The Group Pet Sister Became the Petite Bag of the Powerful Minister

Chapter 805: Rebels attack the country_ Epilogue 1

   Chapter 805 Rebels attack the country_End 1

  Tantaimo's gaze was slightly fixed on Song Zhao's knee, and then quickly moved away.

   He didn't dare to look more.

   Every time I look at it, the remorse in my heart grows a little more.

   Injuring his sister's own daughter was the last thing he wanted to face.

"I'm sorry." Tantai Mo has never bowed his head to anyone, but at this moment, he lowered the emperor's noble head towards Song Zhao, and his tone was always as steady as Mount Tai, and he was a little embarrassed, "If I had known that you were me My niece... I can't do this..."

   talking and talking.

   He couldn't speak for himself.

   Such a weak explanation, no matter how you listen to it, is a bit too far-fetched.

   Can you hurt without knowing it?

   For the average person, that would certainly be condemned by moral conscience.

   But he is a king.

  The psychology of the emperor is so self-centered.

  If Song Zhao was not his niece, he would never admit his mistake anyway.

  Song Zhaotai understands the idea that the royal family has the upper hand.

   Should I say he was wrong?

   is actually true.

  Who lives in the world, not for himself?

   said he was right, she couldn't pass that level in her heart.

   In short, no matter how you think about it, you will always be intimidated by yourself.

   Yunshi walked up to Song Zhao and said softly, "Since the King of Nanyue has sent a doctor, that's what he should do. Even if we suffer, we can't change anything."

  Song Zhao knew that his family was concerned about his own legs, so he had to nod his head to relieve the family.

   The Nanyue orthopaedic doctor stepped forward to show Song Zhao's leg.

   After diagnosis and treatment.

   The imperial doctor shook his head and glanced at Song Zhao calmly. His regret was beyond words, and he sighed softly, "The leg of the Zhaoyang County Lord, I really can't walk anymore."

  Tantai Mo asked anxiously, "Can you think of another way? There are countless prescriptions in the world, and there is no one medicine that can cure Zhaoyang County Lord's leg?"

  The imperial doctor knelt on the ground and said with shame on his face, "This minister is not skilled in medicine, so please forgive me."

  Tantai Mo's lips were pale, as if he had been devastated by the wind and frost, he stood there and reacted for a while before waving weakly to let the imperial doctor back down.

   He then turned his head and said to Song Zhaoji, "Yun'er, Zhaozhao, don't worry, I will find a way for you to find a doctor who is more proficient in orthopedics..."


   Yun Shi was angry, so he raised his hand and gave Tantai Mo a slap.

She bit her lip hard, her eyes were flushed, her tears had dried up and she couldn't cry anymore, every word that came out of her throat was choked a thousand times before she came out, "If you say it lightly, you can make sure you find it. get it?

   Even the doctors of the genius doctor can't do anything, who do you think you are? You are His Majesty Nanyue and you are amazing?

   As my own family, I didn’t help a little, but it made my Zhaozhao unable to walk.

  My Zhaozhao was raised by thousands of pets and pets. You have not fulfilled your elders' responsibilities, and you have hurt her so far!

   She is still so young and has a long way to go. How do you want her to go? "

  The strength of the woman is so great, even with all her strength, Tantaimo's face still hasn't changed in the slightest.

  The uncomfortable feeling in his heart, but it seemed like a fire was lit, and he was swayed from the inside out.

   He moved his lips, but couldn't say a word.

   Yunshi got emotional, stretched out his hand and pushed him, "You leave me, I don't want to see you. I don't have your brother, and Zhaozhao doesn't have you as an uncle.

  You go back to South Vietnam immediately, and don't appear in Dasheng in your life! "

  Tantaimo was driven out of the Song family by life.

   For the specific crematorium, see the extra.

   Next, write the introduction paragraph.



   (end of this chapter)

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