Chapter 747 Wedding Night 4

  Song Zhao's palms were hot, and he threw the fire avoidance book far away, his face and neck were all red, "I don't care, I don't want to learn, I have to learn from Siyu."

   Forget about learning.

   She is now watching those indescribable movements... The people are dying, and the mind of getting married has faded.

  Song Jin suddenly hesitated when he heard the words.

   "Actually, my mother and I have always suspected one thing."

"What's up?"

"The Prince Regent is so handsome, and there must be countless women who like him. The maids in his house must also want to serve him. In this case, the Prince Regent is not close to women, could it be, no? ?"

  Song Zhao was taken aback.

  I don't know if I don't say...

  It seems that it is really possible.

  Although the Minister of Power has proved it with his physical reaction before...but there is no real gun actual combat, and the specific situation is not clear.

  Song Yao was worried, "The biggest reason for the harmony between husband and wife is on the bed. If the regent is not good, it will not give you happiness. Don't hide it from our family, you must get out in time and dump him, you know?"

  Song Zhao, "..."

   On the eve of the wedding that should have been a girl's heart bursting.

   Zhaoyang County Lord was so worried that he could not sleep.


   At the same time, the Prince’s Mansion, which is on the same day as the regent’s wedding, is brightly lit, and preparations are being made for tomorrow’s wedding.

  The prince originally thought that he would borrow one third of the treasures in the frontier for Yin Wanyang to use Tantai Mo as a dowry gift for himself.

   Unfortunately, just as he said this tonight, he was warned by Tantai Mo, and he also bluntly said that the dowry gift of the Prince's House to marry Yin Wanyang must not be lower than 228.

  The prince now has all his chips on Tantai Mo, and he didn't dare to offend him, so he could only take out the family property at the bottom of the press box and collect enough 228 to carry it.

  Prince Taibao comforted the prince, "When the frontier treasures are stored in the Prince's Mansion tomorrow, these dowry gifts will be nothing."

  The crown prince quickly figured it out, "Gu understands. If Guzhen used the treasure on the frontier and spread it back, he would gain the reputation of eating soft rice, and it would not be worth the loss. It is better to use these dowry gifts to insult the regent."

  Prince Taibao cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness is wise. Don't worry, I have already sent people to spread the news. It is guaranteed that tomorrow, all the people in the capital will know that the regent can't come up with a betrothal gift."

  The prince clenched his fists, his eyes gleaming fiercely, "This is just an appetizer... Once the wedding is over, the **** that belongs to the regent couple will come."


  The sky was bright, and Song Zhao, who had been worrying all night, was called by Song Yao to get dressed.

   She was very sleepy, lying on the warm bed, unwilling to move, "Good sister, let my sister sleep for another hour... It won't take long to get dressed."

Song Yao used both hands, and slammed Song Zhao's bedclothes, and said firmly, "The red makeup is complicated, how can it be compared with ordinary makeup, it will not take two hours, and the red makeup palace staff sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs is already waiting outside. Now, we must not miss the auspicious time!"

  Song Zhao rubbed his eyes, "The Prince Regent is a man, he packs up quickly, if I pack up quickly, wouldn't I have to wait for him, why don't I take this opportunity to sleep a little longer..."

   "How do you know that the regent won't dress up in advance, I think the regent is much more refined than you."

   "He certainly won't."

  Song Zhao said firmly.

  The screen changes to the Regent's Palace.

In   Siyu's bedroom, the lights were not turned off all night.

  People carry hot water in and out, and the room is filled with the smell of ambergris.

   (end of this chapter)

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