Chapter 1145, Childish Ghost

Wuyun Zhu'er didn't expect that he would come to her and make such assumptions about her.

His face turned red with anger, "I'm not that mean!"

 The cattle, sheep, and horses like her because they can feel her love for them.

 It’s not that she was playing any tricks.

I didn’t expect this man to miss her so much! It really **** her off.

Wu Yunzhu'er glared at Lao San with an angry face, "Go away, I don't want to see you!"

 The angrier she gets, the more energetic the third child becomes.

"Why should I leave? If you want to leave, you have to leave. This is my family's pasture."

 If it were any other girl who was hit by him like this, she would definitely be disgraced and angry.

But the dark clouds are not there, she refuses to leave.

"I won't listen to you. You are not my boss. My boss is your mother!"

 Lao San

This girl is really thick-skinned.

 “Isn’t what my mother owns mine?”

Wuyun Zhuer was too lazy to pay attention to him and rolled his eyes at him, "Go away, you childish ghost."

 Fortunately, she thought he was a **** before.

 It seems like this now.

 She is so tall, yet so childish, no different from her cousin who often bullied her when she was a child.

   Just like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

 Lao San was surprised to see that she was not afraid of him at all.

"I am the young master, why don't you treat me better? What if I go to my mother and say bad things about you?"

Wu Yunzhu'er said, "It's up to you. Anyway, I believe in my aunt's wisdom and will never listen to a villain like you who is trying to stir up trouble and say bad things about me."

"Hey you."

 Lao San was silenced by her and failed to speak for the first time.

 But I still want to save face, "Huh, let's see how long you can last."

“If you leave crying then, don’t blame me for laughing at you.”

Wuyun Zhuer bit her lip and glared at him angrily, "If you want to drive me away, there is no way! I won't even cry. If you want to wait for me to cry, go ahead and dream."

 As he said that, he turned around and rode away.

 The third child saw that she was walking so gracefully, so instead of leaving, he chased after her.

 The more he chased, the more the dark clouds annoyed him, and finally he sped up and said, "Drive~"

 The horse sped up and the third child chased after it with great interest, "Drive~"

 The two of them chased each other, but in the end Wuyun Zhuer was chased by Lao San.

Because she was running too fast, she fell off the horse before she could sit firmly.


The rapid landing made her scream out in fright. Fortunately, Lao San made a quick move and caught her in time, preventing her from falling into the mud.

The two of them spun down in the air. Wuyun Zhuer stared at the third child blankly. After landing, he quickly pushed him away.

Lao San fell to the ground and began to mutter, "Why are you pushing people? I saved you."

Wuyun Zhu'er didn't expect that he fell down with just a push. He felt a little sorry and said, "I didn't mean to do it."

   said and went to pull him up.

 Lao San looked at those slender little hands that were actually calloused, and immediately felt soft-hearted again.

Hook her hand and lend her strength.

But when he was about to stand up, he suddenly did something bad. He spun around and knocked down the dark cloud tree again.

 Luckily, the grass on the ground was thick and his arms were protecting him, otherwise he would have been hurt by the fall.

 But Wuyun Zhuer still glared at him.

“Have you not eaten? You can’t stand still? You are so strong but you are so powerful. You look good but you are useless!”

 Lao San

He has always thought that he is a three-dimensional man, how can anyone say that he is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

He immediately retorted to her, "Obviously it was you who was weak and couldn't hold me steady, so I fell, but you still blame me?"

  "I've been knocked down twice by you, you have to accompany me."

Wu Yunzhu'er looked at the grass clippings on his body and remembered that he was Aunt Jing's son, so he could only admit it, "I know, I'll pay you money."

 Speaking, he gave him the two taels of silver in his purse. But the third child didn't want it, "I want you to help me apply medicinal wine, and it doesn't cost any money."

 Wuyun Zhuer, "Don't want money?"

She is reluctant to give it to her if she feels good about it.

 Just apply the medicinal wine, "Then come with me."

 Speaking, he took him to the tent and gave him a bottle of medicinal wine, "Where do you want to wipe it?"

 Lao San pointed to his elbow, "This."

 And the back of the hand, "and this."

Wuyun Zhuer came over, blew the grass clippings on his hands, and then rubbed some medicinal wine on him.

The third child saw her lowering her head and applying the ointment very seriously. He snorted in his heart and thought to himself that this shrew really does like me.

 Otherwise, how could you give him medicine?

 It shows that she still wants to marry him.

Dark Cloud Zhuer…

 After applying the medicine, she ignored the childish ghost, got on her horse and prepared to go see the cattle and sheep.

After she got on the horse, she said to the third child, "I'm going to work. You can go and don't disturb my work."

 After saying that, he rode away without looking back.

Seeing that she had really left, the third child snorted and thought to himself, "Don't you just like me? Look at this shy person." Running so fast, isn't that embarrassing?

He raised the corners of his lips and rode back happily.

 When he is free next time, he will come over again.

  I also knew to bring something to eat this time.

 There are roasted pig's trotters, snacks, and fruits.

Wuyun Zhuer didn't expect him to come again, and said angrily, "What are you doing here again?"

Lao San held up the delicacies in his hand and said proudly, "Let me see how you are doing? After all, you are working for my family, so I have to come and take care of you."

Wuyun Zhuer rolled his eyes, "Thank you, but no need!"

The third child came over to Zilaishu and said, "Don't be like this, I brought you something delicious, let's eat one together."

Wuyun Zhuer coldly refused, "No."

She received monthly silver again today. She bought whatever she wanted to eat and didn't care about his.

 But Lao San had already opened the roasted pig's trotters on his hands, and the aroma suddenly hit his face.

This smell is really delicious.

 She was tired of eating solid food and steamed buns every day.

I have long wanted to eat some meat.

Although she could go out to buy things, she always felt that one visit took too long. She was afraid that wolves would come to eat the cattle and sheep during this period, so she did not dare to leave.

 Because the cattle and sheep are constantly moving when they are grazing, and if one loses sight of them, the sheep will be found somewhere.

 She has become very emotional when taking care of these cattle and sheep. She does not need to be told by her boss. She is very responsible and is afraid that one of them will be missing.

 So I stay here every day and don’t dare to go out on the street. I can’t eat anything delicious at all.

 Lao San knew that she hadn’t eaten meat for a long time, so he was deliberately craving for her.

Hand put the roasted pig's trotters under her nose, "Smell it, it's delicious. Let's eat together."

Wuyun Zhuer originally wanted to be stubborn and refuse to eat.

 But wouldn’t it be foolish not to eat the meat that reaches your mouth?

So she was not polite and snatched the roasted pig's trotters from Lao San's hand, "I'll give you the money and bring the pig's trotters."

 Then he sat down on the ground holding the pig's trotters and started to chew them.

   Seeing her wolfing down the food, the third child wanted to criticize her, but he relented.

Finally, Aojiao snorted, "Look at what you've eaten. Are you starving?"

Wuyun Zhuer glanced at him and said slurred, "No problem." Nope.

 Lao San laughed when he heard this, "I also have roast chicken here, do you want to eat it?"

Wuyun Zhuer's eyes lit up, "If you dare to give it, I dare to eat it."

Hum, don’t think she doesn’t know, this stinky man just wants to see her make a fool of herself.

She is not afraid, just watch, as long as she can eat enough.

 (End of this chapter)

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