Chapter 821 Fanwai _ The Empress Brings Baby 1

  Siyu succeeded to the throne and changed Yuan to Jiayi.

  The enthronement ceremony and the queen conferment ceremony were arranged on the same day. The grand and grand scene on that day became the most vivid description in the description of the Empress Qingshi.

   above the ceremony.

   The handsome emperor wearing a dragon robe and the beautiful queen wearing a phoenix crown and phoenix robe hand in hand.

   Civil and military officials bowed down to the emperor and bowed.

   Palace staff sang and read the imperial edict of grace.

   All the officials were upgraded to one level, and the Song family was promoted to the government of Chaopin Town, and the title was inherited forever and never declined.

The    imperial ceremony was busy from morning till night.

  Siyu had just been enthroned with busy affairs, and then he went to the imperial study with the elders to hold a small court meeting.

  Song Zhao was much more leisurely, so he went back to the Jiaofang Hall first.

Before the    imperial code, the palace staff re-rested the Jiaofang Hall half a month in advance.

  The hall is arranged according to Song Zhao's favorite furnishings, from incense burners to small pharmacies, except that the venue looks more luxurious and spacious, which is no different from her boudoir in Zhaoyang Courtyard of Song Mansion.

  Song Zhao's exhaustion all day, when he saw the familiar environment in front of him, he immediately relaxed a lot.

Bell and Biqing waited on Song Zhaomu's body and smirked while smearing essential oil on her white body, "The furnishings of the Jiaofang Palace from the inside to the outside are all written down word by word by His Majesty, making people stare at the palace servants. , I'm afraid that the empress will not feel comfortable living in the palace."

  Biqing smiled and said, "Your Majesty has always put our empress first, and I haven't even taken care of my own sanctuary."

  Song Zhao's lotus-white arm was beside the bathtub made of warm jade.

  The clear hot water gently brushed her snow-white and delicate skin, and the girl was like a translucent petal soaked in water, gentle and pure.

   is like a handful of ice and snow on the top of the mountain, exquisite and delicate.

  The beauty is amazing.

   "You two little girls, will you die if you don't flatter for a day?"

  Song Zhao raised his delicate eyebrows.

   Lazy ending, showing a good mood.

   Bell Biqing looked at each other and smiled shyly.

Behind   mu, Song Zhao put on a silk tunic.

  The golden thread is like starlight jumping around.

  The long, twisted hair was pulled up by a purple jade gold hairpin.

   Exquisite from head to toe.

  Song Zhao groaned in his heart.

   is too extravagant.

   No wonder so many people pursue top power.

   Being a queen is really cool.

   "Your Majesty is here—" A palace servant's promise came from outside the door.

  Siyu strode in from the outside, his cold face quickly warmed up the moment he stepped into the Jiaofang Hall.

  Song Zhao had just finished his meal and was wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. Hearing the sound, he bowed dignifiedly, "Your Majesty Jin An."

  Siyu stretched out his hand and took Song Zhao into his arms, with a slightly solemn voice, "You are not allowed to salute me."

  Song Zhao rolled his eyes and smiled, poked his finger on the man's chest, and nodded playfully, "Etiquette must not be broken."

   She signaled that there were still palace servants around.

  Siyu didn't care, he lowered his head and kissed Song Zhao on the cheek, sweet and soft, domineering and unreasonable, "I want everyone to follow the etiquette, only my queen is maverick."

  The palace people heard the words, and they felt envious in their hearts.

  Siyu waved his hand and drove the unsightly person out.

   The couple leaned against the glazed lamp and rubbed their ears together.

  Song Zhao reached out and touched Wu Qing under Siyu's eyes, feeling sorry for his hard work, "How does it feel to be the emperor?"

"not so good."

  Siyu rested his chin on Song Zhao's shoulder, pressing all the weight of his body over it, very clingy, "I regret it a bit, I see you very little every day."

   Being emperor is too busy.

   He went to court at five o’clock every day, from morning to night, especially when he just ascended the throne, in order to set an example, he had to read the memorial when he was eating.

   In this month of preparing for the enthronement and posthumous ceremony, Si Yu could only sleep for two hours a day, and spend the rest of his time working on his career.

  Song Zhao heard Si Yu's anguish and wanted to laugh, "What should I do? I can't run away."

"I miss you very much." Si Yu took Song Zhao's hand, passed between his fingers, and intertwined with her, "I think about you every day... I'm not a responsible emperor, and I'm very annoying when I see the government. I want to go sightseeing with you."

  Song Zhao, "..." You don't have to be so unmotivated.

   She was too embarrassed to say it.

   She is quite addicted to being a queen.

   "Kiss." Si Yu said again.

  Song Zhao put on red lips, and the two entwined and kissed deeply.

  Siyu kissed until her spine was swaying, and the lines of her neck connected to her Adam's apple felt subtle ups and downs, and she was so sexy.

   He pecked her chin, "Let's have a little princess soon... Then when she grows up and takes over the government of his father, I can retire and accompany you."

  Song Zhao's chin tickled, and smiled to avoid him, "How can the little princess help you, don't you still have to give birth to a little prince?"

   She knew that Si Yu had always wanted a daughter and wanted to raise a little Ah Zhao, and she dreamed of asking her daddy to hug her at night.

  Siyu's eyes were crimson, and he fell into the curtain while pressing Song Zhao.

   "Then make her the empress."


   Song Zhao's voice was swallowed up.


  Siyu put the matter of giving birth on the agenda.

   Every day, no matter how busy you are, you have to go back to Jiaofangdian on time to accompany Song Zhao to sleep.

   He could only sleep for two hours a day, and for an hour and a half he was pulling Song Zhao to roll the sheets.

  Song Zhao was afraid that he would **** up someday, but he couldn't persuade him, so he secretly gave him medicine to strengthen his body...

After    hard work for a month, Song Zhao found that his sunflower water had stopped.

   took the pulse.

She is pregnant.

   Please ask for tickets, give me the illusion that there are many treasures watching after the ending.



   (end of this chapter)

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