The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 790: For a hundred years of her loneliness, he has been lonely and patient

   Chapter 790 She has been lonely for a hundred years, he has been alone and patiently guarding her 6

   "It's this hypocritical face that slandered the king's Ah Zhao."

  Siyu ran over Qi Dan's face with his feet, from the nose bone to the lower jaw, the sound of bone cracks was horrifying.

  Qi Dan screamed in pain at Si Yu's feet, and his handsome face was instantly bloody.

  Siyu bowed his knees and admired Qi Dan's tragic state. His dark pupils were filled with morbid satisfaction, and he murmured, "Without this face, Ah Zhao can only trust me."

   Qi Dan was in pain.

   Hatred caused him to make a twisted squeak and a pitiful laugh, "But, it's a pity, you came for Song Zhao, but she can't see her again..."

  Siyu's body suddenly froze, and the storm was about to come in his eyes, "What did you say?"

"She is already dead!" Qi Dan was full of hatred, making him forget the pain, his face was blurred, his eyes were swollen, and he stared strangely at the stagnant Si Yu, "You are late! Song Zhao has died more than ten years ago. God hahaha!

   She couldn't see anything, she didn't know you were here, she thought you lied to her, she was so angry! Hahaha! "

  Siyu froze all over.

   The brain cannot breathe for a moment.

  He had Qi Dan **** and walked with him to the dungeon.

   The dungeon where Song Zhao was originally imprisoned was already empty.

  The humid environment gives off an unpleasant musty smell.

   A pool of dried blood stabbed Si Yu's eyes.

   The man's eyes instantly turned red, and a huge panic swept him.

   He rushed out of the cell and went to ask the guards one by one.

   He asked, "Where is Song Zhao?"

   "Where has this king's Ah Zhao gone?"

   "This king agreed with her and asked her to wait for this king to come."

   The jailers shivered and knelt on the ground, completely daring to look at Si Yu's expression.

   The state of rage that collapses at any time and destroys the world makes people tremble from the very beginning.

  Qi Tan looked at Si Yu's madman's appearance, and the whole person was very happy, "You want to know where Song Zhao is, she has already fallen into the ground. Or her third brother kneeling on the ground, breaking the tendons and tendons and begging me for the grace!

  According to the time, she is already rotten, and may have maggots, do you want to go and see? "

  Siyu's forehead shook violently.

   stretched out his hand and grabbed Qi Dan's neck fiercely, "Damn you!"

  The man's eyeballs were almost covered with red blood.

  Like the uncrowned king suffered from thunder, his back was completely bent, and only strong support was left.

  Qi Tan's breath shrank one by one, approaching suffocation, blood and tears fell from his eyes, and he choked, "I saw that you liked her a long time ago, so I forced her to death."

   "I know that you actually wanted to rebel for a long time, because the Song family has always supported me as the prince, so you made concessions for her and watched me ascend to the throne."

   "Prince Regent, what if you got my country, you will never lose your beloved girl."


  Siyu twisted Qi Dan's neck.

   His chest was deep and heaving, he turned and grabbed a jailer and asked him to take him to the place where Song Zhao was buried.

   The jailer took Si Yu to the garden of Song Mansion tremblingly.

  The once prosperous and graceful Song Mansion has withered and decayed like leaves in the autumn wind.

   There is a small grave in the garden.

   That was Song Jinfu's last meager strength, just for the little princess who was so pampered by the Song family, to be able to leave with dignity.

  The tombstone was written in bright red blood—

  The tomb of the daughter of the Song family.

  Siyu looked at this scene out of focus.


   The man's knees softened and he knelt down.

   (end of this chapter)

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