Chapter 779 Untitled Chapter

  Song Shenmai will always remember the dreams of his previous life.

  The Song family was conspiracy and rebellion, and the whole family was beheaded. The culprit was the prince who was escorted to the throne by the Song family.

   He saw his family members die tragically one by one, and his much-loved little sister was kneeling on the long street in rags, crying and begging to protect the Song family.

  The dream is cruel and painful.

   All the foreshadowings seem to be pulling the Song family into a tragic bottomless abyss.

  When Song Shenmai first learned about the dream, the Song family did not develop to surrender to the prince according to the dream of the previous life.

   He didn't know what the meaning of that previous life dream was, whether it was true or false.

   But fortunately, the Song family in the present life did not go down the path of misery in the previous life, but instead got better and better, as if they knew the traps in advance and avoided them wisely.

  Although I don't know why this life is completely different from the previous one, but if the result is good, everything will be fine, and Song Shenmai will no longer worry about it every night.

   Until Song Zhao elected the second prince to the throne in one fell swoop, the confusion in Song Chenfei's heart was suddenly cleared away.

  Why does the little girl not support the regent, but support outsiders to control the imperial power.

   Such bold and rebellious anti-time thinking is simply not something a young girl can come up with.

   If Song Zhao's personality changed because of his eldest brother, what about the eternal concept rooted in the blood of women?

  Which woman dares to rebel like Song Zhao.

   The younger sister did not choose the regent, because she knew about the past life and did not dare to take risks, so she chose the method of controlling the puppet emperor.

  Song Shen Ai was empowered.

After   , he fell into a deeper confusion.

   In his previous life dream, there was always a thick fog shrouded in fog, and he couldn't see all the scenes, so he never dared to act rashly, for fear of damaging the stability of the Song family.

   But thinking about what Song Zhao said, she always led Song Zhao to bypass one crisis after another calmly and firmly, so accurate and indomitable.

   Thinking about her dream, it was clearer and more intuitive than his.

  Then she didn't choose the regent. On the one hand, she didn't dare to take risks. Is it possible? On the other hand, did the regent do anything bad?

   After all, in Song Shenmai's past life dream, the regent was a ruthless character who was not easy to mess with.

   The regent of the previous life caused **** storms in the court for the throne. Before the fall of the Song family, the rebellious intention of the regent was obvious, and he could not watch the prince sit firmly on the throne.

   So it can be inferred that Song Zhao, as the last person in the Song family, has seen the complete ending in her dream?

  Song Shenmai thought about it last night, and planned to come to Song Zhao early in the morning to have a good talk.

   Who knows that there are thoughts in the day and dreams in the night.

   That night.

   He dreamed about the rest of his previous life that he had no chance to see.

  Siyu indeed sentenced the country, took the throne back, and even cut off the crown prince's head and hung it at the city gate.

  Song Shenmai can't deny the joy in his heart when he saw the ending of the prince.

  Even if Si Yu was avenging the prince for his own sake, he could be regarded as indirectly avenging the Song family.

   He thought this was the end.

   However, it is just the beginning.

  Siyu's expression was cold, he grabbed Song Chenai's collar with one hand, his wrists bulged, his eyes were extremely clear, "This is what Ah Zhao told you, where is she?"

Song Shen'ai's eyes were scarlet, and the irritability in her blood couldn't be suppressed, "I need her to say shit! I have seen everything! You can fool the rest of the Song family, but you can't fool me! Your mother is a lunatic, alright. If the emperor doesn't do it, he wants to slaughter the city and destroy the country!"

   (end of this chapter)

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