Chapter 94 Resurrection of the Doctor 2

   A fierce tiger roared with inner strength, and the mountain shook in an instant.

   Qi Jun's heart tightened.

   It was probably that he had just won the heart of his sweetheart, and he was too excited and had a strong sense of substitution. He felt that he had become Song Yao's husband.

   His neck lifted, and the conditioned reflex shouted, "Father-in-law!"

  Song Zhi was so angry that his nose was crooked, "Who is your father-in-law? Give it a try again!"

  Qi Jun touched his head with a single tendon, "It's not good, the last general hasn't come to the door to propose marriage, it's against the law of etiquette."

  Song Bin, "..."

   Good guy, I'm **** on the spot good guy!

  Qi Jun knelt down with a plop, and said in a loud voice, "Report to General Song, the last general is pleased with Miss Song, and I implore General Song to marry Miss Song to the last general."

   "This general only asks you to protect this general's daughter. You actually want to dig up this general's little cabbage. You are guarding yourself and stealing!" Song Bin was furious and could not wait to give Deli love a hammer.

   "Father, please calm down, daughter, daughter is also willing." Song Yao followed and knelt beside Qi Jun and replied timidly.

   Qi Jun was sweet in his heart, and couldn't help but stare at his sweetheart.

   Song Zhao watched this scene with his little hands behind his back, leaning against his grandmother's eyebrows.

   It's so good, my sister in this life can finally have a good marriage!

   "You are willing to be a hammer!" Song Bin was even more angry when he saw the eldest daughter taking such initiative.

   He snatched the scroll from Song Yao's hand, heartbroken,

   "Look at what ghostly talisman he painted, it's like a pig's hoof. How can you compare to those geniuses who are full of poetry and books, you are really dizzy!"

   Although Qi Jun is his most satisfied love general, he is not satisfied with Qi Jun being his son-in-law.

  Because of his military power, he couldn't let the eldest daughter marry into the high door, and he was already very wronged by the eldest daughter.

  How can Jiaodidi's eldest daughter marry a military general who has no father or mother?

  The eldest daughter is full of talents and studies, so she should be matched with a handsome young man who matches her talents.

   He himself is a reckless man, and he can be a coquettish daughter of someone else's family.

   But if his delicate daughter is carried away by a reckless man like him, it is absolutely impossible.

  #It's such a double standard#

   Yunshi came over and laughed coldly, "It's as if you didn't draw a pig's hoof out of it."

   "On the contrary, it doesn't work anyway." Song He said stubbornly.

   Mrs. Song said solemnly, "Okay, Great General, what are you doing here? Let's talk about it when we return to the manor."

  Song Bin was upset and kicked Duan Ziqi like a dead dog, "What should I do with Duan Ziqi? This time he provoked us, it's better to kill him."

   Song Lao Taijun shook his head, "No, if you kill it directly, you will inevitably use the topic to play. It's better to send it to the Ministry of Punishment."

  Song Zhao suggested in a crisp voice, "In my opinion, just break his legs and send someone to the Duan family.

  Let's take care of our children. No matter how annoyed the Duan family is, they won't have a head-on dispute with us because of an abandoned eldest son. "

  The old lady Song looked at her little granddaughter admiringly, "Zhao Zhaoer is still smart."

   Qi Jun said attentively, "Let the future do it!"

  Song's old lady Jun Yun looked at each other and said that she is quite right.

  Song Bin folded his arms around his chest, "Humph!"


After    went home, Qi Jun knelt in the main hall of the Song family and was questioned by the whole family.

   After shaking off his personal background, Qi Jun made a righteous promise, "I know that my status is low, but I will try my best to promote Jia Jiajue, and I will give Miss Song a chance to win the honored wife in the future!

   At the end of the day, I would like to swear that I will never accept a concubine. I have only one wife, Miss Song, in my life, and I will love her like a jewel for life! "

   (end of this chapter)

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