Chapter 799 Uncle's Compensation 3

   Tantaimo's team arrived.

   happened to see Si Yu walking out of the basement hole with Song Zhao in his arms.

  Song Yun, Song Jinfu, and Song Shenmai rushed over quickly.

  Song Zhao was covered in blood, fell into Si Yu's arms, and fell into a coma from exhaustion.

   Yun's group looked at them in shock.

   "What happened to Zhao Zhaoer?" They asked eagerly.

  Siyu said in a low voice, "A Zhao was hit by an arrow in the knee, I don't know the situation yet."

   is talking.

  Tantaimo walked over with heavy steps.

   He had calmed down a lot, but when his eyes fell on Song Zhao, he instantly tightened.

  Siyu came to Tantai Mo step by step, "Is it your hand?"

   is an interrogative sentence.

   is a firm tone.

   He looked at Song Zhao's injury, the strength of the arrow piercing into the flesh is the ruthless force that only a man can do.

  Tantaimo's dark eyes were fixed on Song Zhao's pale face, and the hands hanging by his side gradually tightened.

   How ruthless he was at that time, the deeper the regret in his chest.


  Tantaimo's difficult deep voice.

   heard the words.

   Yunshi and the others glared at Tantai Mo angrily.

   "That's what you said Zhaozhao won't suffer?" Yun's voice was sharp,

   "What the **** did you do to my daughter?"

  Siyu's eyes were fierce.

  Suddenly raised his leg and stepped heavily on Tantaimo's knee.

  Tantaimo was trampled to the ground without any resistance, and his brows frowned slightly because of the pain.

   But he didn't say a word.

   Si Yu walked past him and said ruthlessly, "If A Zhao's leg is damaged in the slightest, this king will ask the King of Nanyue to pay it back ten thousand times."

  Tantaimo lowered his head.

   was in a trance full of eyes, not knowing what to do.

   Thick blood flowed from his nose.

   is the gu poison remaining in the body, and the pain makes his back bend deeply.

   He stretched out his hand and wiped it, looked up at his sister, "Yun'er."

  Yun's heart was with his daughter, and he was not in the mood to settle accounts with his cheap brother, so he quickly left here with Siyu.


  Siyu immediately sent Song Zhao to the doctor's door.

  The door owner personally treated Song Zhao.

   After carefully examining Song Zhao's wound, the sect master's eyes were solemn.

  Siyu's heart sank slightly, "Sect Master, how is Ah Zhao's situation?"

  The sect master paused and said, "I'm not good at treating bones, so I'd better ask a bone specialist to take a look at Zhao girl."

  The lip line is straightened.

   means door owner.

   Song Zhao's knee injury had already damaged his root bone.

   He had an ominous premonition in his heart.

   After a while, an orthopaedic specialist from the outpatient clinic of the genius doctor came to diagnose and treat Song Zhao.

   After some examinations, the specialist shook his head with a complicated expression, "The arrow is sharp, it has damaged the bone marrow, and there is nothing I can do."

  Siyu's brows sank.

   The orthopaedic specialists in the genius doctor door are powerless.

   What about Ah Zhao's legs?

   The sect master's face was gloomy and gloomy, and he kept shaking his head and sighing.

   "What happened to Zhao girl? Who was so cruel to her?

   Her leg bones were frozen purple, even if they were delivered an hour earlier, they could still be saved. "

  Song Zhao is the face of the magician.

   Now that the knee has been hit so hard, I am afraid that I will not be able to get medical treatment in the future.

   This is not only the loss of the genius doctor, but also a devastating blow to Song Zhao himself.

   There was no other way, Siyu could only bring Song Zhao back to the palace.

   Now I can only hope that after Song Zhao wakes up, maybe she can do it herself.

   went back to the house on the front foot, and Penglai appeared in the bedroom of Song Zhao and Siyu on the back foot.

  Siyu encounters a savior, "Head of Penglai, please take a look at Ah Zhao."

  Penglai glanced at the door, "You go out first."

  Siyu reassured Song Zhao to Penglai.

After   Siyu left, Penglai sat beside Bububu's bed and swept Song Zhao's face with his whisk, "Scary, don't pretend to be dizzy."

  Song Zhao lifted his eyelids, sat up half-prop up, smiled at Penglai, "Hello, master."

   (end of this chapter)

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