor... Does this mean that she is very likely to know the resurrected genius doctor.

   Nishang glared at Song Zhao, her eyes almost protruding.

   Grandmaster level, Grandmaster level.

   How could Song Zhao be a grandmaster?

   She also deserves it?

   Nishang didn't believe it, but the door owner's words made her have to believe it.

   "What about the master-level doctor... It's not the same as killing Sheng Shoufu, but it's just a false name." Nishang bit the bullet and sneered, "This makes me really doubt the ability of the master-level doctor."

   One sentence brings back the theme.

   Everyone woke up.

   Yes, I almost forgot.

  The matter of Sheng Shou's death has not been resolved yet!

  The sect master seemed to have heard a big joke, he laughed out loud, and said in a gloomy voice, "To kill people? When my eldest baby makes a move, there are only people who don't want to live, and no one who can kill her hands."

  Father Sheng didn't know what to express, and the corners of his mouth moved stiffly, "So, Princess Zhaoyang, did an accident happen during the treatment for my father?"

   "Not an accident."

  Song Zhao tilted his head lazily, his eyes full of understatement, "The medicine I prescribed is fine, but Sheng Shoufu had an accident, and the medicine was changed."

   Dressing change?

  Father Sheng's expression turned gloomy, and he reacted suddenly, and asked someone to bring the servant who was decocting the medicine.

   Where has this servant ever seen this battle, the **** said that it was fried by Sheng Mu.

   "Today is your decoction?" Father Sheng looked ugly and grabbed Mother Sheng, "What are you doing with the decoction? What do you want to do?"

  Mother Sheng's face was pale, and she stammered, "I, I want to honor my father...I earnestly follow the original recipe."

  The sect master almost understood it, and smiled meaningfully, "It turned out to be a frame up... Show me the dregs that Sheng Shoufu drank."

  Ni Chang's body was caught off guard for a moment.

   Sheng's father gave Sheng's mother a stern look, and asked people to find the leftover medicine bowl of Sheng Shoufu.

Sect Master Bi looked at Song Zhao's prescription, asked about the ingredients of the medicine bowl, raised his head and smiled slowly, "Sure enough, I added a taste of Caowu... It seems that Mrs. Sheng understands medical principles, the original prescription has a taste of red leaves that is warm, When the two herbs are decocted and collided with Caowu, they will generate cold air, and this bowl of warm herbs will be turned into cold herbs."

   (end of this chapter)

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