Chapter 825 Fanwai _ The Empress and the Baby 5

There have been several cases of   Pregnant Mother Syndrome in the history of rare diseases.

  The old imperial doctor has been specializing in female fertility for decades, and he has a deeper understanding than the general imperial doctor.

  The surrounding palace people were dumbfounded after hearing this.

   It's the first time I've heard that men can bear pregnancy reactions on behalf of women.

   The old imperial doctor glanced at His Majesty, who was still retching, and the beard on his chin couldn't help twitching. He tried hard to restrain the urge to laugh absurdly, and seriously instructed Song Zhao to prepare himself mentally.

  Because the body structure of men is different from that of women, they may not be able to withstand the pregnancy reactions that should be endured by women.

   And judging from the fact that Siyu's morning sickness is more uncomfortable than that of ordinary pregnant women, there may be more uncontrollable emergencies in the later stage.

   Therefore, Your Majesty must maintain a good attitude. Before the birth of the child, you must not do strenuous exercise, and you must rest well and maintain healthy nutrition.

   After sending off the imperial doctor and others, Song Zhao instructed the palace servants to cook the anti-abortion pills, and sealed up the matter, so as not to spread the word and damage the image of His Majesty.

  A big man got pregnant mother syndrome, although it was caused by loving his wife, but in the feudal ancient thought. It's not very decent anyway.

  Si Yu vomited and had no strength, and collapsed on the bed, calling out to Song Zhao weakly, "Azhao, husband is so uncomfortable..."

  Song Zhao felt distressed and wanted to laugh. When the palace servants brought the contraceptive pills, she went over to help him up, and then fed him into it one by one.

   "What is this, it's hard to drink."

  Siyu's delicate and beautiful brows wrinkled into pimples.

   "This is a contraceptive pill. From now on, you have to replenish your body, which can reduce the reaction during pregnancy."

   Song Zhao coaxed him to drink.

  Siyu was aggrieved like a little daughter-in-law, leaned on Song Zhao's shoulder, and said quite unbearably, "Why is this dead child so tossing people?"

  Song Zhao finally couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

   "What are you laughing at... vomit." Si Yu lay on the bedside and vomited again, and it was dark and dark.

  Song Zhao took the veil and apologized while wiping it for him, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it... It's just that you look so funny..."

  Song Zhao laughed so hard that he could barely straighten his waist.

  Siyu stared at Song Zhao with question marks all over his head.

   He pushed Song Zhao's hand away angrily and pointed out,

"you go."

   "Don't try to get into my bed tonight."

   Song Zhaocai was not used to him, so he stood up simply, "Then I won't disturb Your Majesty."

   Turn around and leave.

   "You don't go."

  Siyu crawled and hugged Song Zhao from behind, pressing the weight of his entire body on her, "You are such a cruel woman, how can you bear to leave me alone."

  When people are weak, they will be extraordinarily hypocritical when facing their lover.

   Song Zhao didn't believe it before.

   Today is a thorough experience.

   "It turns out that being pregnant is so uncomfortable..." Siyu said in a low voice, "Fortunately, I took it for you. If I can lighten the burden for you, you can relax a lot."

   How great is your husband!

   Praise me! Praise me!

  Song Zhao touched the tip of his nose and looked at him earnestly, "Although I am very moved, please stop talking, I really can't help but want to laugh."

  Siyu, "..."

   will never love again.


   On the fifth watch, Si Yuqiang got up from sleepiness, endured the discomfort of his body, and went to court.

  Although the old imperial doctor said that he had to recuperate like a pregnant woman, he couldn't take a leave of absence for this reason.

   I have never seen any emperor in history who asked for leave due to pregnancy syndrome.

   Shame is not shameful.

  Siyu is to die, and he will also die in the courtroom.

  S *strong* Yu had just finished putting the harsh words in his heart, but as soon as he went to court, he started to retching frequently.

   (end of this chapter)

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