Chapter 783 The confrontation between Yun's [

  Penglai said so much, but Si Yu only grasped one point, "So you are Ah Zhao's master?"

  Song Zhao mentioned more than once that she had a master.

   Her medical skills were learned from her master.

  Song Zhao didn't say who the master was, and Si Yu didn't ask.

   Unexpectedly, her master turned out to be the head of Penglai.

   So, the head of Penglai has lived for hundreds of years?

   "Sect Leader Penglai, you must know where Ah Zhao is, right?" Si Yu asked in a timid tone.

Penglai glanced at him calmly, and said lukewarmly, "I gave the villain a chance to call me for help at a critical moment, but she was very stubborn and never used it once. I'm too lazy to meddle in my own business for fear of another tragedy for you."

   "Since this is a critical moment, can this king accompany you to rescue Ah Zhao?" Si Yu was about to go crazy.

  Penglai was not in a hurry at all, and smiled warmly, "What's the hurry, I have taught her for a hundred years, if she still can't figure out a fake, then she is not worthy of being my disciple."

   "Fake goods?" Tantai Mo just jumped out of these shocking words from rebirth, a hundred years, and was confused by the fake goods from the head of Penglai.

   "Master Huiling, not your disciple."

  Penglai said with disgust, "There are countless disciples who want to be the head of this sect, and the head of this sect does not accept everyone."

  Siyu's teeth were sore, and he couldn't help interrupting, "Where is Ah Zhao, if you don't want to go, why don't you tell me first, please."

  Penglai shook his head amusingly when he heard the words, did he tell Siyu in the end.

  Siyu got the information, turned around and left.

  Tantaimo watched Si Yu leave, frowning deeply and looking ugly, "I was really deceived."


Penglai sighed and said to Tantai Mo sympathetically, "That Huiling was just a little servant who swept the floor in the Xuanmen decades ago. He stealthily learned some shaky foot metaphysics from this master, and then he showed off all over the world. Emperor, you are being played around. You have to work so hard to do so much, all of which are wedding dresses for others."

  Tantai Mo's face was embarrassed, and the corners of his lips pursed into a straight line, still unwilling to believe this fact, "Guo Shi Huiling always thinks for me, what's the benefit of her lying to me?"

   "The flesh and blood of the evildoer of this sect master, but the phoenix life achieved by the fusion of Ziwei Xing, is an unattainable supplement to people in the Xuanzhong."

  Tantaimo bit the corner of his lips.

The place on   's body where Si Yu had beaten him faintly ached.


   National Master Huiling has always used him for his own benefit?

   "Master Penglai knows, where is my sister?"

   Tantai Mo looked at Penglai eagerly for knowledge.

  Penglai smiled without saying a word, and only said, "There are some things that should not be known from the people outside the head. If the King of Nanyue has this heart, he might as well give the Song family an explanation first."

  Tantaimo pressed the corner of his lips.

   Song family?

   "In the clouds beyond the mundane world, I saw you walk all over the mountains and rivers, but come back without a hitch countless times.

   I finally found the answer, but I could only cry bitterly against a handful of loess. "

  Penglai advised him,

   "The regrets of a hundred years ago, don't repeat the same mistakes."

  Tantaimo is half-understood.

  How could he know that as early as in his previous life, he searched all over the world and finally found his sister's house, but he could only look at Qi Mio's grave in grief.

   He came too late, and if he missed it, he would regret it for life.

   Hearing what Penglai said at the moment, he thought that Penglai was implying that the Song family could find a way to find his sister.

  Tantaimo almost couldn't wait to go towards Song Mansion.

   It's over~ It's over~

   Remember to vote! mwah!



   (end of this chapter)

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