Chapter 815 Finale 4

   "Father, father..."

  Yin Wanyang reluctantly crawls to the side of the prince's grandfather, looking at his father's impersonal appearance, his voice is hoarse, "Uncle...what are you doing?

  How can you be worthy of Wan Yang's deceased mother like this? "

  Tantaimo's eyes were slightly slanted, as if swept by the whistling cold wind, his gloomy eyes were cold and ruthless.

   He sneered and glanced at the father and daughter who were playing around with him, raised his foot and kicked the prince's grandfather on the back.

   "You speak to Emperor Dasheng yourself."

  Prince Taifu rolled like a ball to the feet of Emperor Yuan Chun.

Emperor Yuanchun raised his eyebrows slightly, and his expression became a little more admirable, "So what... Although the King of Nanyue accidentally injured the Princess Zhaoyang, the Prince Regent has already abolished a leg of Emperor Mingyue, and it is considered that the two do not owe each other. now..."

   It doesn’t have to be in order to show that you are wrong. Kill your family.

  The King of Nanyue is a ruthless man.

   The words of emotion have not been uttered.

  Prince Taifu wept, "Chen, I'm guilty...I lied to the sage and the king of Nanyue...I'm not the wife of Princess Xiangyun."

   heard the words.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was stunned on the spot.

   Yin Wanyang's red pupils suddenly dilated, and she held her breath.

   She seemed to be extremely frightened, her neck was slightly red, "Father, father, what are you talking about?"

  The prince's grandfather said to his daughter bitterly, "Wan Yang, it's your father who lied to you, you are not the niece of the King of Nanyue... It's your father who is sorry for you..."

   He didn't expect the lie to be exposed so quickly.

  Tantaimo obviously knew it for a long time, and put him in the dungeon and tortured him early in the morning.

  The bowels of the prince and grandfather's regret are turning green.

   Yin Wanyang's body froze in place, motionless.

   The blood seemed to be congealed in the blood vessels, and the pain in both legs could not be felt for a moment.

   As early as when she learned that she might be the niece of the King of Nanyue, she had doubts about herself and thought it was unlikely.

   But her father was so firm in admitting her identity.

  The King of Nanyue also loves her so much and gives her the beauty of Emperor Ji.

   She has long since felt that she is the Emperor of Nanyue.

   But now the truth is revealed, it turns out that she is not.

   fell from heaven to hell, nothing more than that.

  The prince was even more desperate, all his chips fell on Yin Wanyang.

   Not revealing sooner or later.

   happened to collapse this month when he was about to ascend the throne.

   This is the crime of deceiving the king.

   He hurriedly knelt down and said, "Father Huang Mingjian, Erchen did not know that the Crown Princess's family deceived the King of Nanyue to deceive Dasheng, Erchen is innocent."

  Prince really doesn't know.

   Would Emperor Yuan Chun believe it?

  If Yin Wanyang hadn't replaced the identity of the Nanyue Emperor Ji, how could the prince marry Yin Wanyang?

"In order to get the throne of the emperor, you guys are really good at abacus." Emperor Yuan Chun only felt that a fire was burning in his chest and abdomen, and it was burning more and more vigorously, almost reaching the door of the face. All are red.

  Prince knelt on the ground, his head lowered so hard that he almost touched the ground.

  Emperor Yuan Chun took a deep breath and suppressed the abnormal anger in his body. He looked at Tantai Mo with an unpleasant tone, "King of Nanyue knows that the prince's family is bullying the prince, why didn't he tell me immediately?

  Prince Taifu is a person from Dasheng, so Dasheng should explain it to you. "

   Instead of Tantaimo's lynching of the prince's grandfather, he placed the embarrassing red fruit of the royal family's struggle for succession on his birthday.

   involved the prince, and Emperor Yuan Chun only felt offended.

   This kind of price drop should not be publicized.

  Tantai said coldly, "Prince Taifu deceived me and used me as a counterfeit, but instead hurt my real niece. Dasheng can't give this account."

   Emperor Yuan Chun narrowed his eyes.

   Listen to this,

  The King of Nanyue found the real niece.

   Think about this thought.

  Tantaimo has strode towards Song Zhao.

  The eyes of the people around him were focused on him, and he could see Tantaimo's heavy and obscure gaze as he walked towards Song Zhao.

   Just now everyone didn’t understand.

   Now react.

   "So Zhaoyang County Master is the real niece of the King of Nanyue?"

  Emperor Yuan Chun watched Tantai Mo and Song Zhao closely.

Tantai Mo walked to Song Zhao's side, but was too embarrassed to get too close to her. Hearing Emperor Yuan Chun's question, his eyes swept over Song Zhao with a little dodge, and then he quickly lowered his head. Nodding quickly.

   "That's right."

   "My real sister is the wife of General Zhenguo, Princess Xiangyun."

   Tantai Mo said word by word.

   Emperor Yuan Chun frowned.

   This is not good news.

  The Song family is already the only one in the family... Another Nanyue king... Wouldn't it be possible to turn the sky upside down...

   Everyone quickly realized the huge background of the Song family and took a deep breath.

   All the ministers who were originally standing in line with the crown prince could not wait to kneel down and call out to Song Zhao.

   This is a special need to win.

   With such an awesome background, whoever is in the top can be in the top?

  Emperor Yuan Chun was having a headache, Tantai Mo continued, "I am here today, one is to expose the scam, and the other is that I need the Emperor Dasheng to give me something back."

   Emperor Yuan Chun asked back, "What?"

   "The Tiger Talisman of the Condors."

   Tantai Mo's voice fell.

  The prince raised his head alertly.

   Emperor Yuan Chun only thought it was absurd, "What's the matter with Dasheng, the tiger talisman of the South Vietnam Condor team?"

Tantai Mo sneered, "Yin Wanyang suggested to me a few days ago that His Royal Highness wanted to use the Tiger Talisman of the Condor Team, but I refused. I woke up yesterday and found that the Tiger Talisman of the Condor Team was missing. I suspect that His Royal Highness the Prince stole my Tiger Talisman. If I don't hand over the tiger talisman today, I will definitely wash the Prince's Mansion with blood. Never give up!"

   Yin Wanyang's eyes were blurred, and when he heard this, he subconsciously shouted to clarify, "Isn't the tiger talisman of the Condor team... Did you give it to His Highness?"

   This shout is equivalent to hammering Tantaimo's words.

  Tantai Mo laughed in anger, "The Emperor Dasheng thought that I would send the Tiger Talisman of the Condor team into the hands of others."

  The prince was shocked, "I didn't steal the tiger talisman—"

  Emperor Yuan Chun's face sank, and when he went up, he slapped the prince, "Damn."

  Each country has a gravity army guarding its borders.

   That is the core of the country.

   Who would be so foolish enough to give the core to someone else?

   It was clear that the prince wanted to rebel, and he was afraid that Tantaimo would know the truth and stole the tiger talisman in advance to take his kingdom.

  It is normal for my son to take over Laozi's country.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was almost mad.

   Without waiting for Tantaimo to speak, he directly instructed the palace servants to search the Prince's Mansion.

   Half an hour later, the palace servant came over with the tiger talisman that was searched.

   Seeing the tiger talisman, Emperor Yuan Chun's energy surged to Tianling Gai, his eyes rolled, he couldn't lift it up in one breath, and he fainted.

  The army is in chaos.

   Emperor Yuan Chun was sent to Tai Hospital for emergency treatment.

  The Prince Regent came forward and took the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince's Taifu, and Yin Wanyang to the Zongren Mansion.

  The matter has come to this point, the Crown Prince, the Prince's Taifu, and Yin Wanyang already understand that they are being calculated.

   was thoroughly calculated by Tantai Mo.

   can no longer turn over.

  What ascended the throne and became emperor and ruled the world all came to nothing when Tantaimo knew the truth.

   And the tiger talisman will make the prince go to **** and never get up again.


   After a night of first aid, Emperor Yuan Chun regained consciousness.

   As soon as he opened his eyes, he refused the medicine sent by the Taiyuan Hospital, and despite the dissuasion of the ministers, he asked Furong to feed him immortal pills.

   After eating Shenxianwan, Emperor Yuan Chun regained all his energy.

  He went to court in high spirits.

  What the prince did has been spread throughout the Manchu civil and military affairs, and he habitually asked the ministers how to deal with it.

  The prince committed such a heinous crime, stole the Nanyue tiger talisman, and intended to kill the monarch and rebel. Emperor Yuan Chun thought that everyone would start a book and behead the prince.

  However, the courtiers, unexpectedly, all spoke for the prince.

   "Although His Royal Highness the Crown Prince committed a heinous crime, he is always the eldest son of the Holy One. If he is executed, it will definitely arouse public opinion and talk about the royal family.

   "The minister seconded the proposal. His Royal Highness was just in a daze. The Holy Master should give him a chance."

   "Even if it's for the reputation of my dynasty, the Crown Prince shouldn't be punished."


   Emperor Yuan Chun became more and more angry the more he heard it.

  If all the ministers demanded the execution of the prince, he might also consider the reputation of the royal family and only give the prince a lifetime ban.

   But, all the ministers let him let go of the prince.

   I'm afraid I'm not kidding him.

  Emperor Yuan Chun has always been suspicious. He can be ruthless to outsiders, but even if he is suspicious of his own son, he will not kill.

   But when the civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty were speaking to the prince, he never had a moment when he wanted to kill a person so much.

  The world is his, and so are the courtiers.

  The minister speaks for the prince, I am afraid that it is not the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty that the prince is the emperor.

   If the prince is not eliminated, he can still do well today.

  Emperor Yuan Chun immediately opposed the public opinion and ordered the execution of the prince and the Yin family.


   The imperial decree.

  Prince could not accept this result at all.

   He obviously did nothing, so why was he executed?

   Sitting in the damp and dark prison, he learned from the jailer's mouth that all the court officials released him on the holy request.

   It is precisely because there are too many voices that are biased towards the prince, that will aggravate the suspicion of Emperor Yuan Chun even more.

  The death of the prince is inevitable.

  Who made him so stupid? At this critical moment, he even asked the ministers to beg him for mercy.

  The prince vomited blood.

  Why didn't he know that he was so big and could manipulate the ministers to speak for him?

  Tantaimo is no longer his backer, and those ministers who were drawn are not fools, so how could they still turn to him?

   At times like this, whoever speaks for him wants him to die.

  Prince doesn't want to die.

   He finally made it to this day, and he was only one step away from making his dream come true.

   As long as he can survive, he can make a comeback.

   Survival instinct, the prince burst out with endless desire.

   He begged the jailer to invite his best brother, Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng is the son of Lin Yushi, Lin Yushi holds the power of supervision and has the right to impeach all things.

   As long as Yushi Lin helps to speak, the prince can save his life.

  Lin Feng soon came to visit the prince.

   He knew that the prince wanted him to help, and Lin Feng, who used to be responsive to the prince, ruthlessly rejected the prince.

   "Lin Feng, you also want to betray Gu?" The prince's eyes were twisted and filled with hatred.

  Lin Feng sighed, "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry.

  The life of this minister was saved by the Lord of Zhaoyang County. Long ago, the Lin family was the flag placed by the Lord of Zhaoyang County by your side. "

   In other words.

   I betrayed you a long time ago. Was it a surprise or a surprise?

   (end of this chapter)

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