Chapter 761,

  Song Zhao slept until noon and woke up faintly.

   She was awakened by hunger,

   My body is still very tired and exhausted. In the words of the modern world, it is like running a marathon all night.

"woke up?"

  Siyu was sitting beside the bed, the moment Song Zhao opened his eyes, he leaned down and kissed Song Zhao's forehead.

  Song Zhao slowed down for a while, then his eyes slowly focused, noticing that Si Yu was dressed neatly, he asked vaguely, "What time is it now?"

   When he opened his mouth, the soft and tender voice was hoarse.

  Siyu took a deep look, turned around and poured a cup of hot water on the table, held it in one hand, and fished the person out of the bed with the other, and fed it to her lips.

  Song Zhao held it in his hand and took a big gulp.

   After she finished drinking, Si Yu wiped her mouth and put the cup aside before answering, "It's past noon."

   said, Siyu touched her head and smiled dotingly,

   "Little Lazy Zhao."

  Song Zhao was furious.

   She has never slept in excess of noon... If it wasn't for the unbridled tossing of the Minister last night... Could she be so uncomfortable?

   Eyelids were drooping, Song Zhao didn't have the energy to care about him at this time, he covered his stomach and said, "I'm hungry."

  Siyu rang the bell out of the bed.

  Bell and Biqing walked in quickly with the toiletries and waited for Song Zhaojing's face.

   Bell was holding a newly made shirt and skirt to put on for Song Zhao, and Si Yu received it and planned to come in person.

  Song Zhao glanced at him, still sullen, "I don't need you."

  Siyu was stunned for a moment, touched the tip of his nose, and stepped aside honestly.

  Bell and Bi Qing looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

   These two newly married masters, how come they are in conflict.

   When the bell was dressing Song Zhao, he saw the tiny red hickey on the arm around the girl's neck, and immediately understood.

   These parts are only visible to the naked eye, and the ambiguous traces are so obvious.

  Inconceivable...anywhere else.

  Bell Biqing glanced at each other, his face flushed slightly, and he quickly avoided his gaze.

  The two big maids had only one thought in their hearts.

  The Regent is so cruel.

  Song Zhao felt sore, and when he lowered his head, he saw the dazzling marks on his skin. He couldn't help but snorted coldly at Si Yu, "Are you a beast?"

  Siyu put one hand behind his back, and was stunned when he heard the words, his deep gaze slid down from Song Zhao's surface, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

   He raised his eyebrows.

   At the same time, he tore off some clothes, revealing the honey-colored chest and shoulders, full of Song Zhao's nails and teeth marks.

   He pointed to the traces of claws and claws, "You're not bad either."

   The anger in Song Zhao's chest suddenly lessened.

   She turned her face away and said with a guilty conscience, "That's also because you're too much. You've been talking for a while, and after a while, there will be a lot of time!"


  Siyu still had a smile in his eyes, and apologized without sincerity, "Yes, it's my fault."

  Song Zhao rinsed his mouth expressionlessly.

  Siyu also took a mouthwash and stood beside Song Zhao and rinsed together.

  The afternoon sun shines brightly through the screen window, gently enveloping the two of them in an aperture.


   He slowly spit out the mouthwash, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and said slowly, "I was a beast last night."

  Song Zhao turned to look at him.

   The handsome face of the man was like a star in the light, with a slight arc under his eyes, and he pulled his lips very loosely, "I won't be a man in the future."

  Song Zhao, "..."

   She slept with some slut!

   Biqing + bell, "..."

  What did they do wrong, come early in the morning to listen to these unspeakable words of tigers and wolves!

   (end of this chapter)

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