Chapter 751 Wedding Night【

  Siyu evoked a slight smile, as handsome as a god, "Today, the king will marry the princess, and the whole world will celebrate, and I would like to make you feel happy."

   he said.

   The sergeants in the queue on both sides took out silver and gold coins from their sleeves and swayed them towards the street.

   It was like the rain was falling, and all the people who were hit were dumbfounded on the spot.

   After a while, everyone realized that it was real gold and silver that fell to the ground, and they were excited to scramble into a ball.

  Siyu raised his eyebrows and eyes, and his beautiful voice was moving slowly, "The louder the blessing, the greater the gold and silver."

   Seeing that the people with open eyes from Qian heard this, they immediately knelt down and blessed without any principle, "I wish the Prince Regent and the Lord of Zhaoyang County a good relationship for a hundred years!"

  The sound of firecrackers mixed with the sound of blessings enveloped the entire street.

  Although they were all attracted by the temptation of the frontier treasures, the temptation of the frontier treasures had nothing to do with them.

   Instead, Si Yu gave real money, which undoubtedly won the hearts of the people.

  The prince's eyes were cold.

   Did these superficial people put him in the eyes of the prince?

   He laughed, "The prince regent is really generous, I'm afraid he will take out the only money left to reward the people... So, wouldn't there be no betrothal gift for half a cent? If the prince regent doesn't dislike it, it's better to leave you alone."

The corner of the prince's eyes was wicked, "All the bride price gifts are given to the crown prince, but a few of the sergeants under the lone hand are going to get married next month, and there is not much money, but the people take food as their priority, and all kinds of cakes, chicken, duck, and fish are indispensable. ."

  The prince deliberately used the bride price of the poor to connote the regent.

   "It's not necessary." The Prince Regent was condescending, his smile was quite wanton,

   "This king's betrothal gifts are already too many for the entire capital. It really can't hold the kindness of His Royal Highness the Prince."

  The prince's sneer was beyond words, "The regent is really a joke, and I don't know where your dowry gifts are that the entire capital can't put down..."

   "Bang." A sound of gongs and drums came from the end of the fork in the road.

   There was a faint excited shout in the distance, "It's a frontier treasure!"

   Everyone looked over.

  The South Vietnamese army was densely packed and continued as far as the eye could see, carrying countless boxes made of sandalwood, and the wind and fire came.

   "My old swan!" The onlookers were stunned for a moment.

   As expected of a frontier treasure that has left an indelible mark on the history books... This is too grand and luxurious!

The    procession went all the way, and the people who accompanied it almost could not see where the end of the procession was.

   The number of boxes that can be seen from the line of sight... is dazzling.

  The value of a kingdom is placed in front of others.

  The prince's eyes showed a slight smile, "It seems that the dowry of the King of Nanyue has arrived."

   He stood there, waiting quietly.

  Yin Wanyang also stood beside him, his eyes showing some from the fan, looking at the majestic team eagerly.

The    team got closer and closer, and the people surrounding the Prince’s Mansion subconsciously gave way.

  Unexpectedly, when the team approached, the leading Nanyue sergeant bowed his hands to Siyu with a complicated expression, "You wait for the order of the Nanyue King to send the Regent's treasures to the frontier!"

  Prince, "..."

  Yin Wanyang, "..."

  The surrounding people, "..."

   A sound of thunder on the ground is nothing more than that.

   After a brief blank in his mind, the prince lost his voice in surprise, "What did you say? Isn't this the dowry that the King of Nanyue prepared for the crown prince?"

   South Vietnamese Army, "..."

   Don't ask, it's just that their Majesty has lost his mind.

   (end of this chapter)

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